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Archive for 'General News'

Virgin Galactic founder Richard Branson successfully rockets to outer space – CNN

Source: Virgin Galactic founder Richard Branson successfully rockets to outer space – CNN

Plattsburgh Celebrates a Native Son’s Achievements

By John T. Ryan A July 4th morning’s dedication ceremony recalled a tragic event; nevertheless, smiles and laughter abounded. The ceremony dedicated Brendon Palmer-Angell’s mural “Reach for the Stars! The Michael Anderson Mural.” Located on the Westelcom Building at 23 Durkee Street and overlooking the city’s soon to be opened Arts Park, the mural depicts […]

Local Company Donates Beautiful Sullivan Park Sign

Artisan Sign and Design of Peru donated this beautiful new Sullivan Park sign to the Town of Peru. It’s made of high-density urethane and should last many, many years. Town personnel erected the sign.

June 28th Peru Town Board Meeting Highlights 

By John T. Ryan   Several board members commented that the Sunday, June 27th Peru Town Market and concert at Heyworth Mason Park was successful. Supervisor Brandy McDonald counted 117 people attending the show and 250 people shopping at the market. Some people said that prior to the events, they didn’t know beautiful Heyworth Mason […]

Clinton County June 21st Post Weekend Covid Report: New Positives +0

Since our 6/18 update, 0 additional lab-confirmed COVID-19 positive cases have been reported. Here are links to some frequently requested data: – Vaccination data:…/viz/Covid-Draft/Dashboard. According to the North Country COVID Vaccine Dashboard 90,580 total doses of COVID-19 Vaccine were given in Clinton County as of 6/13. As of 6/13, 60% of all Clinton County […]

Bring Your Families For Fun and Enjoyment

The Babbie Rural and Farm Learning Museum at 250 River Rd. in Peru opened for the season today. It will be open tomorrow too from 10 a.m to 4 p.m. Any day is a great day to visit the Babbie Museum. The kids especially LOVE it! Stop by and enjoy! The very friendly volunteers will […]

Very Good Post Weekend News: Positive Covid Cases +0

Since our 6/11 update, 0 additional lab-confirmed COVID-19 positive cases have been reported. Here are links to some frequently requested data: – Vaccination data:…/viz/Covid-Draft/Dashboard. According to the North Country COVID Vaccine Dashboard 88,852 total doses of COVID-19 Vaccine were given in Clinton County as of 6/6. As of 6/6, 59% of all Clinton County […]

Dog Control Officer Resigns

By John T. Ry Peru – One of the Peru Town Board’s meeting agenda items this week is acceptance of the resignation of the town’s Dog Control Officer.  David Drollette resigned just before the town board’s May 24th meeting. Supervisor Brandy McDonald commented, “It’s too bad. We can’t replace an employee like him. It’s a […]

Summer Concerts Begin June 27th

The Clinton County Breastfeeding Coalition is Normalizing Breastfeeding

June 8, 2021. A group of lactation professionals and advocates are taking to social media to promote and advance breastfeeding in Clinton County. The Clinton County Breastfeeding Coalition, comprised of over 10 community organizations and local moms, developed a campaign highlighting the ‘realness’ of breastfeeding and the fact that it may not always be easy, […]

St. Augustine’s Soup Kitchen Menu for Wednesday, June 9th

Michigans Ribs Macaroni Salad Dessert ALL ARE WELCOME! Served take-out only, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. at St. Augustine’s Parish Center, 3030 Main St., Peru.

Town of Peru/Town of Ausable Cemetery Tours Saturday, June 19th, 9:30 am to 2:30 pm

The Clinton County Historical Association is pleased to resume its sponsorship of local Cemetery tours with a tour of four cemeteries on Saturday June 19th.  The tours will begin at 9:30 am at the St. Augustine’s Church Cemetery in Peru with hosts John and Jean Ryan.  At 10:30 the tour will move to the Old […]

Masks Still Required At NYS Schools

The NYS Department of Education advises: As of September 1, 2020, school districts were permitted to reopen, under Executive Order 202.60, “subject to adherence to Department of Health issued guidance and directives.” These have included the submission of reopening plans to address, among other things, distancing and health requirements. The State Education Department has been […]

During a brief 2-mile drive this morning the Peru Gazette came across four interesting stories

#1 – Adirondack Farms was cutting an extremely good hay crop in small fields adjacent to the Barney Downs. Rd. A quarter mile away on the River Rd. another Adirondack Farms machine was tedding cut hay prior to its being chopped. AMAZING TECHNOLOGY!!!!!! Story #2 – Forrence orchard workers installed apple tree netting today in […]

Looking East From Rulfs Orchard Parking Lot – June 3, 2021

Shirley Evans Photo 

Boil water Order For Elm St. 9-44, All of Sanborn Lane, Rt. 22 2986-2990, RT. 22B 6-14

A Fascinating Garden

By John T. Ryan  Peru – Up until five years ago, retired Peru teacher Don Evans had never been a gardener; now, he has a beautiful garden that most passers-by stop to examine. His garden doesn’t have corn, beans, and other vegetables; instead, it’s a fairy garden designed to make magic happen for children. It’s […]

May 31, 2021, Peru VFW Post 309’s Memorial Day Service.

The James P. O’Connor Composite Squad Color Guard posted colors. Post Commander Tom Boisseau welcomed the large crowd and reminded people of our fallen soldiers’ sacrifices on our behalf. Msgr. Dennis Duprey, Pastor of St. Augustine’s Church in Peru, related his experience at the Normandy, France cemetery, where over 9,300 Americans were buried after D-Day.

“They Will Give of Self When The Call Is Made”

Peru – Msgr. Dennis Duprey, Pastor of St. Augustine’s Church, delivered brief remarks at today the VFW Post 309 Memorial Day Service.  Msgr. Duprey recalled visiting the cemetery at Normandy, France, and the impression it made on him, especially the age of the soldiers who lost their lives during the D-Day landing. Speaking of today’s […]

Postal Service wants to raise cost of mailing a letter to 58 cents – CNNPolitics

Source: Postal Service wants to raise cost of mailing a letter to 58 cents – CNNPolitics

Memorial Day: May 31, 2021

  “Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who died in service to their country. The holiday was officially proclaimed in 1868 to honor Union and Confederate soldiers and was expanded after World War I to honor those who died in all wars. It became an official federal holiday […]

Solar storms are back, threatening life on Earth as we know it –

Source: Solar storms are back, threatening life on Earth as we know it –

Approved Minutes of Peru Town Board’s April 26, April 12, March 22 and February 22, February 8 Meetings

The regular meeting of the Peru Town Board was held on Monday April 26, 2021, at the Peru Town Hall. Those present were Mr. Brandy McDonald, Supervisor; Mr. Richard Barber, Councilman; Mr. Kregg Bruno, Councilman; Mr. James Douglass, Councilman; Mr. Mel Irwin, Councilman and Mrs. Dianne Miller, Town Clerk. Also present were Mr. Courtney Tetrault, […]

Ausable River Association Announces Free Guided River Tours

  WILMINGTON — The Ausable River Association (AsRA) is offering free guided paddling, hiking, and interpretive programs in the Ausable and Boquet watersheds this spring and summer. “We are excited to offer these free programs for the third year in a row,” said Kelley Tucker, AsRA’s Executive Director. “It’s a great opportunity to experience the […]

Yes, It’s Been Very Dry

Dust was flying high behind a planter working along the River Rd. yesterday. Peru weatherman John Hart confirmed that May has been a very dry month. John said, “In April we caught up with the average for the month, but it didn’t do a lot for the water year. “A water year begins on October […]