March 2025

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Archive for 'Community Events'

Wreaths Across America’s Laying of the Wreaths, Sat. Dec. 14 at Noon

These are the people who prepare St. Augustine’s Soup Kitchen Meals

Peru, NY— Between 4:30 and 5:30 p.m. each Wednesday, St. Augustine’s Soup Kitchen serves 180 to 220 take-out meals. Beginning at 8 a.m., volunteers from all segments of our community work for four to five hours preparing the meals with tender, loving care. Five volunteer teams serve the meals. All the morning volunteers were present […]

Contributing Writers Needed 

“HELP WANTED” By John T Ryan, Peru Gazette Editor  Peru is a great community; unfortunately, I’m not reporting many interesting, meaningful stories. I do my best, but I have many responsibilities and interests, and I am getting a “little” older. I need contributing writers. The pay scale would be the same as mine,  $0 per […]

Peru Knights Breakfasts Resume in January 

Peru—The St. Augustine’s Knights of Columbus will resume their “Pancakes Plus” Breakfasts on Sunday, January 12, at St. Augustine’s Parish Center from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Attendance increased at every 2024 breakfast, so people are enjoying the meal and seeing friends and neighbors. The Knights can’t wait to serve you. They wish everyone a […]

An Ideal Christmas Gift

Peru – CVPH Donor Center Blood Brive, Monday, December 23, from 3 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., at St. Augustine’s Parish Center, 3030 Main St. in Peru. Each presenting donor during December will be entered into a drawing for a $50 Applebee’s gift card. The drive is being coordinated by St. Augustine’s Knights of Columbus Council […]

Babbie Museum’s 3rd Annual Holiday Bazaar this Saturday and Sunday

The Babbie Rural & Farm Learning Museum is hosting its 3rd Annual Holiday Bazaar this coming weekend, Saturday, December 7th, and Sunday, December 8th, from 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Museum’s main building, 250 River Road, Peru, NY. This event is for anyone who wants to support local vendors during the Holiday Season […]


$10 Pre-Packed Bags Available for Purchase through January 5  (Schenectady, N.Y.)  Market 32/Price Chopper is inviting guests in all its stores to support local food pantries and nourish local communities by purchasing a $10 bag containing PICS brand items most in need by food banks and pantries: a 16-ounce box of elbow macaroni, 16-ounce jar […]

Adirondack Land Trust and Town of Willsboro Partner to Conserve 68 Shoreline Acres

Click here for the Adirondack Almanac story 

St. Augustine’s Soup Kitchen Menu for Wednesday, December 4. 2024

Meatloaf Potatoes Vegetable Bread Dessert Served 4:30 to 5:30 p.m., take-out only, at St. Augustine’s Parish Center, 3030 Main St., Peru, NY 12972 All are invited and welcome!

Peru Central Hall of Fame Nominations Requested

The Peru Central School District Hall of Fame is accepting nominations for potential candidates.  The District Hall of Fame is designed to recognize individuals who have made a significant impact on our school or achieved an outstanding contribution(s) to society as a graduate of Peru CSD. The candidate must have attended, been employed, served, or […]

St. Augustine’s Church Craft Fair, 3030 Main St, Peru, Saturday, Dec. 7, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

St. Augustine’s Soup Kitchen will not be serving Thanksgiving week.

St. Augustine’s Soup Kitchen will not be serving Thanksgiving week. On December 4, meatloaf will be served. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Ecumenical Choir to perform in Keeseville and Peru, Dec. 21 & 22 at 7:30 p.m.

Dick’s Sporting Goods Foundation awards $4,000 grant to North Country Cougars

Dick’s Sporting Goods believes that sports can change lives and that kids who take part in sports will learn essential life skills such as leadership, discipline and integrity. Dicks Sporting Goods Store Manager, Greg Mills, presented the North Country Cougars Hockey Club with one of this year’s $4,000 Sports Matter Grants. The Cougar’s Hockey Club […]

Peru VFW Auxillary Honors Girl Scout Lorelei Wiggins and Unit #446

Lorelei Wiggins received the Youth Patriotic Award Citation. Peru Girl Scout Unit #446 received the National Youth Group Supporting Our Veterans Citation.  VFW Auxillary President Judy Lefevre made the following remarks. Lorelei Wiggins has an extensive list of accomplishments and activities.  She dances at Center Stage in Plattsburgh, where she is a member of the […]

Peru Knights bring “Coats For Kids” to Peru Elementary School

Peru, November 21, 2024 – This week, St. Augustine’s Knights of Columbus Council 7273 delivered twenty-one new children’s winter coats and twelve pairs of boys’ and girls’ boots to Peru Central’s Primary and Intermediate Schools. School Nurse Kathy Bedard thanked the Knights, stating, “We know kids who need coats. Thank you so much for doing […]

Have a great time and help a local charity that assists many people

Schuyler Falls/Peru, NY—“Kissing Ball Christmas” will be held at the Kickin’ Up Dust Farm, 362 Peasleeville Road, through December 7. The event aims to raise money for Thera-Pets, Inc., a local charitable organization dedicated to improving human health through farm animals. In addition to donkeys, the farm also has goats, horses, Alpacas, and various birds. […]

Assemblyman Billy Jones Announces Annual Toy Drive for Christmas Bureau

Assemblyman Billy Jones (D-Chateaugay Lake) will once again host a toy drive to benefit the Christmas Bureau. For the past seven years, Jones has collected toys from the North Country community to ensure that every kid is able to open a present this holiday season.             “The North Country is always willing to give to […]

Cumberland 12 Toys For Tots Fundraiser

Saturday December 14th – Town of Schuyler Falls Tree Lighting & Holiday Festival

The 11th Annual Town-Wide Tree Lighting & Holiday Festival will be held on Saturday, December 14th, at the Town Hall, 997 Mason Street, Morrisonville, from 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.  Continuing the town’s tree-lighting tradition (started in 2014), this year’s event will be held at the Town Hall and grounds, with plenty of space for […]

HamilSun Community opened its subscriber portal

HamilSun Community Solar opened its subscriber portal. If you do not fall into the low—to moderate-income category, the portal will accept your information and get back to you later. To apply, you’ll need a photo or copy of some or all of your NYSEG bill. Click here to apply

CPKC Hoilday Train Schedule

Click here for the story 

HamilSun Community Solar is about to go online

(Please Share) November 19, 2024, Peru, NY—Peru residents learned about the solar farm on Mannix Road six years ago when the Hamilton family (Patti, Neil, Mark, and Ruth) applied for a building permit. At long last, there’s good news to report. By the end of December or early 2025, HamilSun Community Solar’s 5,200 panels should […]

Our “Grinch” is very friendly!

November 19, 2024 – Peru’s Water-Sewer-Parks Department personnel Luke Fessette, Mathew Houser, and Christopher Martineau erect Holiday Banners on Peru’s primary streets today. They always do it with a flourish. It’s time for everyone to get into the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday spirit. Courtney Tetrault provided the photos. Thank you! 

Elmore SPCA addresses new Animal Care Standards Act

To adjust to spaçe requirements, Elmore SPCA closed seven of the ten municipal contracts  Click here for the Sun Community News story