February 2022

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Online town board meeting to end, two speed limit reductions approved and more

By John T. Ryan
Highlights of the Peru Town Board’s January 24, 2022, regular meeting conducted via Zoom.
Supervisor Brandy McDonald announced that the future board meetings will be conducted in person at the town hall. The online line audio had often been incomprehensible. McDonald asked any person who does not feel well, to not come to meetings.
NYS approved speed limit reductions on two roads. The Signor Road limit is reduced to 45 miles per hour. The Arnold Road speed limit is reduced to 40 miles per hour.
The Board reappointed leaders of the Zoning and Planning Boards to one-year terms of office. James Falvo will chair the Zoning Board and Ryan Davies will continue to serve as Vice-Chairman. Richard Williams will continue his long service as Planning Board Chairman. Sean Lukes will continue as Vice-Chairman.
The Board approved its annual with contract the Peru Free Library. The town’s library budget has been stable at $80,000 for several years.
Bid opening for a new highway department truck was set for January 28th at 9 a.m. Purchase approval is expected to be on the board’s February 14th agenda assuming a truck is available. The truck replaces a high mileage 2004 Jeep.
Bids to replace the collapsing culvert on Telegraph Road will be advertised. Highway Superintendent Michael Farrell said he will continue pursuing NYS Bridges grant funding for the Telegraph Road bridge that must be replaced. Peru was not selected in the last grant funding round.
Adjourned to Executive Session at 7:06 p.m.