Archive for 'General News'
CVPH Paver Orders Due April 30
Located on the front lawn of the hospital, the Circle of Healing & Hope provides a place for people to find solace and comfort in an outdoor setting. The Circle and its winding paths are filled with granite pavers honoring loved ones and commemorating life. Pavers are installed once a year and honored each summer at […]
Posted: April 8th, 2021 under Community Events, General News, Heathcare News, Northern NY News.
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Ausable Valley Scout teaches sixth-graders CAD | Local News |
Source: Scout teaches sixth-graders CAD | Local News |
Posted: April 2nd, 2021 under General News.
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Vt. officials to open vaccinations to out-of-state students by April 30
Source: Vt. officials to open vaccinations to out-of-state students by April 30
Posted: April 1st, 2021 under General News.
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Governor Andrew Cuomo’s March 26th COVID-19 Update
March 26, 2021. As we continue to move vaccination forward we also need to revitalize New York’s economy and make sure we reopen safely. To that end, today we launched Excelsior Pass, a free and voluntary platform for businesses & individuals that can be used to easily access secure proof of a recent negative COVID […]
Posted: March 26th, 2021 under General News, Heathcare News, State Government News.
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NYS Comptroller DiNapoli: Wall Street’s 2020 Bonuses Rose Amid Volatility
Average Bonus in NYC Securities Industry Reaches $184,000, Up 10% March 26, 2021 The average bonus paid to employees in New York City’s securities industry grew by 10 percent in 2020 to $184,000, in line with the city’s most recent 9.9 percent projection, likely allowing the city to meet or exceed its income tax revenue […]
Posted: March 26th, 2021 under Business News, General News, Heathcare News.
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Harkness and Keeseville United Methodist Churches Reopening March 28
Due to recent decreases in COVID-19 cases in neighboring communities, the Harkness and Keeseville United Methodist Churches will resume in-person worship beginning on Palm Sunday, March 28. The Harkness service will be at 9 am and Keeseville will worship at 11 am. Even though this represents a significant step forward, both congregations will be required […]
Posted: March 25th, 2021 under General News, Heathcare News, Northern NY News, Peru News, Peru/Regional History, Religious News.
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Saturday, April 3rd Easter Egg Hunt
The North Country Alliance Church will host a free community Easter egg hunt on Saturday, April 3. Participants must pre-register for a time slot on our website ( by Friday, April 2. We are offering six times throughout the morning, in 30-minute increments from 10 am-1 pm, with a limit of 50 children each. All […]
Posted: March 24th, 2021 under Arts and Entertainment, Community Events, General News, Northern NY News, Religious News.
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Foster Care Parents Urgently Needed
Posted: March 24th, 2021 under General News.
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Twenty-seven roses | News, Sports, Jobs – Adirondack Daily Enterprise
Source: Twenty-seven roses | News, Sports, Jobs – Adirondack Daily Enterprise
Posted: March 24th, 2021 under General News, Heathcare News, Northern NY News, Peru/Regional History.
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Column | The Charlotte Blues: Small Town Paper’s Editor Departs After Reporting Zoning Dust-Ups | Fair Game | Seven Days | Vermont’s Independent Voice
Source: Column | The Charlotte Blues: Small Town Paper’s Editor Departs After Reporting Zoning Dust-Ups | Fair Game | Seven Days | Vermont’s Independent Voice
Posted: March 24th, 2021 under General News, Regional NY-VT News.
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Federal Money Coming, But There Are Still Many Questions
By John T. Ryan The American Rescue Plan’s (ARP) impact on the Town was the first agenda at the Peru Town Board’s Monday, March 22nd meeting. Passed by Congress and signed by President Biden the plan will provide $12.6 to New York State, including $825 million to smaller cities, towns and villages. Supervisor Brandy […]
Posted: March 23rd, 2021 under General News, Peru News, Town Board News.
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Tweet received a few moments ago
March 23, 2021 – 2:40 p.m. Erika Mahoney @MahoneyEb I am heartbroken to announce that my Dad, my hero, Kevin Mahoney, was killed in the King Soopers shooting in my hometown of Boulder, CO. My dad represents all things Love. I’m so thankful he could walk me down the aisle last summer.
Posted: March 23rd, 2021 under General News.
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Peru’s Kathryn Bowman Sets CVAC Record
A record was quietly broken during a Champlain Valley Athletic Association Girls Varsity Bowling match on March 10th. Kathryn Bowman, from the Peru Nighthawks, set a new CVAC 3-game series record of 753 with games of 278-245-230 against AuSable. The previous 3-games series record of 750 was set by Jordan Mckee from Ticonderoga in […]
Posted: March 23rd, 2021 under Education News, General News, Peru resident news/accomplishments, Peru School News, Peru/Regional History.
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10 people confirmed dead in shooting at Colorado supermarket: police –
Source: 10 people confirmed dead in shooting at Colorado supermarket: police –
Posted: March 23rd, 2021 under General News, Law Enforcement News.
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Pair arrested in brutal Chesterfield home invasion | Sun Community News CHESTERFIELD |
Former Peru Teacher George Bailey’s Alleged Killers Arrested Source: Pair arrested in brutal Chesterfield home invasion | Sun Community News CHESTERFIELD | Two men are now facing dozens of charges in connection with a violent home invasion that left a George Bailey’s Port Douglas Road residence left the elderly homeowners b
Posted: March 20th, 2021 under General News, Law Enforcement News, Peru School News.
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How To File Taxes During The Coronavirus : Life Kit : NPR
Source: How To File Taxes During The Coronavirus : Life Kit : NPR
Posted: March 20th, 2021 under General News, Heathcare News, Peru/Regional History.
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IRS Extends Filing Deadlines
The Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service announced that the federal income tax filing due date for individuals for the 2020 tax year will be automatically extended from April 15, 2021, to May 17, 2021. The IRS will be providing formal guidance in the coming days. “This continues to be a tough time for many […]
Posted: March 18th, 2021 under General News, Heathcare News, Peru/Regional History.
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NYS Senate wants to allow Cuomo to speed up prison closures | NCPR News
Cuomo has shut down 21 prisons since he became governor in 2011. There are plans for more, according to his executive budget proposal. He is asking for the same authority from the state Legislature — to close prisons as long as he gives legislative leaders 90 days’ notice. There is a difference this time, though. […]
Posted: March 16th, 2021 under General News.
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St. Augustine’s Parishioners Honored
(Note – All have been twice COVID vaccinated. They briefly removed their masks for the photo and immediately put them back on.) Peru, March 14, 2021 – Prior to beginning the 9:30 a.m. Mass St. Augustine’s Pastor Msgr. Dennis J. Duprey presented the Golden Rose Award to Bob and Jane Woods and Bob and […]
Posted: March 15th, 2021 under Community Events, General News, Peru News, Peru resident news/accomplishments, Religious News.
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Governor Andrew Cuomo’s March 11 COVID-19 Update
With more and more New Yorkers getting vaccinated every day, we are moving toward a final stage in our fight against COVID. To date, New York has administered more than 6 million total doses of vaccine across the state, with more than 1 million doses administered at New York State-run mass vaccination sites. Even as […]
Posted: March 11th, 2021 under General News, Heathcare News, State Government News.
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North Country at Work: Keeping ice safe at Lake Placid toboggan chute with Tracy Daby | NCPR News
Source: North Country at Work: Keeping ice safe at Lake Placid toboggan chute with Tracy Daby | NCPR News
Posted: March 10th, 2021 under Adirondack Region News, Community Events, General News, Northern NY News.
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NYS Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli Statement on Federal COVID-10 Relief Plan
“This is a game-changer for New York. As the pandemic drags on for New Yorkers who have fallen ill, for workers who have lost their jobs, for families struggling with childcare and for small businesses desperate to stay open, we’ve received critical aid from the federal government when we need it most. “This aid plugs […]
Posted: March 10th, 2021 under Business News, General News, Heathcare News, Peru/Regional History.
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Battle brewing to continue alcohol takeout from restaurants
Source: Battle brewing to continue alcohol takeout from restaurants
Posted: March 10th, 2021 under Business News, General News, Heathcare News, State Government News, State Legislator News.
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CVPH Announces Reduced Hours, Layoffs, Retirements and Facility Consolidations
CVPH Addresses Decade of Financial Instability; Charts New Path Reduced Hours, Layoffs, Retirements, and Consolidation of Facilities PLATTSBURGH, NY (03/09/2021) — Faced with a $6.5 million loss in the first four months of fiscal year (FY) 2021 as a result of fewer patient visits in addition to nearly a decade of financial instability, the University […]
Posted: March 9th, 2021 under General News, Heathcare News, Northern NY News, Peru/Regional History, Regional NY-VT News.
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Clinton County March 9 COVID-19 Report: +24 Positives, Deaths 0
Since our 3/5 update, 24 additional lab-confirmed COVID-19 positive cases have been reported. CCHD HAS COVID-19 VACCINATION APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE. The vaccination clinic is scheduled for Thursday, March 11 in the gymnasium at Clinton Community College. Eligible residents include: • Those 65 years or older. • Those 18 years or older with a NYS identified comorbidity. […]
Posted: March 9th, 2021 under County Government News, General News, Heathcare News.
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