March 2025

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Stec joins effort to end tax on overtime, tipped wages

Dan Stec top row

March 3, 2025 – Albany – Senator Dan Stec (R, C-Queensbury) participated in a press conference calling for an end to the state tax on overtime and tipped wages. Given the increased cost of living due to inflation and the difficulties many New Yorkers face in making ends meet, ending this tax is a common-sense way to provide relief to working families.

            “Ending the tax on overtime and tipped wages should be a bi-partisan issue,” said Stec. “During last year’s election, President Trump called for an end to the federal tax on tipped wages and then-Vice President Harris followed suit. While the federal government works to eliminate it on that end, state government should do the same.
            “I was pleased to join my colleagues in pushing to eliminate the state tax on overtime and tipped wages. Instead of one-time, inconsequential gimmicks like ‘inflation rebate checks,’ Governor Hochul and Democrat leaders should look to create some substantive, long-term relief for working families. That means permanently ending the tax on overtime and tipped wages,” he added.

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