February 2025

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The editor is John Ryan at email: perugazette@gmail.com. The Peru Gazette is a free community, education and information website. It is non-commercial and does not accept paid advertising.

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Washington Street resident voices concern about upcoming water-sewer tax increases 

By John T Ryan

February 24, 2025, Town Board Meeting Highlights:

Washington Street resident Michelle St. Onge expressed concern about the financial burden to residents related to planned water treatment and wastewater treatment plant upgrades. St. Onge estimated that water-sewer district taxes could increase by 60% or more. She suggested that non-profit, tax-exempt property owners and the school district share the burden, saying all residents will benefit directly or indirectly from the enhancements. She claimed that with increasing assessed values and the prospect of higher water-sewer taxes, some realtors are telling prospective home buyers that it might be better to look at other towns.

Supervisor Craig Randall responded, saying the board would open the wastewater plant bids on Friday, February 28. Then, it would have a much more accurate idea of the tax impact. He commented that the Peru School pays for its water-sewer services and that people in the water-sewer district must incur the cost, not the entire town. Grants and a 30-year no-interest loan will finance the project cost. (Discussion begins at the 2-minute, 25-second mark of the Peru Gazette video.)

Last year, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) awarded the Clinton County Health Department (CCHD) a two-year, $200,000 grant to reduce food waste throughout Clinton County. CCHD’s public health educator, Cody Douglas, described the county’s goals, asking the town to participate in its outreach and education program and consider locating a food waste drop-off site in Peru. (The Gazette will post Mr. Douglas’s presentation.)

Supervisor Randall informed the board about a local government lobbying day in Albany on March 4.  No board member expressed interest in attending.

In other actions, the board:

Approved the Peru Town Market’s request to use Heyworth-Mason Park on June 29, July 27, August 24, September 21, and October 19.

Reviewed C&S Engineering’s Telegraph Rd. Project Update. C&S reported no changes.

Contracted Atlantic Testing Labs for subsurface and geotechnical evaluation for the Wescott Road culvert replacement project for $14,078.

Noted that the Wastewater Treatment Plant Bid opening will be Friday, February 28, at 1 p.m. instead of Wednesday, February 26. Three bidders requested the delay.

Approved a legal services agreement with the Favro Law Firm for a detailed review of the Waste Water Treatment Plant bids at a cost not to exceed $7,500.

Briefly discussed considering a dog tethering law. Supervisor Craig Randall noted that Essex County enacted a tethering law in 2016. Town Attorney Matt Favro cautioned that the law could be difficult to enforce, especially among feuding neighbors, a problem Peru has encountered.  Favro said he’s all for protecting animals and implied that the board must proceed carefully if it decided to craft a tethering law. Supervisor Randall said the board would discuss the issue at one of the scheduled work sessions.

Highway Superintendent Michael Farrell reported that he is looking for the best price on a new Steam Jenny machine. The department’s old machine is not working, and replacement parts are unavailable. The department uses the machine to melt ice lodged in road culverts which is essential to mitigate flooding and road damage.

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