Archive for 'Agricultural News'
Soybean Research Supports Growth of Ag Industry in Northern New York; Warming Trend Plays a Role
Soybean production in Northern NY has increased significantly in the last 5 years: from approximately 5,000 acres in 2007 to approximately 14,000 acres grown in Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Jefferson, Lewis and St. Lawrence counties in 2012. To support farmer interest in the crop, the Northern New York Agricultural Development Program (NNYADP) funded 2013 soybean variety […]
Posted: March 31st, 2014 under Agricultural News, Education News, General News, Northern NY News, Peru/Regional History, Weather News/History.
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Cornell Cooperative Extension Presents 2014 NNY Spring Sheep and Goat Week with Youth and Adult Activities April 8-17
Cornell Cooperative Extension will present 2014 NNY Sheep and Goat Week programs in six North Country communities between April 8 and April 17. The program agenda includes activities for youth, families and adult livestock handlers, including the CSI Sheep and Goat: Health From the Inside Out presentation that includes learning how to do a basic […]
Posted: March 19th, 2014 under Agricultural News, Business News, General News, Northern NY News.
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Northern New York Agricultural Development Program Posts Economic Impact Report
The farmer-driven Northern New York Agricultural Development Program has posted its 2014 Economic Impact Report online at The two-page report offers a concise snapshot of the value of the 2013 projects funded by the research, technical assistance, and outreach program. The NNYADP receives funding from the New York State Legislature through the support of Senator […]
Posted: March 3rd, 2014 under Agricultural News, Business News, General News, Northern NY News, State Government News.
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NNY Strawberry Growers to Hear of New Hope for Defeating Destructive Weevils
Paul Smiths and Gouverneur, NY – New York strawberry growers are hearing about a promising treatment for their fruit crop based on the success of a Cornell University entomologist with applying microscopic worms to beat back a highly-destructive alfalfa crop pest. Dr. Elson Shields expects to confirm the success of field trials with native-New York […]
Posted: February 26th, 2014 under Agricultural News, Business News, General News, Northern NY News.
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Keeseville to Host First Cornell Cooperative Extension Pre-Season Farmers’ Market Training
Cornell Cooperative Extension will present pre-season farmers’ market training to help North Country growers develop their salesmanship, labor management, social media skills and compliance with food safety regulations. Sessions from 10am to 2pm with Cornell Cooperative Extension educators will help growers create a compelling personal story to connect to consumers. To grow to the next […]
Posted: February 26th, 2014 under Agricultural News, Business News, General News.
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Climate change reaching north country farms
Watertown Daily Times | Climate change reaching north country farms.
Posted: February 24th, 2014 under Agricultural News, Business News, Environmental News, General News, Northern NY News, Peru/Regional History, Weather News/History.
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Learn About Maple Sugaring at Wild Center This Weekend
Learn About Maple Sugaring at Wild Center This Weekend – The Adirondack Almanack –
Posted: February 18th, 2014 under Adirondack Region News, Agricultural News, Business News, Education News, Environmental News, General News, Northern NY News, Things to do in & near Peru.
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Health Comm Claims that Medical Marijuana Ready in One Year Met with Skepticism
Health Comm Claims that Medical Marijuana Ready in One Year Met with Skepticism | WXXI News.
Posted: February 6th, 2014 under Agricultural News, General News, Heathcare News, Peru/Regional History, State Government News.
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North Country celebrates Farm Bill
North Country celebrates Farm Bill » Local News » Press-Republican.
Posted: February 5th, 2014 under Agricultural News, Congressional News, General News, Peru News.
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House Passes Five-Year, Bipartisan Farm Bill with Owens’ Support
From the Office of Congressman Bill Owens Three Rep. Owens-authored provisions included in final bill WASHINGTON—Today, Representative Bill Owens voted for the Agricultural Act of 2014, commonly known as the Farm Bill, which passed the House by a vote of 251-166. “Passage of the Farm Bill provides farmers the long-overdue certainty they deserve and contributes significantly […]
Posted: January 29th, 2014 under Agricultural News, Business News, Congressional News, General News.
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Dog Control and Sidewalk Maintenance Highlight Town Board Meeting
By John T. Ryan Dog Control was the primary subject at the Monday, January 27, 2014 Peru Town Board meeting. The Board passed a revised Dog Control Law. Town Attorney Donald Biggs said the new law incorporates changes in New York State’s Agricultural and Markets regulations and a few other minor items into Local Law […]
Posted: January 29th, 2014 under Agricultural News, Business News, General News, Peru News, Peru resident news/accomplishments, Peru/Regional History, Planning Board News, Town Board News, Zoning Board News.
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Planning Board Feb. 12th Agenda Features Lot Merges
Planning Board Agenda Feb. 12, 2014
Posted: January 27th, 2014 under Agricultural News, Business News, General News, Peru News, Planning Board News.
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Miner Institute gets grant to study drainage; The project will quantify the tradeoff between surface runoff and tile-drainage runoff in the two cornfields managed as either freely drained or control drained.
Miner Institute gets grant to study drainage » Local News » Press-Republican.
Posted: January 24th, 2014 under Agricultural News, Business News, Education News, Environmental News, General News, Peru News.
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Climate Change Impact on Agenda for 2014 North Country Crop Congresses in Chazy, Canton
Chazy, NY; Canton, NY – The impact of climate change on Northern New York agriculture is on the agenda of the 2014 North Country Crop Congresses: Tuesday, February 18 at W.H. Miner Agricultural Research Institute, Chazy, NY, and Wednesday, February 19, 9am-3pm, at the Best Western University Inn in Canton, NY. Dr. Allison Chatrchyan, the […]
Posted: January 22nd, 2014 under Agricultural News, Business News, Education News, Environmental News, General News, Northern NY News, Weather News/History.
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EURASIAN BOARS NO LONGER “FAIR GAME” IN NEW YORK; Proposed Regulations Would Prohibit Hunting or Trapping of Wild Boars in New York
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Commissioner (DEC) Joe Martens today announced the proposal of new regulations that would prohibit hunting or trapping of free-ranging Eurasian boars in New York. The proposal is designed to ensure maximum effectiveness of DEC’s statewide eradication efforts. Public comments on the proposed regulations will be accepted until January 25, […]
Posted: December 13th, 2013 under Agricultural News, Business News, Environmental News, General News, Law Enforcement News, Northern NY News, State Government News.
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Beef Nutrition Program Inspired by Study of World War II Survivors is Focus of Northern NY Beef Week Presentation
An exciting new beef nutrition program inspired by a study of World War II concentration camp survivors is focus for the Fall 2013 Northern New York Beef Week program organized by the Cornell Cooperative Extension Northern New York Regional Livestock Team. In a November 7 webcast to four locations across the Northern NY region, Ted […]
Posted: October 30th, 2013 under Agricultural News, Business News, Education News, General News, Northern NY News, State Government News.
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Rest easy Peru residents, sale of Eurasian boar is now banned
Capitol Confidential » Rest easy New Yorkers, sale of Eurasian boar is now banned.
Posted: October 22nd, 2013 under Agricultural News, Environmental News, General News, Law Enforcement News, Northern NY News, Peru News, Town Board News.
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Farm cideries get boost in NY
Farm cideries get boost in NY.
Posted: October 18th, 2013 under Agricultural News, Business News, General News, State Government News, State Legislator News.
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Rulfs Orchard Testing Alfalfa Beetle-Busting Treatment to Protect Strawberry Crop
A low-cost, easy-to-implement on-farm solution for controlling a highly destructive alfalfa pest is now expected to pay off for New York strawberry growers. The Northern New York Agricultural Development Program (NNYADP) has granted funds to Cornell University entomologist Elson Shields to evaluate the use of alfalfa snout beetle-controlling nematodes to manage two strawberry crop pests.
Posted: October 18th, 2013 under Agricultural News, Business News, General News, Northern NY News, Peru News, Peru resident news/accomplishments.
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Farm History in Action
Harvest Weekend at the Babbie Rural and Farm Learning Museum in Peru was a great time for both kids and adults. What a wonderful job the Babbie family and the volunteers are doing. I give the museum a Five Star Rating! Click here for more photos.
Posted: October 13th, 2013 under Agricultural News, Business News, Education News, General News, Northern NY News, Peru News, Peru resident news/accomplishments, Peru/Regional History.
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Dimock Farms was a great place to be today
Dimock Farms in Peru was one of four North Country farms holding an open house today. There was a big turnout to see this very modern, progressive farm. How dairy farming has changed! Dimock’s has been a family-run dairy since 1971 with three generations helping to operate the 600-acre farm with a herd of 270 […]
Posted: October 13th, 2013 under Agricultural News, Business News, Education News, General News, Northern NY News, Peru News, Peru resident news/accomplishments.
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Local Bat Proposed for Endangered Species Protection
Local Bat Proposed for Endangered Species Protection – The Adirondack Almanack –
Posted: October 2nd, 2013 under Adirondack Region News, Agricultural News, Business News, Environmental News, General News, Northern NY News, Planning Board News.
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Aerial Seeding: An exciting and potentially important local farm activity
Peru is a very busy little community this time of year, especially for our farmers. This morning trucks traveled our highways filled with a bountiful apple and corn harvest. At the same time, aerial seeding was taking place on the Dimock Farm. Bruce Dimock watched as Winter Rye seed was loaded onto a helicopter which […]
Posted: September 28th, 2013 under Agricultural News, Business News, Environmental News, General News, Northern NY News, Peru News, Peru resident news/accomplishments, Peru/Regional History.
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Dimock Farm is One of Four NNY Dairy Farms Chosen for October 13 Open Farm Sunday Event
Evans Mills, NY – Country Cousins Farm in Evans Mills will be showcased among 51 farms opening their barn doors on October 13 from 11am to 2pm for the 2013 Open Farm Sunday across New England and New York state. This is the third such event to introduce the public to some of the more […]
Posted: September 27th, 2013 under Agricultural News, Education News, General News, Northern NY News, Peru resident news/accomplishments.
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An October “Special Event” at the Babbie Museum
Posted: September 25th, 2013 under Agricultural News, Arts and Entertainment, General News, Things to do in & near Peru.
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