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Peru Gazette’s 2020 County and Local Election Analysis

Absentee and Early Voting Follows National Trend

By John T. Ryan

The Clinton County Board of Elections published the final 2020 Election Results on November 24th.   President-Elect Joseph carried Clinton County with 18,364 (51.82%) vs Donald Trump’s 16,514 (46.6%). Other candidates garnered 559 votes (1.58%).  

Countywide absentee voting mirrored national trends with Biden receiving 5,674 absentee votes vs. Trump’s 2,160.  Tedra Cobb received 5,332 absentee votes vs. Elise Stefanik’s 2,554.  Kimberly Davis received 5,266 absentee votes vs. Daniel Stec’s 2,352. 

In the Town of Peru, Joseph Biden garnered 474 absentee ballots vs. Donald Trump’s 175. Tedra Cobb received 440 vs. Elise Stefanik’s 216. Kimberly Davis received 431 vs. Daniel Stec’s 211.  In Peru’s Early Voting Joseph Biden received 417 vs. Donald Trump’s 245. Elise Stefanik received 267 Early Votes vs. Tedra Cobb’s 400 votes. Kimberly Davis received 390 Early Votes vs. Daniel Stec’s 267. 

Here are the Countywide and Peru 2020 and 2016 (The last presidential election year) results, plus extra data on Clinton County’s and Peru’s political make-up.

President of the United States 

Clinton County Results 

2020 Joseph Biden 18,364, Donald Trump 16,514, Other 559

2016 Hillary Clinton 14,488, Donald Trump 14,449, Other 1,925

Peru Results 

2020 – Donald Trump 1,678, Joseph Biden 1,610, Other 53 

2016 – Donald Trump 1,486, Hillary Clinton 1,203, Other 179

Representative in Congress 

Clinton County Results 

2020 – Elise Stefanik 18,060, Tedra Cobb 17,212

2016 – Elise Stefanik 17,702, Michael Derrick 13,426

Peru Results 

2020 – Elise Stefanik 1,823, Tedra Cobb 1,513

2016 – Elise Stefanik 1,719, Michael Derrick 1,224

NYS State Senator

Clinton County Results 

2020 – Kimberly Davis 17,709, Daniel Stec 17,709,

2016 – Betty Little 23,656, Stephen Ruzbacki 3,266

Peru Results 

2020 Daniel Stec 1,761 Kimberly Davis 1,761,

2016 Betty Little 2,230, Stephen Ruzbacki 237

Member of the Assembly (Uncontested) 

Clinton County Results 

2020 – D. Billy Jones 27,070 

2016 – Kevin A. Mulverhill 1,603, D. Billy Jones 1,326 

Peru Results 

2020 – D. Billy Jones 2,437 

2016 – D. Billy Jones 1,326, Kevin A. Mulverhill 1,603

Clinton County has 48,720 Registered Voters up from 46,203 in 2016.

52 % are women.

48% are men.

Peru has 4,525 Registered Voters up from 4,305 in 2016.

Countywide Party Affiliations or Non-Affiliations 

37,102 (76%) voters are affiliated with a political party.

11,708 (24%) voters are not affiliated with a political party.

17,868 (37%) are Democrats.

15,254 (31%) are Republicans.

11,708 (24%) are Non-Affiliated Voters.

3,321 (7%) are Independence Party Members.

569 (1%) are registered in other third parties

Peru Party Affiliations or Non-Affiliations 

1,668 (37%) are Republicans

1,402 (31%) are Democrats

1,024 (23%) are Non-Affiliated Voters

321 (7%) are Independence Party Members

110 (2%) are members of other Third Parties

The Peru Gazette extends its thanks to Mary Dyer and Clinton County Board of Elections Technical Staff for providing the needed data.

January 1, 2020 – Editor’s Note: The vote totals for Daniel Stec and Kimberly Davis were reversed in my original story. They have been corrected.  Kimberly Davis carried Clinton County.