March 2025

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Archive for 'Agricultural News'

NY State Fair adds country singer to 2021 free concert lineup –

Source: NY State Fair adds country singer to 2021 free concert lineup –

Assemblyman Jones’s bill to help North Country dairy farmers passes Assembly

Assemblyman Billy Jones (D-Chateaugay Lake) announced that a bill he sponsored to amend the state agriculture and market law to ease restrictions on imports and permit requirements for dairy farmers has passed the Assembly (A.7481). “This bill will not only help New York consumers by providing them with a greater variety of dairy products, it […]

Federal bill looks to support local fairs | Sun Community News SARATOGA | 

Source: Federal bill looks to support local fairs | Sun Community News SARATOGA | A new federal bill now looks to provide grant funding to agricultural fairs to help ease financial losses from 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

As dairy farmers recover from pandemic, questions arise over support, milk pricing system | NCPR News

Source: As dairy farmers recover from pandemic, questions arise over support, milk pricing system | NCPR News

Why did the chicken wing get so expensive? | Local News |

Source: Why did the chicken wing get so expensive? | Local News |

Farmers dig in against proposed ban on coated seeds | Local News |

Source: Farmers dig in against proposed ban on coated seeds | Local News |

Champlain Valley Fair will return this summer without restrictions, organizers say

Source: Champlain Valley Fair will return this summer without restrictions, organizers say

Supervisors on track to demolish, replace, historic ag building | Sun Community News ELIZABETHTOWN | 

Source: Supervisors on track to demolish, replace, historic ag building | Sun Community News ELIZABETHTOWN | Essex County supervisors took a step toward demolition and replacement of a century-old fairgrounds building Monday (May 3), over the objection of Westport

Slow Down and Enjoy The Beauty

The Jarvis & Union Roads are two of Peru’s most beautiful areas with the Green Mountains to the east and the Adirondacks to the southeast. Farmer/orchardist/town councilman Melvin Irwin lives along Union Road. Mel has many talents, one of those is tending to his many flowers, especially those tulips outside his home.

It’s Wonderful Time of Year Folks!

Peru’s apple blossoms are emerging. The next few days are going to be very beautiful in our small town. (Forrence Orchards off Barney Downs Rd.)  

Saturday Was A Great Day To Visit Downtown Plattsburgh

On Saturday, May 8th, there were two well-attended events in downtown Plattsburgh today. The Farmers Market opened and the Stand Theater For The Arts hosted a Mother’s Day Market. Brinkerhoff Street was closed to traffic and the Stand’s front lawn was filled with exhibitors. The Strand Gallery was also open. Many people went inside to […]

Plattsburgh Farmers Market Opens at New Location

Saturday, May 8th was the opening day for the Plattsburgh Farmers’ Market at its new Green Street location. There were many sellers inside and outside the building and an excellent crowd about 10 a.m. Everyone seemed to be having a great time. Very convenient parking. Green Street is two-way and narrow, but people should get […]

Herd size: Vermont dairy farms are getting bigger and more efficient

Source: Herd size: Vermont dairy farms are getting bigger and more efficient

Farmer’s market reopens with big dreams | Sun Community News PLATTSBURGH | The Plattsburgh Farmers and Crafters Market unofficially started 30 years ago.

The farmer’s market will be open every Saturday starting May 8, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Source: Farmer’s market reopens with big dreams | Sun Community News PLATTSBURGH | The Plattsburgh Farmers and Crafters Market unofficially started 30 years ago.

First Mowing of the Year At Babbie Rural & Farm Learning Museum

Peru – We are now accepting donations from 9:30 a.m. to Noon Monday through Friday in preparation for our June opening. Thank you Bob McGee for the unexpected donation earlier this week–a page out of The Peruvian, a Peru newspaper published in the 1920s. We are looking forward to sharing our new exhibits and donations […]

Yes, the chicken wing shortage is real in Upstate New York. And check out those prices –

Source: Yes, the chicken wing shortage is real in Upstate New York. And check out those prices –

Clinton County 4-H chooses to stay local instead of going to NYS Fair

Source: Clinton County 4-H chooses to stay local instead of going to NYS Fair

New York to bring Covid-19 vaccines directly to farm workers –

Source: New York to bring Covid-19 vaccines directly to farm workers –

Forest Farmers lead Maple boom in Lyon Mountain – Mountain Lake PBS

Source: Forest Farmers lead Maple boom in Lyon Mountain – Mountain Lake PBS

From Clayton, to Malone, to Lake Placid, good sap is scarce is this maple season | NCPR News

From Clayton to Malone to Lake Placid and Tupper Lake, he says, everyone is having troubles this year. He’s supplying twice as much equipment to hobby producers since the pandemic started. The problem is, it’s too dry and too warm. “It’s a borderline disaster. We need a freeze. My hope is waning every day it’s […]

Stefanik Receives Farm Bureau Circle of Friends Award

Washington, D.C. – Today, the New York Farm Bureau presented Congresswoman Stefanik with the American Farm Bureau Circle of Friends Award. This award is given to select lawmakers who have strong voting records in support of New York agriculture. Congresswoman Stefanik also received the American Farm Bureau Federation’s “Friend of Farm Bureau” award in October […]

North Country growers applaud federal farm bill | Sun Community News PERU

Source: North Country growers applaud federal farm bill | Sun Community News PERU | Farmers and growers from across the region are applauding the federal Farm Workforce Modernization Act, saying the measure includes solutions to address the current labor crisis fa

The science behind maple syrup | NCPR News

Source: The science behind maple syrup | NCPR News

Cornell Cooperative Offering Three-Part Gardening 101 Series

Cornell Cooperative Extension of Clinton County Master Gardener Volunteers are offering a 3-part series, Gardening 101, via Zoom in April. Each session is on a Saturday and will run from 10:00 am-11:30 am.  We will focus on vegetables and pollinator plants. This is an interactive workshop, you are free to ask questions as we go. April […]

Apple Research: Can computerized modeling drive precision bloom thinning?

Peru, N.Y.  The latest apple research results from the farmer-driven Northern New York Agricultural Development Program (NNYADP) evaluate how well computerized modeling programs help growers determine when to begin thinning the bloom in their orchards. Three commercial apple orchards in Peru, New York (Clinton County) participated in the NNYADP on-farm thinning trials in 2020: Everett […]