March 2025

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Archive for 'Arts and Entertainment'

Art Talk : The Life and Art of Jan Balet

Peru Free Library Wednesday, February 28 at 4:00 pm The Life and Art of Jan Balet will cover the fascinating story of Jan’s life, from his escape from Hitler’s army, through his days as a highly successful commercial artist, art director, and children’s book author and illustrator in New York, to his later years as […]

Coming Events at Peru VFW Post 309 – All Are Welcome

What:  Thanks for the Memories Spaghetti Dinner with “Just Jammin”    Only $8.00 When:  February 15, 2018 Dinner:  4 – 7 p.m. with Memories Slide Show followed by “Just Jammin”   6 – 9 p.m. Where:  Peru Memorial VFW 710 Pleasant St, Rt 22B Peru, NY 12972 What:      “Just Jammin” When:    Thursday, February 22, 2018        6 – p.m. Where:    Peru […]

Peru Drama Club Presents Rock of Ages

Drew works at the famous Bourbon Room and just wants to rock.  But when they want to tear down the entire block, will he be able to save Rock and Roll forever, and win the heart of small-town Sherrie?  Come see this hilarious show and relive the greatest music of the 80s!  Presented in the […]

Gallery Cooperative Featured Artist Gordon LeClair at The Strand Center for the Arts in February

PLATTSBURGH, NY – The Strand Center for the Arts is thrilled to announce painter Gordon LeClair as the featured artist in their Gallery Cooperative for the month of February. This forthcoming exhibit, will take place in The Strand Center Community Gallery on Friday, February 2 and a reception that is free and open to the […]

Media Note: New WPTZ Television Studio Proposed in Williston | Off Message

Source: Media Note: New WPTZ Television Studio Proposed in Williston | Off Message

Eye on the Arts – Sun Community News & Printing

Source: Eye on the Arts – Sun Community News & Printing

52nd Anniversary Keeseville-Peru Ecumenical Choir Christmas Concert

The Keeseville-Peru Ecumenical Choir, December 17, 2017, St. Augustine’s Church, Peru, NY. Jeanette Woodruff Director, Steven Collier Accompanist, Stephen Woodruff Organist.  Below you will find links to all the songs. It was a great concert! Director Jeanette Woodruff, the accompanists and all the choir put their hearts and souls into making it a wonderful evening. […]

Based on the novel by Lois Lowry, Jonas’ community prides itself on sameness. Yet when he is chosen to become the next Receiver of Memories, his world will be upended forever. What he learns will leave him questioning everything he has ever known. Presented in the Peru Jr/Sr High Auditorium on December 1st and 2nd […]

Shop for Christmas Gifts and Enjoy a Hot Lunch

Peru—Fall Into Winter Craft Fair will be held at St. Augustine’s Parish Center, 3030 Main St., on Saturday, Dec. 2, 2017, from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Hot lunch, baked goods and basket raffles will also be available.

Tri-County ARTSMAP Preview Party at Strand Center for the Arts November 18th, 2017

The Strand Center for the Arts is holding a Preview Party for the Tri-County ARTSMAP – a web-based interactive map of the region’s artists, individuals and cultural organizations.  The ARTSMAP Preview Party will be held on the Strand Center for the Arts’ lawn from 1 – 4, Saturday, November 18, 2017. The ARTSMAP will be […]

Lake Champlain International Film Festival Returns to Plattsburgh Nov. 1-5

PLATTSBURGH, N.Y. Films made as part of a cell-phone film contest are among those featured at the fourth annual Lake Champlain International Film Festival, taking place Nov. 1 to 5 at the Strand Center for the Arts, 25 Brinkerhoff St., in downtown Plattsburgh. In addition to films submitted from around the world that include topics […]

Call to Artisans and the Creative

Strand Center for the Arts Announces that The ARTrageous Entertainment Auction will be held November 11, 2017. Rebranding its long successful Arms and Legs Auction where creative community minded people and regional artist take household items and create works of art from the whimsical to a masterpiece. This year we have an “entertainment” theme, but […]

The Strand Center’s Juried Show “Reflections” Opens Friday, October 7

PLATTSBURGH, NY – The Strand Center for the Arts annually hosts a juried show open to artists of all ages and mediums. This year, the theme of the show is “Reflections” and participants were encouraged to submit artwork that captures a reflection or reflections, either in a natural pool of water, the chrome bumper of […]

Singers Wanted

A message from John Stafford, a member of the Keeseville-Peru Ecumenical Choir. Yes, it is almost that time of year. Anyone thinking about joining the Peru / Keeseville Ecumenical Choir, the first rehearsal starts tomorrow Sunday Sept 24th 6:30pm at the United Methodist Church on Front St in Keeseville. It’d be great to have some […]

Applefest is Almost Here

Applefest preparations are underway at St. Augustine’s. Given the beautiful weather forecast, it should be a great Applefest. On Saturday, September 16th and Sunday, September 17th St. Augustine’s Parish will host the 40th Annual Applefest at the parish grounds, 3030 Main St. in Peru. Saturday’s parade begins at 11 a.m. at the Peru Elementary School […]

Showtime’s “Escape at Dannemora” filming gets underway this week | NCPR News

Source: Showtime’s “Escape at Dannemora” filming gets underway this week | NCPR News

Tom Chapin in Concert

SUNY Plattsburgh is proud to announce that Tom Chapin ’66 will be returning to Plattsburgh for a concert to benefit the ARC Foundation, which funds programs and services that enrich the lives of the developmentally-disabled in Clinton County, N.Y. Tom Chapin in Concert Saturday, September 30 at 7 p.m. Strand Center Theatre 25 Brinkerhoff Street […]

Proven Small Town Success

(L-R Wendy Boutin and Sally Gibson) Yarborough Square is #12 in the Peru Gazette photo series featuring people who make Peru a wonderful place to live. Owner Sally Gibson opened her business at 672 Bear Swamp Rd. 25 years ago. Customers travel from near and far for her professional, unique artisan wares from USA and […]

Learning and Fun for People of All Ages

  2017 Hay & Grain Harvest/Antique Tractor Weekend at Babbie Rural & Farm Learning Museum August 19-20, 2017 from 10:00am to 4:00pm at 250 River Road, Peru, NY   12972. (518) 643-8052 Ongoing demonstrations include harvesting of hay and grain with antique farming equipment; the blacksmith shop and granary; soap making; spinning of flax into linen. Have the […]

Mohawk Ironworkers Celebrated

Au Sable Forks – Tahawus Center in association with the Hollywood Theater, proudly present episodes 
from the new “Mohawk Ironworkers” documentary. This remarkable film celebrates the steely determination of the Mohawk ironworkers of Kahnawake, Akwesasne and Six Nations, who are said to be “the best ironworkers on the planet.” “Mohawk Ironworkers” was produced by Paul […]

Keeseville Plein Air Festival this Weekend

You are invited to the first annual Keeseville Plein Air Festival for a special wine and cheese preview party on Saturday, July 15th at 6 pm at the 1719 Block Gallery on Keeseville’s Front Street, and additional gallery space will be open at AARCH. The arts festival will showcase Keeseville’s mix of natural beauty and […]

The Strand Center for the Arts Framing Studio Grand Opening and Open House

The Strand Center for the Arts is excited to announce the opening of our Professional Framing Studio on July 19, 2017, located on the Second Floor of the Main Building at 23 Brinkerhoff Street in downtown Plattsburgh, NY. Simply take the elevator to the left of the main entrance up to the Second Floor and […]