March 2025

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Archive for 'Agricultural News'

Extension Offering Beginning Farmer Training in Keeseville, Malone and Canton

Cornell Cooperative Extension will hold 3 classes in Northern NY for Beginning Farmers. Anyone who would like to start a farm or change to a new product will find this an interesting group to help you learn the Best Management Practices. The free classes with take-home resources will be held from 1-4pm: Tuesday, February 10, Ausable […]

Extension Offering Parasite Assessment, Management Training for NNY Small Livestock Producers February 7

From the office of Cornell Cooperative Extension Canton, NY On Saturday, February 7, Cornell Cooperative Extension will host a regional training workshop to help small livestock farmers reduce and manage the parasites that affect pastured sheep and goats. The 10am-3pm training is offered as a regional program for producers across the Northern New York region.

More Progress! Babbie Museum Granted Board of Regents Absolute Charter

The Babbie Rural & Farm Learning Museum, 250 River Road, Peru, NY is proud to announce that on January 12, 2015, they were granted their Absolute Charter by the New York State Board of Regents. The museum was provisionally chartered by the Board of Regents on January 12, 2010. By granting the museum an Absolute […]

Milk glut reverses fortunes of NNY dairy farmers

Watertown Daily Times | Milk glut reverses fortunes of NNY dairy farmers.

Adirondack Region School Enrollment Continues to Decline

School enrollment overall continues to decline – 

Many Steps Forward in 2014 at the Babbie Rural and Farm Learning Museum

Click here to see the Museum’s Fall Newsletter!

A Farewell Message From Congressman Bill Owens

As I turn the page to a new chapter, I want to express my appreciation to all of you for allowing me to serve as your Congressman. I have often said that our district is made up of Rockefeller Republicans and Reagan Democrats, and I have done my best to bring your reasonableness and moderate […]

Irwin Orchard Is Being Reduced in Size

By John T Ryan The face of agriculture in our community continues to change. On November 27, 2014 Melvin Irwin started cutting trees at his family’s orchard at the corner of the River and Jarvis Roads, not far from the Peru Elementary School. When he’s finished about 120 of the orchard’s 800 trees will be […]

Extension Workshops to Help Sheep and Goat Producers Balance Farm and Life

Cornell Cooperative Extension/CCE has planned ‘Management Systems to Fit Your Life’ workshops for sites in Watertown, Malone, Plattsburgh, and Canton to focus on ways producers can structure their operations to accommodate both their farm business goals and lifestyle. Workshop presentations and discussion will consider how frequently to lamb or kid, growing versus buying feed, how […]

Northern Stem Canker Found: A New Challenge for Soybean Growers

Northern New York. A serious crop disease called northern stem canker has been confirmed for the first time in Northern New York soybean fields as part of the Northern New York Agricultural Development Program-funded NNY Corn and Soybean Disease Diagnosis and Assessment Database building project. NSC occurs in most Midwestern states and in Ontario, but […]

John Bruno: A Man Who Made a Difference

John T. Ryan The Peru Gazette planned to make a phone call to John Bruno this morning to ask a few follow-up questions before publishing an article about his service to our community. Bruno’s Ford tractor pulling his red wagon filled with Valehaven Adult Home and Assisted Living residents has been familiar sight in Peru’s […]

An apple-loving man of the cloth

An apple-loving man of the cloth – Press-Republican: News.

Here’s a Great Place to Take the Kids

4th Annual Kids Fair and Festival at the Babbie Rural & Farm Learning Museum– September 6-7, 2014 – Hours 10am – 4pm. Old time games including hopscotch, sack races, corn box, bobbing for apples, egg races; stagecoach rides; pony rides; face painting; catch a fish. Kat’s Catering will be present 518-643-8052

Hay & Grain Harvest Plus Music Weekend at the Babbie Museum August 16-17

Watch harvesting of buckwheat and oats using antique farming equipment and loose hay being gathered and stored at the Hay and Harvest Plus Music Weekend August 16th and 17th at the Babbie Farm and Rural Leaning Museum. Enjoy the demonstrations in the granary. Music by Flashback (50’s music/classic country) on Saturday at 2:30. Sunday is […]

Schumer supports aid for turning farm waste into electricity – Times Union

Schumer supports aid for turning farm waste into electricity – Times Union.

Peru Planning Board July 9th Agenda


Peru Town Judge John Lawliss Resigns

Peru – Peru Town Justice John Lawliss has resigned citing health concerns. The Town Board accepted Lawliss’s resignation at its Monday, June 23rd meeting. Several Board members praised Lawliss’ nine years of service. Counselor Kregg Bruno said, “I wish he could have been here so we could thank him.” Counselor Brandy McDonald added, “Jack did […]

Miner Institute Research Helps Farmers Lower Dairy Cow Feeding Costs

Corn is costly to feed dairy cows – $200 per ton to purchase. Farmers in Northern New York searching for acceptable corn substitute products now have a better understanding of their options, thanks to research by W.H. Miner Agricultural Research Institute, Chazy, NY. With funding from the farmer-driven Northern New York Agricultural Development Program (NNYADP), […]

Hallock Hill is Beautiful in Many Ways

This morning The Peru Gazette traveled to the Hallock Hill Rd. between Peru and Keeseville. It was a little too late to get the best photos, but here are few of the impressive animals at Marsha’s Buffalo Farm. All was peaceful until one bull started walking to the feed wagon. Then most of the rest of […]

A Morning Drive in Peru, NY – May 21, 2014

What a way to start your day! 

Thanks to Our Apple Growers and Workers Peru is a Symphony of Colors Today

Enjoy Babbie Museum Family Activities on June 7 & 8th

Peru – Fun for the whole family! Museum Days at Babbie Rural and Farm Learning Museum, 250 River Road on June 7-8, 2014 from 10:00AM to 4:00PM. Exhibits, live demonstrations, hands-on fun for the kids – grind corn, collect “eggs”, milk a cow, take a stagecoach ride, pet the animals. The Peru SPCA will be […]

Northern New York Agricultural Development Program Receives $600,000 in State Funding for Research

Northern New York – The Northern New York Agricultural Development Program (NNYADP) has received $600,000 in the recently-passed New York State Budget for research to enhance the sustainability and profitability of farm businesses in the state’s six northernmost counties: Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Jefferson, Lewis and St. Lawrence. The Northern New York agricultural industry contributes nearly […]

Babbie Museum Season Opening Only 30 Days Away

Babbie Rural & Farm Learning Museum Season Opening – May 10-11, 2014 – Hours 10am – 4pm. Plowing and planting with antique farm equipment ongoing throughout the weekend. Other demonstrations include the shingle mill and blacksmith shop. A perennial plant sale will be held. 518-643-8052

Peru Farmer Named Northern New York Agricultural Development Program Co-Chair

Jon Rulfs, co-owner of Adirondack Farms in Peru, NY, has been named as a Co-Chair of the Northern New York Agricultural Development Program, a farmer-driven research and technical assistance program serving Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Jefferson, Lewis and St. Lawrence counties. Rulfs, who serves on the Northeast Dairy Producers Association Board of Directors and is active […]