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Archive for 'General News'

Stefanik Announces Support for COVID-19 Relief Package

From the office of Congresswoman Elise Stefanik Washington, D.C.  – Congresswoman Elise Stefanik has announced that she will vote in favor of House passage of the 4th major legislative phase of Congress’ emergency coronavirus response later this afternoon. This most recent package will provide economic relief to small businesses, individuals, and families across the North […]

Jupiter, Saturn will appear to merge in rare ‘Christmas Star’ event not seen in 800 years –

Source: Jupiter, Saturn will appear to merge in rare ‘Christmas Star’ event not seen in 800 years –

National Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day: December 21, 2020

Key Findings “On a single night in January 2019, state and local planning agencies (Continuums of Care) reported: 567,715 people were homeless, representing an overall 2.7 percent increase from 2018 but a nearly 11 percent decline since 2010. 37,085 veterans were reported as homeless, a decline of 2.1 percent from 2018 and 50 percent since […]

Clinton County details current state of COVID-19 outbreaks | Sun Community News PLATTSBURGH 

Source: Clinton County details current state of COVID-19 oubreaks | Sun Community News PLATTSBURGH | Four people are now hospitalized with five new cases in Clinton County reported overnight, including one involving a young NCCS student. Most new cases involve a c

Franklin County Dec. 18 COVID-19 Report: New Positives +38, Recovered +11, 12/16 Positivity Rate 6.64%, Active 187

*Attention* Covid-19 Cases are increasing in Franklin County. In order to reduce the spread of infection: Reduce Gathering Sizes. Comply with the face-covering requirements of New York State. Socially distance 6 feet and wear your face covering. Wash hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer. Clean and disinfect surfaces. Driver or rideshare – […]

Local Dec. 18 COVID-19 Report: Lab-confirmed positive +15, Recovered +14, Active 133, Tested +943

Stay safe this weekend. What we have seen locally is very similar to what is being seen across the state—spread of COVID-19 is largely occurring between friends and family members. For the most part, residents are taking appropriate precautions when they are out in public, such as wearing masks and physically distancing, but then they’re […]

A Holiday Safety Message From Peru Codes Officer Bob Guynup

As we gather this holiday season, the NYS Division of Consumer Protection wants to help keep you safe. In light of the public health crisis and with winter approaching, families are spending more time at home than ever. Did you know that many deaths due to carbon monoxide poisoning occur during the winter months? Learn […]

Peru Free Library Temporarily Closed to Public – There still is lobby pickup

  Due to the rise in COVID cases in Clinton County, the Peru Free Library will be closed temporarily to the public.  Lobby pickup will continue Tuesday – Friday 11-4. Free Wi-fi is available 24-7. 

Let’s Go! The New CityPlace Burlington will Benefit Everyone 

Would something like this work in Plattsburgh? Source: Let’s Go! The New CityPlace Burlington will Benefit Everyone | Paid Post | City | Seven Days | Vermont’s Independent Voice

NYSEG Project Will Bring Benefits, But NYSEG Failed to Communicate

By John T. Ryan   For the past several weeks, Peru residents have watched NYSEG contractors installing massive 70 ft. poles (15 ft. are underground) adjacent to one of our most highly traveled streets, the Bear Swamp Rd. Many residents have had questions about the nature of the work which has caused traffic delays, while […]

Cleveland baseball team will change name after 105 years | CANVAS Arts

Source: Cleveland baseball team will change name after 105 years | CANVAS Arts

Those recycled bottles? Odds are, they will have no second act – VTDigger

Source: Those recycled bottles? Odds are, they will have no second act – VTDigger

Saranac CSD super tests positive for COVID-19 | Coronavirus |

Source: Saranac CSD super tests positive for COVID-19 | Coronavirus |

Franklin County Dec. 11 COVID-19 Update

*Attention* Covid-19 Cases are increasing in Franklin County. In order to reduce the spread of infection: Reduce Gathering Sizes. Comply with the face covering requirements of New York State. Socially distance 6 feet and wear your face covering. Wash hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer. Clean and disinfect surfaces. Driver or ride […]

Free Bikes For Kids and Adults

  Peru – Two local men have bikes for people in need, i.e., the unemployed, underemployed, foster children, etc. Dick Jenkins and Gene Provencher have been repairing bikes for about three years and giving them to children and adults in need. They have everything from pushcarts up to 29-inch bikes. Call Dick Jenkins at 518-420-5637 […]

Flags, Towns and Symbolism in the ADK  – – The Adirondack Almanack

Source: Flags, Towns and Symbolism in the ADK  – – The Adirondack Almanack

Clinton County 2020 Official Election Results 

Joseph Biden Carries Clinton County 51.82% (18,364) to 46.60% (16,515)  Source: Summary Results – Election Night Reporting

Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Dec. 3 COVI-19 Update

December 3, 2020. Hospitalizations due to COVID continue to increase throughout the State. The total number of hospital beds in NY is about 53,000—currently 35,000 of those beds are occupied by patients, about 4,000 of whom are COVID patients. For context, at the height of the pandemic in the spring, we had about 19,000 people […]

Adapting and Growing to Meet the Challenge

By John T. Ryan Peru – 2020’s COVID-19 pandemic has been a challenge for the restaurant industry. Livingood’s Restaurant and Brewery is facing all the well-publicized rules and regulations. Co-managers Gary Morette and Jody Renaudette describe the past several months as a period of adapting, learning and finding ways to keep customers and staff safe […]

Governor Andrew Cuomo’s Dec. 2nd COVID-19 Update

‘We are seeing an alarming rise in COVID cases that trace back to “living room spread.” New York’s latest contact tracing data shows that 70 percent of new COVID-19 cases originate from households and small gatherings. Today, the State released a new PSA highlighting the dangers of COVID spread in these smaller, indoor settings. Watch the […]

DEC Releases Final Statewide Trout Stream Management Plan

Science-Based Plan with Angler Input will Improve Management of Wild and Stocked Trout Draft Regulations Proposed to Implement Key Plan Provisions Including Year-Round Catch-and-Release Season and Revising Regulations to Make Them Easier to Understand New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Commissioner Basil Seggos today released the State’s final Trout Stream Management Plan that […]

NEW: St. Lawrence County reports 160 coronavirus cases since Thursday | NCPR News

Source: NEW: St. Lawrence County reports 160 coronavirus cases since Thursday | NCPR News

Local Nov. 30th COVID-19 Report: Lab-confirmed positive +20, Recovered +31, Active -11, Tested + 1,093

All residents are encouraged to continue monitoring themselves for symptoms of COVID-19, especially if you recently attended a gathering or other event. Symptoms of COVID-19 can appear anywhere from 2 to 14 days after exposure to the virus and may include: – Fever or chills – Cough – Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing – […]

Local Nov. 24th COVID-19 Report: Lab-confirmed positive +11, Recovered +0, Active +11, Tested +566

In-person shopping at crowded stores is a higher-risk activity that may lead to the spread of COVID-19. We encourage residents to shop local this holiday season, but ask you to consider virtual shopping or curbside pickup instead of in-person shopping. If you decide to go shopping in person, take steps to protect yourself: – Wear […]

As U.S. Reaches 250,000 Deaths From COVID-19, A Long Winter Is Coming : Coronavirus Updates : NPR

Source: As U.S. Reaches 250,000 Deaths From COVID-19, A Long Winter Is Coming : Coronavirus Updates : NPR