April 2023

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Peru’s Clean Up Day is this Saturday, April 22

Lions Club President Dave Dalton handed out bags at the 2022 Clean Up

Peru Lions Club and Peru K-5 PTO announce they are co-hosting this year’s town-wide Community Green Up Day on Saturday April 22nd from 8 am – 12 pm. This event is being conducted on Earth Day and everyone, young and old, is encouraged to take part.

We invite you to join us as we pick up debris along town roads and neighborhoods. Meet up at the Peru Fire Station starting at 8 am to receive assignment for areas to be cleaned. You will receive bags, gloves and vests so you can participate in a safe way. Grabbers will also be available for easier pickup.

This event is sponsored by Peru k-5 PTO, Peru Lions Club, and Casella Waste Systems with additional support from Stewart’s Shops. This year Stewart’s, under their community support program, is providing coupons to the first 50 participating students that may be exchanged for an ice cream cone. Learn how you may receive a coupon at registration. Coffee will also be available at registration. An added feature of the day is a car wash at the fire station.

Peru Lions Club is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to serve the community of Peru and its residents. Peru K-5 PTO is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit booster club at Peru Central School in support of our youth.

We look forward to you joining us Saturday, April 22nd at 8 am at the Peru Fire Station and helping us clean up to green up and keep our town beautiful.