March 2025

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Archive for 'Agricultural News'

Silo explosion causes loud boom, houses to shake, destroys $10,000 in feed at Oswego County farm –

Source: Silo explosion causes loud boom, houses to shake, destroys $10,000 in feed at Oswego County farm –

Stefanik Signs Letter to FDA Urging the Action on Dairy Labeling Rules

From the office of Congresswoman Elise Stefanik Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Elise Stefanik has signed on to a letter to the new Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Steven Hahn, urging him to take action to enforce the FDA standards of identity that are already in place for dairy products. The FDA has formal rules […]

Bill passes increasing the of Agricultural Specialists for U.S. Customs and Border Protection

From the office of Congresswoman Elise Stefanik Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Elise Stefanik voted in favor today of the Protecting America’s Food and Agriculture Act of 2019, legislation she cosponsors. This bill authorizes U.S. Customs and Border Protection, every fiscal year, to add 240 new U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agriculture Specialists, 20 agriculture canine […]

Amy Ivy on choosing vegetable varieties and garden layout

On Saturday, February 15, Amy Ivy is returning to Cornell Cooperative Extension Clinton County to hold a workshop on Choosing Vegetable Varieties and Garden Layout. The workshop will be held at our office at 6064 State Route 22, Suite 5 in Plattsburgh from 10:00am to noon. There is a $5 fee for the workshop and […]

Stefanik Announces USDA Primary Agriculture Disaster Designation for North Country

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Stefanik has announced a USDA Primary Agricultural Disaster designation for all twelve counties in New York’s 21st Congressional District. This designation comes after excessive rain and weather events caused massive losses during the 2019 crop year. This designation makes farm operators eligible to be considered for certain assistance from the Farm […]

GMOs – Curse or Blessing?

Cornell Cooperative Extension Clinton County is holding a workshop on January 25 from 10 am till noon on GMOs–Curse or Blessing–or maybe some of both? this workshop will be held at the office in Plattsburgh, 6064 State Rte. 22, Ste.5. This is a very controversial subject and we will present the latest research and most […]

Dairy farmers ask for legislative help to aid local agriculture industry

Source: Dairy farmers ask for legislative help to aid local agriculture industry

Big Ag Sale: Is There a Market for a $23 Million Vermont Dairy Farm? 

Source: Big Ag Sale: Is There a Market for a $23 Million Vermont Dairy Farm? | Business | Seven Days | Vermont’s Independent Voice

Winter Farmers Markets in the Adirondack Region – – The Adirondack Almanack

Source: Winter Farmers Markets in the Adirondack Region – – The Adirondack Almanack

Dean Foods, America’s largest milk producer, files for bankruptcy – CNN

Source: Dean Foods, America’s largest milk producer, files for bankruptcy – CNN

Trump trade war with China takes toll on struggling Upstate NY dairy farmers –

Source: Trump trade war with China takes toll on struggling Upstate NY dairy farmers –

Fall Arrives Peru’s Orchards

  The next few weeks will be beautiful!

Assemblyman Jones: Chocolate milk in schools keeps our children healthy

From the office of Assemblyman Billy Jones “As a dad and a former dairy farmer myself, I can tell you there are few children who don’t love a delicious serving of chocolate milk. The slogan, ‘Milk Has More’ often seen painted on barns, reminds us that this delicious, locally produced beverage has key nutrients for […]

Here’s a Great Weekend Activity Close to Home

Open House at Adirondack Farms 

Open House at Adirondack Farms, 193 Brown Rd. in Peru. October 6, 2019 from 11 AM to 2 PM. All are welcome! Bring the whole family out for fun activities and farm tours – plus sample the World’s Best Cheddar. And the best part – meet the Cabot Farm Families who produce quality milk to […]

Honeycrisp Harvest Underway

By John T. Ryan Peru – If you enjoy honeycrisp apples this should be a joyful time of year. The honeycrisp harvest has begun. Seth Forrence of Forrence Orchards said, “We began picking yesterday and we should be harvesting for the next eight weeks.” The 2019 harvest is beginning about two weeks later than usual. […]

Meet David Haight the New York State’s director of American Farmland Trust. 

Source: Meet David Haight the New York State’s director of American Farmland Trust. | Edible Capital District

Apple Research Tests Hail Netting to Protect Local Crops from Pests

Employees at a Clinton County orchard install hail netting to a row of apple trees. Photo: A. Galimberti, CCE Clinton County, NY Plattsburgh, N.Y.; September 3, 2019. Real-time, regional, in-orchard research funded by the farmer-driven Northern New York Agricultural Development Program is helping apple growers quickly respond to pests with the latest management practices. It […]

How the H2A program brings migrant farmworkers to the Adirondacks | NCPR News

Source: How the H2A program brings migrant farmworkers to the Adirondacks | NCPR News

Rulfs Orchard’s Original Farm Stand Is Coming Down Today

By John T. Ryan Peru – Bob Rulfs sat quietly watching from his pickup truck this morning as his original farm stand was being torn down. He said he wasn’t sad to see it go. The first of its three sections was constructed in 1958. Rulfs actually opened in 1952 when Bob placed a sign […]

Public Trip to Montreal Botanical Gardens

The Master Gardener Volunteers of Cornell Cooperative Extension are sponsoring a public trip to the Botanical Gardens in Montreal on Tuesday, September 10. We will leave Plattsburgh at 9:15am for a 10:30am arrival in Montreal, and depart the Gardens at 9:00pm for a 10:30pm arrival in Plattsburgh. Your $65 prepaid reservation includes round-trip transportation via […]

Congresswoman tours local farms

Source: Congresswoman tours local farms – Sun Community News & Printing

“Winter-Kill” Costing Area Farmers Millions of Dollars

By John T. Ryan Peru – The average person probably didn’t notice, but last winter’s thaw-freeze weather ruined many farmers’ alfalfa crop costing them millions of dollars. Acre after acre of alfalfa hay was devastated by what farmers call “winter kill.” Farmers in Clinton County, Franklin and St. Lawrence Counties experienced significant crop losses. Dr. […]

Agriculture Education Can Lead to a Great Career

By John T. Ryan We live at a time when the vast majority of Americans have little direct connection to agriculture. Nevertheless, the Future Farmers of America (FFA) program is thriving at Northern Adirondack Central School (NAC) with almost 150 students participating in the FFA program. Students are learning that agriculture doesn’t necessarily mean working […]

Machines That Amaze

By John T. Ryan Peru –  A mowing machine was cutting forage this morning along the Barney Downs Road. The operator, Eric Babbie of Adirondack Farms, said the Pottinger NOVACAT ST12 can cut about 300 acres of hay daily. The machine cuts a 36-foot swath and operates at 10 to 12 miles an hour. Babbie […]