March 2025

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The editor is John Ryan at email: The Peru Gazette is a free community, education and information website. It is non-commercial and does not accept paid advertising.

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Archive for 'Opinion'

North Country Prisons: Hard Times in ‘Siberia’

North Country Prisons: Hard Times in ‘Siberia’ – The Adirondack Almanack – The Adirondack Almanack.

First-graders and Mesopotamia? New York’s model lesson plan asks too much, critics say

First-graders and Mesopotamia? New York’s model lesson plan asks too much, critics say |

Brian Mann On The Future Of Local Journalism

Brian Mann On The Future Of Local Journalism – The Adirondack Almanack – The Adirondack Almanack.

How the Rockefeller drug laws changed America

How the Rockefeller drug laws changed America | News from North Country Public Radio.

Campus Notebook: Could bad state math cost good teachers? – Times Union

Campus Notebook: Could bad state math cost good teachers? – Times Union.

The online no-charge Press Republican is ending

Letter to readers: Changes for a stronger future » Editorial » Press-Republican.

Editorial: Celebrating top students » Opinion » Press-Republican

Editorial: Celebrating top students » Opinion » Press-Republican.

State Senate to act on Public Assistance Integrity Act

From the Office of state Senator Betty Little The New York State Senate will act today on the “Public Assistance Integrity Act,” sponsored by Senator Tom Libous (R-C-I, Binghamton) and cosponsored by Senator Betty Little (R-C-I, Queensbury)  that would help cut down on the flagrant abuse of EBT (Electronic Benefit Transfer) cards by prohibiting welfare […]

Commentary: ARTA Rail Trail, Economic No-Brainer – The Adirondack Almanack

Commentary: ARTA Rail Trail, Economic No-Brainer – The Adirondack Almanack – The Adirondack Almanack.

Rick Perry goes job-hunting in New York – Newsday Editorial

Rick Perry goes job-hunting in New York – Editorial.

Why the Washington spy scandal isn’t a scandal « The In Box

Why the Washington spy scandal isn’t a scandal « The In Box.

A Buffalo News Editorial

The Buffalo News: Albany remains a cesspool of corruption. Every year, it seems, elected officials, including members of the Assembly and Senate, are unmasked as thieves, cheats or manipulators gaming the system for their own benefit. They extend from the rank and file to the leaders of each chamber to independently elected officeholders such as former […]

Testing debate: are teachers, parents protesting too much? « The In Box

Testing debate: are teachers, parents protesting too much? « The In Box.

Life in the North Country? Yup, it’s hard. « The In Box

Life in the North Country? Yup, it’s hard. « The In Box.

Obamacare grows up « The In Box

Obamacare grows up « The In Box.

Albany sleaze keeps oozing 

Albany sleaze keeps oozing  – NY Daily News.

Business magazine rates NY second-to-last for business friendliness

Capitol Confidential » Business magazine rates NY second-to-last for business friendliness.

LeBrun: Focus turns to ailing upstate – Times Union

LeBrun: Focus turns to ailing upstate – Times Union.

No traction for municipal consolidation – Times Union

No traction for municipal consolidation – Times Union.

Gov. Cuomo says he’s delayed fracking approval because he fears the Legislature –

Gov. Cuomo says he’s delayed fracking approval because he fears the Legislature –

Supreme Court won’t hear challenge to NYS gun law

The Gazette previously posted a story on this issue. Brian Mann gives a good summary of the arguments. Supreme Court won’t hear challenge to NYS gun law « The In Box.

How the North Country experienced the Boston Marathon bombings

How the North Country experienced the Boston Marathon bombings « The In Box.

Editorial: Screen for alcohol abuse

Editorial: Screen for alcohol abuse » Editorial » Press-Republican.

Can NY be reformed?

Can NY be reformed? –

Rutgers scandal shows ugly underbelly of college sports

Rutgers scandal shows ugly underbelly of college sports « The In Box.