March 2025

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Archive for 'Political News'

Congresswoman Elise Stefanik’s Statement on Federal COVID-19 Relief Plan

Washington, DC – Today, Congresswoman Stefanik voted against the Democrats’ $1.9 trillion partisan package guised as COVID-19 relief. She issued the following statement: “Rather than focusing on bipartisan COVID-19 relief to safely re-open our economy and schools, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and President Biden instead rammed through a partisan $1.9 trillion spending package stuffed with their Far-Left […]

Assembly GOP asks feds to investigate Mario Cuomo Bridge construction

Source: Assembly GOP asks feds to investigate Mario Cuomo Bridge construction

Coalition Forms for Final Marijuana Legalization Push

Source: Coalition Forms for Final Marijuana Legalization Push

Cuomo repeats he never ‘touched anyone inappropriately’ after new accusation –

Source: Cuomo repeats he never ‘touched anyone inappropriately’ after new accusation –

Advisory group makes recommendations for High Peaks in final report

Source: Advisory group makes recommendations for High Peaks in final report

City & State Albany Agenda co-sponsored by the Greater New York Hospital Association

Source: City & State Albany Agenda co-sponsored by the Greater New York Hospital Association

Woman on the verge: Hochul praised for her ability to connect

ALBANY — If Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo were to resign or be impeached, the potential first woman governor of New York is waiting in the wings. Kathleen C. Hochul, 62, has served as New York’s lieutenant governor since 2015, the beginning of Cuomo’s second term in office. Source: Woman on the verge: Hochul praised for […]

Skidmore student: ‘Cancel culture organized against us’

Source: Skidmore student: ‘Cancel culture organized against us’

Calls grow for New York Gov. Cuomo to quit from top state lawmakers

Source: Calls grow for New York Gov. Cuomo to quit from top state lawmakers

What you need to do to get the third stimulus check – The Washington Post

Source: What you need to do to get the third stimulus check – The Washington Post

Website leak finds far-right militia members in St. Lawrence County | NCPR News

Source: Website leak finds far-right militia members in St. Lawrence County | NCPR News

City & State Coronavirus March 5 Update

Source: City & State Coronavirus Update

Is Cuomo an exemplar of Albany culture? | City & State NY

Source: Is Cuomo an exemplar of Albany culture? | City & State NY

Stefanik votes against COVID relief, voting rights, and police reform bills | NCPR News

Source: Stefanik votes against COVID relief, voting rights, and police reform bills | NCPR News

Women are leading the charge to investigate Cuomo | City &

Source: Women are leading the charge to investigate Cuomo | City &

Cuomo addresses sexual harassment accusations, says he will not resign | NCPR News

Source: Cuomo addresses sexual harassment accusations, says he will not resign | NCPR News

Cuomo could have criminal exposure in sexual harassment case, Fitzpatrick says –

Source: Cuomo could have criminal exposure in sexual harassment case, Fitzpatrick says –

Biden vows enough vaccine for all US adults by end of May

Source: Biden vows enough vaccine for all US adults by end of May

Democrats forge deal to strip Cuomo’s emergency powers

Source: Democrats forge deal to strip Cuomo’s emergency powers

Burlington Mayor Miro Weinberger narrowly wins fourth term – VTDigger

Source: Burlington Mayor Miro Weinberger narrowly wins fourth term – VTDigger

NY attorney general moving forward with Cuomo sexual harassment probe –

Source: NY attorney general moving forward with Cuomo sexual harassment probe –

Third woman accuses Andrew Cuomo of inappropriate behavior –

Source: Third woman accuses Andrew Cuomo of inappropriate behavior –

Local leaders react to Cuomo sexual-harassment allegations | Sun Community News 

Source: Local leaders react to Cuomo sexual-harassment allegations | Sun Community News PLATTSBURGH | While Gov. Andrew Cuomo has apologized for what he called “insensitive” comments made to a former aide, the latest allegations of sexual harassment has sparked ou

For Cuomo, hardball tactics, intimidation and now allegations of harassment

Source: For Cuomo, hardball tactics, intimidation and now allegations of harassment

Where Democrats draw the line | City & State NY

Source: Where Democrats draw the line | City & State NY