March 2025

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Archive for 'Agricultural News'

New York becomes first state to ban declawing of cats –

Source: New York becomes first state to ban declawing of cats –

Cuomo signs bill giving NY farm workers overtime pay, other labor rights 

Source: Cuomo signs bill giving NY farm workers overtime pay, other labor rights | Eye on NY |

Story Updated: Luck Brothers Inc. to Construct Davern Road Bridge

By John T. Ryan July 11th update: Jeff Luck of Luck Brothers Inc. told the Peru Gazette that it will be a few weeks before actual construction begins. Precast concrete will form the base of the bridge and delivery is several weeks away. Removing the existing pavement and bridge is on hold until the exact […]

Why NY employers rely on migrant workers

Source: Why NY employers rely on migrant workers

Hands-on at the Babbie Museum

A great chance to recall times past for both adults and kids. Woodcarving demonstrations by Champlain Valley Wood Carvers. Ongoing demos of antique chain saws, shingle mill and hit & miss engines running a planer and buzz saw. Watch as flax is spun into linen. Try your hand using a washboard or vintage wringer washer. […]

New York agriculture wrestles with farmworker rights | NCPR News

Source: New York agriculture wrestles with farmworker rights | NCPR News

Babbie Museum Announces 2019 Opening Event

Census shows fewer family farms in New York state –

Source: Census shows fewer family farms in New York state –

Assemblyman Jones: State budget invests in our farms to help grow our economy

From the office of Assemblyman Billy Jones Assemblyman Billy Jones (D-Chateaugay) announced that the 2019-20 state budget invests in critical funding that will help North Country farmers grow their businesses. This year’s plan includes $33.2 million for agriculture across the state. “North Country folks know better than anyone that our farms are the lifeblood of […]

A Message From Cornell Cooperative Extension

Our March 16 workshop, Gardening in a Changing Climate, will cover ways to cope with weather events by planning in advance. Last year we had a period of drought that forced many of us to choose what to water and what to let fend for itself. This is one example of conditions that make gardening […]

Farm Belt bankruptcies are soaring

Source: Farm Belt bankruptcies are soaring

 New yogurt line will bring 20 new jobs to North Lawrence dairy plant

Source: Watertown Daily Times | New yogurt line will bring 20 new jobs to North Lawrence dairy plant

New military procurement plan threatens local dairies’ direct sales to Drum

Source: Watertown Daily Times | New military procurement plan threatens local dairies’ direct sales to Drum

Property tax exemption on farms extended another 10 years

Source: Property tax exemption on farms extended another 10 years – Times Union

Good for Neighbors, Good for the Environment and Good for a Farm’s Operations

By John T. Ryan Peru – Adirondack Farms’ owner Jon Rulfs has good news for Peru residents. A few days ago he began using what is known as a dragline/draghose manure application system. Rulfs explained, “There will be less road travel by spreaders and trucks and there will be less odor.” Rulfs believes the system […]

North Country, Canadian officials bet on farmers – Sun Community News & Printing

Source: North Country, Canadian officials bet on farmers 

Use Variance For Solar Farm on Hold

Peru –  The Apex Solar Power application on behalf of the Hamilton family for a Use Variance to construct a solar farm at 286 Mannix Road was tabled at the Zoning Board of Appeal’s Wednesday, October 17, 2018 meeting.  The property is zoned for agricultural and rural residential use; therefore, a use variance is required. […]

Harvest Weekend at the Babbie Museum

Babbie Rural & Farm Learning Museum , 250 River Road, Peru, NY  will be hosting HARVEST WEEKEND on October 6-7, 2018 from 10am to 4pm. $1.00 off admission if you bring a nonperishable item for the Interfaith Foodshelf. There will be demonstrations of corn harvesting using antique equipment, hit & miss engines as well as […]

North Country reacts to new NAFTA deal 

Source: North Country reacts to new NAFTA deal – Sun Community News & Printing

NAFTA’s fate hinges on a four-letter word: milk

Source: Watertown Daily Times | NAFTA’s fate hinges on a four-letter word: milk

Robots to milk Beekmantown cows

Source: Robots to milk Beekmantown cows | Local News |

Trump wants new deal for US dairy farmers in NAFTA, but it may be short-sighted – VTDigger

Source: Trump wants new deal for US dairy farmers in NAFTA, but it may be short-sighted – VTDigger

Utilizing High Technology to Increase Productivity

By John T Ryan Peru – Anyone traveling down Old Town Rd. this morning couldn’t help but be struck by the contrasting crop harvesting methods. On one side of the highway Adirondack Farms’ 600+ horsepower corn harvester was filling a huge truck and clearing a 15-acre field in a matter of minutes. About 100 feet […]

Kids Fair and Festival

Protective Netting Being Removed Revealing Beautiful Apples

Click here to see the netting being installed.