March 2025

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Archive for 'Political News'

Hamilton College alum, former Cuomo aide accuses governor of sexual harassment (report) –

Source: Hamilton College alum, former Cuomo aide accuses governor of sexual harassment (report) –

Cuomo denies sexual harassment allegations from former aide | NCPR News

Source: Cuomo denies sexual harassment allegations from former aide | NCPR News

Stefanik says Cuomo must resign, calls him ‘sexual predator’ | News, Sports, Jobs – Adirondack Daily Enterprise

Source: Stefanik says Cuomo must resign, calls him ‘sexual predator’ | News, Sports, Jobs – Adirondack Daily Enterprise

Cuomo, under fire for hiding nursing home deaths, now wants to reform those facilities –

Source: Cuomo, under fire for hiding nursing home deaths, now wants to reform those facilities –

With Cuomo under fire, which Republicans are considering a 2022 challenge?

Prominent Republicans in the state — including U.S. House representatives Lee Zeldin, Tom Reed and Elise Stefanik, as well as Dutchess County Executive and 2018 GOP nominee for governor Marc Molinaro – have within the last few weeks either personally said they’re considering a run, or have taken steps viewed by other members from their […]

GOP, Conservative leaders discuss ditching Congressman John Katko over impeachment vote –

Source: GOP, Conservative leaders discuss ditching John Katko over impeachment vote –

Cuomo proposing senior STAR school tax changes, critics say no

Source: Cuomo proposing senior STAR school tax changes, critics say no

City & State Coronavirus Update

Source: City & State Coronavirus Update

Infectious disease expert says Cuomo aide’s claim he advised governor ‘not true’

Source: Infectious disease expert says Cuomo aide’s claim he advised governor ‘not true’

Clinton County Republicans Endorse Candidates and Search For More

Feb. 19 – At the Thursday night meeting of the Clinton County Republican Committee. The Committee unanimously endorsed the following candidates for County office. Area Two Legislator – Francis Peryea Area Four Legislator – James Monty Area Six Legislator – Aaron Fung Area Ten Legislator – Thomas Clark   The search continues for candidates for […]

City & State Coronavirus Update

Source: City & State Coronavirus Update

FBI, U.S. attorney in Brooklyn probing Cuomo administration on nursing homes

Investigation is in its early stages; no allegations of wrongdoing have been made Source: FBI, U.S. attorney in Brooklyn probing Cuomo administration on nursing homes

Cuomo said ‘he can destroy me’: Democrat alleges governor threatened him over nursing homes scandal

Source: Cuomo said ‘he can destroy me’: Democrat alleges governor threatened him over nursing homes scandal

‘Worst in America’: Inside the public feud between Cuomo and Stefanik | NCPR News

Source: ‘Worst in America’: Inside the public feud between Cuomo and Stefanik | NCPR News

Fact check: Cuomo’s response to nursing home scandal

Source: Fact check: Cuomo’s response to nursing home scandal

Democrat Jones Blasts Democrat Cuomo

Assemblyman Jones: Call for a full repeal of the Governor’s emergency powers “The Governor continues to evade the legislature and his lack of transparency continues to be outraging. It is clear that vulnerable populations were at risk, but what is most alarming is that the Governor continues to keep the truth from the public that […]

Carbon fees, just-cause evictions, retail cannabis on Burlington’s ballot March 2 – VTDigger

Source: Carbon fees, just-cause evictions, retail cannabis on Burlington’s ballot March 2 – VTDigger

‘Worst in America’: inside the very public feud between Cuomo and Stefanik

Source: ‘Worst in America’: inside the very public feud between Cuomo and Stefanik

North Country lawmakers demand federal probe into Cuomo and top aides | NCPR News

Source: North Country lawmakers demand federal probe into Cuomo and top aides | NCPR News

Most expensive ever: 2020 election cost $14.4 billion • OpenSecrets

Source: Most expensive ever: 2020 election cost $14.4 billion • OpenSecrets

Support grows for Cuomo to remove election officials over Tenney-Brindisi snafu

Source: Support grows for Cuomo to remove election officials over Tenney-Brindisi snafu

Vermont’s top federal prosecutor to resign at Biden administration’s request – VTDigger

Source: Vermont’s top federal prosecutor to resign at Biden administration’s request – VTDigger

NY certifies Claudia Tenney as winner of House race over Anthony Brindisi –

Source: NY certifies Claudia Tenney as winner of House race over Anthony Brindisi –

Vermont Sen. Patrick Leahy promises impartial impeachment trial for former President Donald Trump

Source: Vermont Sen. Patrick Leahy promises impartial impeachment trial for former President Donald Trump

Cuomo administration’s stonewalling goes far beyond nursing home deaths

Source: Cuomo administration’s stonewalling goes far beyond nursing home deaths