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Archive for 'Community Events'

Here are the deserving vererans who flew on North County Honor Flight #50 of October 7, 2023

Biographies compiled by Honor Flight Operations Director Janet Duprey Gary Barcomb – U.S. Air Force 1958-1962 Cold War Suffering the death of his brother in a car accident, Gary, age 17, enlisted. In basic training at Fort Dix, Gary joined the Security Detail guarding Elvis Presley. Gary trained at Fort Gordon in Military Police and […]

Rain didn’t deter people from honoring local veterans

U. S. Oval, Plattsburgh October 7, 2023 – People didn’t let heavy rain keep them from attending the Send-Off Ceremony for North Country Honor Flights 50 and 51 this morning at 7 a.m. There are three Korean War Veterans, four Cold War Veterans and twenty-one Vietnam Veterans flying today. The heavy rail subsided during the […]

The Octoberfest is back

The 11th Annual Octoberfest is on October 14, 2023 at the Peru Fire Dept.  Courses changed this year – it’s a 5K, 10K, and 20 mile bike.  Along with a free 1/2 mile kids fun run for 10 and under (pending enough participants). The Octoberfest is In loving memory of Robert “Chip” Hamilton and proceeds […]

Honor Flights 50 and 51 to fly this Saturday

North Country Honor Flight will send 28 more North Country Veterans on a lifetime trip this Saturday, October 7th. “ Thunder in the Burgh” will be the escort from Champlain Center down to the Veterans Park on the US Oval, leaving at 6:15 a.m. The send-off ceremony will start at 7 a.m. sharp; each Veteran […]

United Way of the Adirondack Region Kicks Off Annual Campaign Amid Rising Needs 

United Way of the Adirondack Region, Inc. officials have announced that their annual fundraising campaign has started. This Regional initiative, covering Clinton, Essex and Franklin Counties is conducted to raise needed funds for high-priority health and human service programs in the Adirondack Region. A network of 35 partner agencies benefits from these funds annually and […]

Experience a Hauntingly Historic Halloween at the Kent-Delord House on October 28th and 29th

PLATTSBURGH, NY – This Halloween season, dive into the eerie past like never before at the Kent-Delord House, as they host a captivating two-day event on October 28th and 29th from 4 PM to 8 PM each day. With a wealth of fascinating historical insights, thrilling activities, and spooky surprises, this is an event you […]

St. Augustine’s Soup Kitchen Menu for Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Turkey Dinner Bread Dessert Served take-out only, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. at the St. Augustine’s Parish Center, 3030 Main St., Peru, NY 12972 All are welcome! Note – The dinner will be good, but not quite this fancy! 😀 Correction: The date was originally posted as October 3. It is Oct. 4. 

Granny’s Attic Botique and Bake Sale today and tomorrow

Saturday, Sept. 30, 2023 There a nice crowd at the Peru Community church Fellowship Hall for the annual Granny’s Attic Boutique and Bake Sale. It’s on today until 4 p.m. and tomorrow, Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. It’s busy, but there’s stlll a great choice of items! AND the cookies and brownies are […]

Peru Knights begin series of pancake breakfasts (There’s much more than pancakes)

Granny’s Attic Boutique Sale This Saturday Sept. 30 at Peru Community Church

The Granny’s Attic Unique Boutique sale is this Saturday, September 30, from 9a – 4p, and Sunday, October 1, from 10a-2p at the Peru Community Church Fellowship Center, 13 Elm St, at the corner of Routes 22 and 22B in the heart of Peru.   All are welcome!! A huge number and variety of items are […]

Chazy and Peru CV-TEC students restore historic clock face

By John T. Ryan Plattsburgh – September 24, 2023  Members of the First Presbyterian Church gathered Sunday morning to thank CV-TEC for restoring one of the three clock faces that adorned the church’s tall spire from 1873 to 1950. Building and Grounds Committee member Bill Merrill unveiled the impressive 54-inch diameter clock face to the […]

Peru – CVPH Blood Drive on Monday Octobe r9

Peru – CVPH Donor Center Blood Brive, Monday, October 9, from 3 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., at St. Augustine’s Parish Center, 3030 Main St. in Peru.  All blood collected is utilized in our local trl-county region.  Your neighbors appreciate and need your support.  The blood drive is coordinated by St. Augustine’s Knights of Columbus Council […]

Girls Night Out on Oct. 10

Community Calendar Event – Rescheduled!

Clinton County Historical Association Tuesday, September 26, 2:30 pm. Abolitionists and Freedom Seekers on the Champlain Line of the Underground Railroad with Jackie Madison, President of the North Country Underground Railroad Historical Association. The Grand Room, Meadowbrook Healthcare, 154 Prospect Ave, Plattsburgh. Starting in the late eighteenth century with freedom seekers, moving into the twentieth […]

Experience the 50th Anniversary of the Adirondack Balloon Festival September 21 – 24, 2023

Click here for the story 

Battle of Valcour to be commerated on Oct. 11

(Plattsburgh) October 11th marks the 247th Anniversary of the Battle of Valcour, one of the first naval battles of the American Revolution, fought between the shores of Valcour Island and New York State. A commemoration of this event will be held on the 2nd-floor lobby and veranda in the Main Building at Clinton Community College on […]

St. Augustine’s Soup Kitchen Menu for Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Michigans Macaroni Salad Fruit Dessert Served take-out only, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. at St. Augustine’s Parish Center, 3030 Main St., Peru, NY 12972 All Are Welcome!

Speaker Carl Heastie and Assemblyman Billy Jones announce $3 million for Franklin County Recreational Center

Assemblyman Billy Jones (D-Chateaugay Lake) and Speaker Carl Heastie (D-Bronx) joined the community today to announce $3 million for the Franklin County Recreational Center, a new indoor sports facility in Malone. This new center will be a public-private partnership between state, county and local resources including Adirondack For Kids and other interested organizations and will […]

Queen City to Keeseville, Wednesday, Sept. 20

Celebrating a WWII Vet’s 100th Birthday

Another low cost airline is coming to Plattsburgh

Clinton County Legislature Statement: The Clinton County Legislature is proud to announce that Breeze Airways, the U.S.’ only “Nice Low Cost Carrier,” or NLCC, will be offering air service to Orlando, Florida from the Plattsburgh International Airport starting November 28, 2023. “Today is a tremendous day for our region,” said County Legislator/Airport Committee Chairperson Robert […]

Kiwanis Breakfast Club Plattsburgh donates over $23,000 to help local kids

Thanks to the record-breaking number of people who came to Dozerfest in June and the numerous sponsorships from local businesses, the Kiwanis Breakfast Club of Plattsburgh recently awarded during a reception at Harmony Golf Club over $23,000 in grants to North Country organizations that support local children in need. This includes funding for the following: […]

Learn about our school and school board in a different setting

September Clinton County Historical Association Events

The Clinton County Historical Association is pleased to announce the following events.  All events are free and open to the public. Friday, September 15, 12:30 pm. A Virtual Tour of the Old Base Oval with Helen Nerska showing photos of the original buildings and the histories associated with each. Plattsburgh Senior Center, 5139 North Catherine […]

St. Augustine’s Soup Kitchen will not serve meals on Wednesday, Sept 13; it will serve on Sept. 20.

The St. Augustine’s Soup Kitchen will not serve meals on Wednesday, September 13, because of Applefest preparation and refrigeration needs. The Soup Kitchen will serve michigans on Wednesday, September 20.