September 2022

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Dr. Curt Stager to Present at Ausable River Association Dinner September 28

WILMINGTON, NY — The Ausable River Association will host their first ever “September Shindig” on September 28 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. All are welcome for an evening of fine dining and camaraderie at The Hungry Trout Resort in Wilmington, NY. The night will feature Dr. Curt Stager, author and professor of natural sciences at Paul Smith’s College, as guest speaker. Dr. Stager will present an update on climate change in the Adirondacks based on a long-term study he is preparing to publish.

“The Adirondacks are warming faster than the planet as a whole, and a 30-year monitoring study at Paul Smith’s College shows that we are already seeing some of the effects on animals, plants, and ice here” said Dr. Stager. “As climate continues to change during this century, such long-term monitoring in the Adirondacks can also offer insights into what the future holds and how best to deal with it.”

Programs at the Ausable River Association programs address climate change on multiple levels. Most recently, they’ve begun working with a consortium of New York State universities and government agencies to launch the Survey of Climate Change in Adirondack Lake Ecosystems or SCALE – an effort that strives to guide management of Adirondack lakes for decades to come and serve as a model of environmental science and stewardship. “Understanding the effects of climate change on precious freshwater resources, biota, landscapes, and people, is more important than ever before,” said Kelley Tucker, Executive Director of the Ausable River Association. “In his books and his talks Dr. Stager makes the climate change impacts and the science that seeks to understand them palpable to scientists and non-scientists alike. That’s the first step toward meaningful solutions.”

The Hungry Trout Resort, now under new ownership, was a natural venue choice for the evening. In 2021, after 40 years, Linda and Jerry Bottcher retired and passed the torch to Matt and Laura Forman, who are also dedicated to supporting the Ausable River Association. The Shindig is a great opportunity to enjoy new offerings at the flagship Hungry Trout restaurant.

The September Shindig will also include a meet-and-greet reception with AsRA staff and friends, a raffle with multiple prizes, and a cash bar open throughout the event. All event proceeds benefit the Ausable River Association’s work to ensure healthy streams and lakes, biodiversity, climate resilience, and vibrant, engaged watershed communities.

The delicious dinner buffet options include trout, chicken, and vegetarian offerings. Tickets are $120 each and can be purchased online or over the phone. Space is limited, so please purchase tickets by 5:30 pm on Tuesday, 9/27/2022 to guarantee your seat; limited tickets may be available at the door for $140. To learn more and purchase tickets, please visit or call 518.637.6859.