March 2025

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Archive for 'Political News'

Judge: NY can hold election using Democrat-drawn districts | News |

Source: Judge: NY can hold election using Democrat-drawn districts | News |

Stefanik resumes push to elect more GOP women to Congress

Source: Stefanik resumes push to elect more GOP women to Congress

Budget, Bills and bail – City & State New York

Source: Budget, Bills and bail – City & State New York

Judge rejects New York’s redistricting plan, orders new maps

Source: Judge rejects New York’s redistricting plan, orders new maps

The Editorial Board: Fed up with delays and broken promises, Hochul forces Senecas to pay their debt | Editorial |

Source: The Editorial Board: Fed up with delays and broken promises, Hochul forces Senecas to pay their debt | Editorial |

Hochul: Seneca casino money can help offset state’s cost of new Buffalo Bills stadium –

Source: Hochul: Seneca casino money can help offset state’s cost of new Buffalo Bills stadium –

Gubernatorial candidate Thomas Suozzi questions possible Hochul conflict in Bills stadium deal | Latest Headlines |

Source: Gubernatorial candidate Thomas Suozzi questions possible Hochul conflict in Bills stadium deal | Latest Headlines |

Stefanik Statement on Alice Hyde Family Maternity Center

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Elise Stefanik today released the following statement following the announcement that Alice Hyde Medical Center in Malone will permanently halt planned deliveries of babies in their Family Maternity Center. “Today’s announcement is devastating to North Country families, who will now be forced to drive an extra hour to have their babies. […]

Advocates call for lower unemployment insurance tax rates        | Sun Community News ALBANY | A

Source: Advocates call for lower unemployment insurance tax rates        | Sun Community News ALBANY | Advocates took to Albany March 28 to call for lowered unemployment insurance tax rates to help small businesses recover.

Hamilton County judge reprimanded by state judicial conduct commission | NCPR News

Source: Hamilton County judge reprimanded by state judicial conduct commission | NCPR News

As more New Yorkers wait for trial at home, few communities are paying for services to support them

Source: As more New Yorkers wait for trial at home, few communities are paying for services to support them

Advocates protest Hochul’s “betrayal” on proposed bail reform changes | NCPR News

“The protesters gathered at the Capitol, chanting “Hell no to Cuomo 2.0”. Some speakers compared the plan to other civil rights setbacks, including the creation of Jim Crow laws in the late 19th and early 20th centuries” Source: Advocates protest Hochul’s “betrayal” on proposed bail reform changes | NCPR News

Warren County election officials cross party lines to help high school students register to vote | NCPR News

“But not only can a Republican and a Democrat work together in Warren County, they can even sit in the same room and laugh together.   “I don’t recall any problems between the two of us,” said Republican William VanNess. “Nope,” replied Democrat Beth McLaughlin.” Source: Warren County election officials cross party lines to help high […]


The New York Daily News published an op-ed from New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli today. The full op-ed is below: Diagnosing Team Cuomo’s nursing home failures: The state comptroller explains his audit of the former governor’s COVID performance New York City just marked the two-year anniversary of the first confirmed death from COVID-19 […]

Downtown business owner Jimmy Williams elected mayor of Saranac Lake | NCPR News

Source: Downtown business owner Jimmy Williams elected mayor of Saranac Lake | NCPR News

ICYMI: Stefanik Response to Zelenskyy Address: “The American People Stand Strongly With the People of Ukraine”

Washington, D.C. Congresswoman Elise Stefanik joined House Republican Leadership in response to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s Address to Congress. Watch full remarks here. A transcript of her full remarks can be found below: The American people stand strongly with the people of Ukraine. The speech we just heard from President Zelenskyy was inspiring. And talk […]

Stefanik Introduces Bill to Protect Milk Choices in Schools

Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, a senior member of the House Committee on Education and Labor, introduced the Protecting School Milk Choices Act which would ensure schools participating in the National School Lunch Program offer students at least one flavored milk option. In light of New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ proposal to ban […]

DiNapoli: State’s pandemic response to nursing homes hindered by ill-prepared state agency

Audit Presents Timeline of State Health Department Underreporting of Nursing Home Deaths The state Department of Health (DOH) was unprepared to respond to infectious disease outbreaks at nursing homes, even before the COVID-19 pandemic hit New York, an audit released today by New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli found. DiNapoli said that a persistent lack […]

School officials say Stefanik spread misinformation and fueled confrontations over masks | NCPR News

Source: School officials say Stefanik spread misinformation and fueled confrontations over masks | NCPR News

Assemblyman Billy Jones: State must address rise in prison violence

“I worked in corrections for twenty years and understand how dangerous working at a correctional facility can be. The recent spike in prison violence including the most recent incident at Clinton Correctional is unacceptable and the problem is only escalating. There are serious concerns about how the HALT Act will further increase violence at correctional […]

Applications for community projects through Tobacco Settlement Funding now open | Sun Community News PLATTSBURGH 

Source: Applications for community projects through Tobacco Settlement Funding now open | Sun Community News PLATTSBURGH | The Clinton County Legislature is pleased to announce Tobacco Settlement Funding will reopen this year to assist with community projects for

Sen. Stec helps pass agricultural package | Sun Community News ALBANY |

Source: Sen. Stec helps pass agricultural package | Sun Community News ALBANY | Sen. Dan Stec (R,C-Queensbury) has helped pass a package of 10 bills designed to boost our agriculture industry. Four of the bills, which Stec co-sponsored, address major issues like l

Challenge to NY’s congressional and state redistricting lines continues | NCPR News

Source: Challenge to NY’s congressional and state redistricting lines continues | NCPR News

Senate passes fire department ambulance reimbursement bill | Sun Community News ALBANY | A

Source: Senate passes fire department ambulance reimbursement bill | Sun Community News ALBANY | A bill co-sponsored by Sen. Dan Stec (R,C-Queensbury) to allow fire departments to bill and be reimbursed for providing life-saving emergency ambulance services has pa

Stefanik Introduces Bill to Combat Invasive Species

From the office of Congresswoman Elise Stefanik Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Elise Stefanik today reintroduced the Stamp Out Invasive Species Act to help combat and raise awareness about the threat invasive species pose to Upstate New York and North Country ecosystems. Specifically, this bill would direct the United States Postal Service to issue a “Combating […]