October 2021

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The editor is John Ryan at email: perugazette@gmail.com. The Peru Gazette is a free community, education and information website. It is non-commercial and does not accept paid advertising.

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Brandy McDonald seeks reelection as Peru Town Supervisor

Democrat Peru Town Supervisor Brandy McDonald is on the ballot for reelection this year. He should be re-elected on November 2nd because no one is opposing him for office. The Peru Gazette posed a few questions to Brandy seeking to inform voters about McDonald’s experience and the issues he sees facing Peru.

Brandy McDonald 

1.      How long have you served on the town board and as town supervisor?

–         I have served on the town board for 10 years, and for the past 4 years as Town Supervisor.

2.      Why are you seeking re-election of this office?

–        I am seeking re-election as Town Supervisor, as I truly enjoy serving my community and aiding in its progress and stability.

3.      How have you been able to balance your professional life with your elected town supervisor position? Do you have regular office hours and if so what are they? 

–        As I previously stated, I am still available 24 hours to this position, and even posted my cell phone number several times for my direct contact information to all Peru residence.

4.      What are your most significant accomplishments as town supervisor?

–        I worked with the town board on collaborative efforts of our implementing the necessary infrastructure upgrades, moving the location of the summer concerts to Heyworth Park, and approving the new monthly Peru Town Market Place.  I am most proud of the accomplishment and maintenance of working productively and effectively with all Town of Peru Board Members and employees.

5.      What have been your biggest frustrations or disappointments as town supervisor?

–        The biggest difficulty as town supervisor is the continual efforts and issues of dealing with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.   I try to make the best decisions to ensure the safety and well-being of the town employees and its residents.  However, this pandemic causes issues that cannot be addressed in a yes or no answer, which is very difficult to navigate at times.

6.      What are the most significant issues facing Peru and how do you plan to confront them?

–        One significant issue is the major sewer project and the issues of backorder for material.  As with any issues, I will work with my fellow town board members to implement the best plans within our control in confronting this issue or any other town issues.

7.      Do Peru residents express their ideas and opinions to you? If so, what major issues concern them the most? How have you responded to their concerns?

–        As with any elected position, residents do and should express their opinions and ideas to me, and I welcome them, which is why I continually advertise my direct contact cell phone number for their convenience.  I embrace my community and want to help any resident whenever possible.

Thank you,

Brandy McDonald, Peru Town Supervisor – cell: 518-593-3078