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The editor is John Ryan at email: The Peru Gazette is a free community, education and information website. It is non-commercial and does not accept paid advertising.

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Archive for 'Community Events'

Burlington’s police transformation czar weighs in on challenges

Source: Burlington’s police transformation czar weighs in on challenges

Franklin the snow giant | News, Sports, Jobs – Adirondack Daily Enterprise

Source: Franklin the snow giant | News, Sports, Jobs – Adirondack Daily Enterprise

Wednesday, Jan. 27th Soup Kitchen Menu

Coleslaw, chicken ‘n biscuits, mashed potatoes/gravy, dessert Served Take-Out Only, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. at St. Augustine’s Parish Center, 3030 Main St., Peru, NY 12972

Peru Blood Drive Today 3 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Peru – CVPH Donor Center Blood Brive, Monday, January 25, 2020, 3 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., St. Augustine’s Parish Center, 3030 Main St. in Peru.  Your neighbors need and appreciate your donation. All coronavirus safeguards will be maintained. 

Soup Kitchen Menu – Wednesday, Jan. 20

Cheezy Macaroni & Cheese Garden Salad Bread Dessert Take-Out Only, Served 4:30 to 5:30 p.m., St. Augustine’s Parish Center, 3030 Main St., Peru, NY

St. Vincent’s Thrift Re-Opening Today

St. Vincent de Paul thrift store will be reopening this week with new guidelines: Limit 5 adults in the store at one time with 30 minute suggested shopping time. Masks and social distancing required. Purchase a bag and fill it yourself.

Annual MLK event goes virtual | Local News |

Source: Annual MLK event goes virtual | Local News |

Recalling a Peru Landmark

By John T. Ryan Over the years I have taken many photos or scanned old photos of St. Augustine’s Church. Yesterday, I was asked for photos of the church that once stood where St. Augustine’s Church now stands. That request motivated this post. Constructed in 1884, the old church was razed in spring 1981. On […]

Beef Stew & Mashed Potatoes Sounds Like A Great Meal

Soup Kitchen Menu for Wednesday, January 13, 2021 Beef Stew Mashed Potatoes Garden Salad Dessert Take-out only, Served 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. at St. Augustine’s Parish Center, 3030 Main St., Peru, NY

CVPH Blood Drive – Monday, January 25th

Peru – CVPH Donor Center Blood Drive – Monday, January 25, 2021, 3 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., St. Augustine’s Parish Center, 3030 Main St. in Peru. Your neighbors need and appreciate your donation. Please make every effort to donate. Peru’s recent blood drives were very successful. All recommended coronavirus safeguards will be maintained.

Region’s Needs More Urgent and Significantly More Crucial

Dear Friends and Neighbors, During these unprecedented times of COVID-19, the needs in our region have become increasingly more urgent and significantly more crucial. Luckily, the Adirondack Region is home to the most kind, generous, and empathetic people on the planet. Our organization represents a strong network of health and human service agencies across Clinton, […]

Peru Federal Credit Union Opens New Building in Keeseville

  By John T. Ryan  2015 – New Building in Peru  2018 – New Building in Au Sable Forks  2019 – Office in Keeseville  2020 – New Building in Keeseville  The above dates dates chart the Peru Federal Credit Union (PFCU) as it expands its services in southern Clinton and northern Essex County. Credit Union […]

Call for Artists for a Strand Center New Year Pop-Up Gallery Show!

The Strand Center for the Arts is excited to host a Pop-Up Gallery Exhibition for the New Year in January and is looking for artists. This special exhibition will be held at The Strand Center Main Gallery at 23 Brinkerhoff Street in Plattsburgh. The exhibition will open on Saturday, January 23, 2021, from 10:00 am […]

Mission of Hope Closes Warehouse and Office Until February

Due to the rising Covid cases and quarantines in our county, the Mission of Hope will keep its warehouse closed until February. In addition, our Mission Office will also be officially closed until February as well. Please do not leave voice messages on our office phone. If it is an emergent issue that needs immediate […]

Soup Kitchen Menu for Wednesday, January 6, 2021 – Yummy!

Michigans Chicken Wings Macaroni Salad Dessert Take-Out Only, Served 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. at St. Augustine’s Parish Center, 3030 Main St., Peru NY 12972

How Black Lives Matter brought the conversation of race and racism to the North Country | NCPR News

Source: How Black Lives Matter brought the conversation of race and racism to the North Country | NCPR News

Stewart’s Shops Holiday Match Raises Over $1.88 Million for Local Children’s Charities

  The 2020 Holiday Match program has raised over $1.88 million for local children’s organizations. From Thanksgiving Day through Christmas Day, Stewart’s customers impressively donated  $941,207 to the program. Each individual donation is matched penny for penny by Stewart’s Shops. There are no administrative costs and 100% of the funds benefit local, non-profit children’s organizations. […]

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the Peru Gazette

There’s Still Time To Increase Stewart’s Shops Holliday Match

Gary Dake, Stewart’s CEO, Tweeted: Holiday Match collections have crossed $800,000 with today and tomorrow to go. That’s $1.6 million with our match. Please be generous in the home stretch so we can give more money to local children’s charities!

Assemblyman Billy Jones Dec. 23 COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 December 23 Updates COVID-19 Vaccine Updates More vaccines are coming to New York every day- 346,000 Moderna vaccines are coming this week and 120,000 more Pfizer doses are arriving this week. New York expects to have a total of 630,000 total doses by this week. This week, New York increases the priority populations that the hospitals will […]

Tonight’s Peru Fire Department Lighted Truck Parade – Thank You, Peru Firefighters!

Stewart’s Shops Holiday Match Totals Reach $1.4 million with Five Collection Days Left!

December 21, 2020 —The Stewart’s Shops Holiday Match Program is going strong and is at $1.4 million; and there’s five collections days left. As of Sunday, December 20th, donations collected total $724,227 and with the Stewart’s match, that’s over $1,448,000! Customers are shopping at Stewart’s for a quick in in and out; they choose to […]

St. Augustine’s Soup Kitchen Menu for Wednesday, Dec. 23rd

Cheesy Scalloped Potatoes/Ham Green Beans Coleslaw Dessert Take-out Only. 4:30 to 5:30p.m. Served at St. Augustine’s Parish Center, 3030 Main St., Peru, NY

ATV/UTV Parade Canceled (Updated 1:23 p.m. Dec. 18)

Updated Dec 18th: Brandy McDonald posted on Facebook, “First facts of what’s happened here it was a go by the Sheriff’s Department when they talked to Boomer Trim and Myself on Tuesday night. And as you know I posted a Nice post about it and Shared it with 99 people and then there were another […]

Here’s the Fire Department’s Lighted Truck Routes Beginning December 18

((Please Share)) Here is the Plan from our Peru Fire Department for the Lighted Trucks parade for the 18th, 21st, and 23rd leaving the station at 6 pm Can’t thank you all enough for everything you all do year-round. December 18, River Road to Barney downs onto Calkins to Reservoir rd back to Barney Downs […]