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Lawn repair, 2023 paving plans, a Girl Scout Community Board and more

Monday, March 27, Peru Town Board Meeting Highlights 

By John T Ryan 

Highway Department 

The Highway Department will begin repairing lawns damaged by snowplows; however, the department will not be sweeping streets. Superintendent Mike Farrell explained that the department did not use sand this winter, only salt; therefore, sweeping is unnecessary.  

Farrell reported that his department has enough funding to pave the Dashnaw Road between the bridge and Bear Swamp Road, one-half of the John Boswell Road, and one-half the Mannix Road. He will pave the road sections with the asphalt strips he put down last fall. 

Several Peru Girl Scouts and leaders attended to request permission to erect a community information board at Heyworth-Mason Park. The scouts will decide what appears on the board. The board approved the request.

Clinton County Area 5 Legislator Richard Potiker attended the meeting. He reported that things are going smoothly at the county and commented that Peru has a good town board and supervisor. Potiker is not seeking reelection this fall.

Water and Sewer Department 

The board will conduct a May 22, 4 p.m. workshop with AES engineering to discuss upcoming water and sewer projects. The total upgrade to the water treatment plant will undoubtedly be a primary topic. 

Other items of interest: 

Helen and Raymond Agoney, who led the Golden Apple Club in Peru for senior citizens for the past twelve to thirteen years, are stepping down. The supervisor will send a thank you letter to the Agonys expressing the town’s appreciation for their work. In addition, the town will be looking for anyone interested in taking over the club. Its traditional activities include monthly socials, meals, and trips to various places.

Counselor Rick Barber reported finding “no problems” during a state-required annual internal audit of the town clerk/tax collector. He commented, “Both this and the judges’ audits were seamless. They laid out everything as requested; It was great.” Dianne Miller is Peru’s Town Clerk/Tax collector. 

The board has interviewed three candidates for the open recreation director position. It will interview the remaining candidate on April 3 at 5 p.m. 

Code Enforcement Officer Bob Guynup reported unsightly trash adjacent to Route 22B between Peru and Plattsburgh. He asked if a community group or organization might be interested in doing roadside pickup, similar to the Peru Lions Clubs’ excellent work on Bear Swamp Road. Supervisor Brandy McDonald will follow up on the issue.