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Archive for 'Political News'

Clinton County’s unofficial primary election results

Click here for the Clinton County Board of Elections Totals 

Rep. Lee Zeldin held off a challenge from Andrew Giuliani and two others to win GOP nomination

Click here for the story 

Gov. Kathy Hochul wins NY Democratic primary over two challengers

Click here for the story 

June 28, 2022 – Primary Election Day 6:00 am to 9:00 pm.

Voting in Peru takes place at St. Augustine’s Parish Center, 3030 Main St. Democrats have the choice of candidates for Governor and Lt. Governor. Governor – Choices for Governor are Thomas R. Suozi, Kathy C. Hooch or Humane D. Williams. Lt. Governor – Ana Maria Archia, Diana Reyna or Antonio Delgado Republicans have the choice […]

Legislation signed related to absentee ballots

Click here to view Sun Community New Story 

Hochul calls Supreme Court decision on abortion a “grave injustice”

Click here for the NCPR story 

Congresswoman Stefanik celebrates today’s Roe v Wade Supreme Court Decision

Click here to view her statement I am honored to be here today with my House Republican colleagues. Today’s historic Supreme Court decision is a victory for the sanctity of life, it will save countless innocent children. House Republicans are incredibly grateful for the pro-life movement’s tireless efforts for decades leading to this day to […]

Supreme Court overturns Roe vs. Wade, states can ban abortion

Click here for the story 

Stefanik to Vote Against Senate Gun Control

From the office of Congresswoman Elise Stefanik Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Elise Stefanik announced she plans to vote against Senate gun control bill.  “I will continue to stand up for Second Amendment rights against this legislation that shreds the Constitutional rights of law-abiding Americans with no effect on deterring criminals who do not follow the […]

As other states restrict voting access, NY expands legal protections for voters | NCPR News

Source: As other states restrict voting access, NY expands legal protections for voters | NCPR News

Elise Stefanik’s defense of Trump around Jan. 6 clouds her pro-democracy work abroad | NCPR News

Source: Elise Stefanik’s defense of Trump around Jan. 6 clouds her pro-democracy work abroad | NCPR News

Stefanik cosponsors Educational Choice for Children Act | Sun Community News WASHINGTON, D.C. | Bill broadens educational options for parents.

Source: Stefanik cosponsors Educational Choice for Children Act | Sun Community News WASHINGTON, D.C. | Bill broadens educational options for parents.

N.Y. announces electric and gas bill credit program  | Sun Community News ALBANY | Gov. Kathy Hochul has announced that $567 million is now available to help low-income electric and gas utility customers pay off past utility bills. 

Source: N.Y. announces electric and gas bill credit program  | Sun Community News ALBANY | Gov. Kathy Hochul has announced that $567 million is now available to help low-income electric and gas utility customers pay off past utility bills. 

Poll: New York voters strongly support new laws on guns, abortion –

Source: Poll: New York voters strongly support new laws on guns, abortion –

Gun Owners of America pushes back on bipartisan gun control legislation • OpenSecrets

Source: Gun Owners of America pushes back on bipartisan gun control legislation • OpenSecrets

NY weed industry stakeholders push to expand on-site consumption permitting –

Source: NY weed industry stakeholders push to expand on-site consumption permitting –

Benita Law-Diao confirmed as APA Commissioner | Sun Community News RAY BROOK | First person of color appointed to APA board.

Source: Benita Law-Diao confirmed as APA Commissioner | Sun Community News RAY BROOK | First person of color appointed to APA board.

‘Dominion’ voting conspiracy, which Stefanik amplified, debunked in Jan. 6 hearings | NCPR News

Source: ‘Dominion’ voting conspiracy, which Stefanik amplified, debunked in Jan. 6 hearings | NCPR News

New York’s LG race: Upstart challengers trying to prevent a ‘coronation’ – Gothamist

Source: New York’s LG race: Upstart challengers trying to prevent a ‘coronation’ – Gothamist

What’s in a party’s name? Lawmakers fear confusion

Source: What’s in a party’s name? Lawmakers fear confusion

NY GOP governor candidates debate crime, economy and Trump –

Source: NY GOP governor candidates debate crime, economy and Trump –

Gov. Kathy Hochul signs abortion rights package into law

Source: Gov. Kathy Hochul signs abortion rights package into law

Stefanik Statement on Sarah Palin Advancing to the Alaska Special General Election 

WASHINGTON, D.C.— Today, Congresswoman Elise Stefanik released the following statement congratulating E-PAC endorsed Sarah Palin on advancing to the Special General Election for Alaska’s Congressional District: “Congratulations to E-PAC endorsed Sarah Palin on advancing to the Special General Election for Alaska’s Congressional seat. I was thrilled to join President Trump in endorsing Sarah Palin’s campaign, and […]

A look at New York’s new gun laws: Here’s what will change –

Source: A look at New York’s new gun laws: Here’s what will change –

Governor appoints Plattsburgh Town Supervisor to College Council | Sun Community News PLATTSBURGH 

Source: Governor appoints Plattsburgh Town Supervisor to College Council | Sun Community News PLATTSBURGH | New York Gov. Kathy Hochul has appointed Michael Cashman, supervisor of the Town of Plattsburgh, to the SUNY Plattsburgh College Council.