October 2024

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CCC Honors David Favro for Eight Years of Leadership as Board of Trustees Chair

L-R Ken Knelly, David Favro, Devi Momot

Plattsburgh, N.Y. – Clinton Community College (CCC) recently celebrated the leadership and dedication of David Favro, who served as chairperson of the Board of Trustees for the past eight years. Family, friends of the college, board members from the trustees, alumni, and foundation boards, as well as CCC employees, gathered to honor Favro’s service and contributions.

Favro has been a member of the CCC Board of Trustees since 2010 and has played an instrumental role in guiding the college through a range of challenges and opportunities. His leadership, marked by energy, skill, and respect, has kept the college’s mission and the well-being of students at the forefront. “Dave has led the Clinton Community College Board of Trustees with unwavering energy, skill, and respect, consistently keeping our mission and the well-being of our students at the forefront,” said Devi Momot, newly elected chairperson of the Board of Trustees.
Administrator-in-charge Ken Knelly also praised Favro’s leadership, stating, “Dave has served the college selflessly and dependably, leading as our board chair through momentous times. I have appreciated his leadership and counsel during my tenure here. We carry his legacy forward with pride and appreciation.”
Though stepping down as chairperson, Favro will continue to serve on the board as treasurer, allowing him more time with family and friends while remaining actively involved in the college’s future. Reflecting on his time as chairperson, Favro expressed his gratitude: “It has been an honor to serve as chairman of the CCC Board of Trustees for the past eight years. The members of the board are very supportive and committed. I am sad to step aside, but it is time, and in the best interest of all, to have fresh eyes and ears to continue the pathway forward. I am very excited with the direction Clinton is going, and I look forward to the many opportunities being created for future students.”
Devi Momot, who has been a board member since 2014, succeeded Favro as chairperson in September 2024.

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