Budget ready for hearing – overall proposed spending increase is modest
The Peru Town Board held its regular meeting on Monday, October 26, 2009 and scheduled a public hearing on the town’s preliminary 2010 budget. The public hearing will be held on Thursday, November 5th at 6:30 p.m. As proposed, the budget promises a decrease in general fund spending and a modest increase in highway and water department spending. Both town general and town highway tax rates will decrease.
The preliminary 2010 budget proposes a general tax rate of $2.07/M down from $2.16/M last year. The preliminary highway tax rate is $2.44/M. Last year the highway rate was $2.51/M. Water district #1,2 &3 rates are proposed to increase from $1.47/M to $1.84/M. The water district increase is related to financing the capital improvements made to water plant last year. Sewer rates will decrease from $.35/M to $.16/M because certain capital improvement bonds have been paid off.
General budget total expenditures decreased from $1,350,944 to $1,322,851. Highway Department total expenditures increased from $1,306,914 to $1,421,755 primarily because of the need to replace a tandem plow truck and the Denton bridge. The entire preliminary budget can be seen on the Town of Peru website.
In other actions the Board:
- Approved a previously discussed water-sewer rate increase. The minimum charge for both in and out of district water users will increase by $2.00 per quarter for the first 6,000 gallons for a total of $ 8.00 a year. Sewer rates will also increase by $2.00 per quarter or $8.00 a year. Water and sewer connection fees will increase from $500 to $550.
- Approved an extension of the Winding Brook Drive Subdivision Water and Sewer District. There are currently two homes in the area. Any improvements are the responsibility of the developer.
- Approved natural gas line connections for the Highway Department and Water and Sewer garages. The Highway Department garage has three heating systems. Two systems will be converted to gas at a cost of about $3,500.
- Granted authority to the Deputy Supervisor to sign an assessment services contract with Clinton County.
- Scheduled a Board employee healthcare insurance workshop for November 5th at 7:30 p.m.
- Received an advisory letter from the Association of Villages and Towns stating that if the Town Board does not appoint a person to fill an open town office, the person elected to fill that office takes office as soon as that person’s election is certified by the Board of Elections. This opinion applies to the four-year counselor, two-year counselor and supervisor positions.
Posted: October 30th, 2009 under General News.