March 2025

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Archive for 'Youth News'

Indians, Eagles to meet in boys’ basketball ‘B’ finals

Indians, Eagles to meet in boys’ basketball ‘B’ finals » Sports » Press-Republican.

Ravi Ross named to the Dean’s List at The College at Brockport

BROCKPORT, NY (02/06/2013)(readMedia)– The College at Brockport, State University of New York, recently honored students who excelled academically by naming them to the Dean’s List for the fall 2012 semester. Ravi Ross of Peru, NY was named to the Dean’s List. Students who earn a GPA of 3.70–3.99 are named to the Dean’s List with Honors, while […]

Answering the call: Keene student lends a helping hand to Hurricane Sandy victims in ravaged areas

Answering the call – 

Heyworth/Mason Park in pictures

By Adele Douglas Town employees Mike Hanlon and Rob Wright installing the new sign for the Town’s new park.  Thanks to Kris Bruno for volunteering  and building this impressive sign.  The post was designed and manufactured by John Trombly of Modern Mechanical Fabricating in Champlain.  The design elements represent both saw blades and log sections, […]

Thomas Gwinn Jr. became an Eagle Scout on Veterans Day

By John T. Ryan Peru – An impressive ceremony on Sunday, November 11, 2012, climaxed a five-year journey for Thomas Gwinn Jr. In 2007 Gwinn achieved the Boy Scout Tenderfoot rank. Last Sunday he was awarded Boy Scouting’s highest rank – Eagle Scout.  Gwinn’s Court of Honor ceremony was conducted at St. Augustine’s Parish Center as […]

Peru’s Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony is coming soon

The Town of Peru will be holding their 26th Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony on Friday November 30th at 7:00 PM at the Town Gazebo.  Everyone is welcome. There will be Christmas carols and the arrival of Santa Claus!  Refreshments will be served at the Peru Community Church Fellowship Center.

Owens writes to Secretary of Agriculture on school lunch calorie requirements

From the Office of Congressman Bill Owens PLATTSBURGH – Congressman Owens wrote to Secretary of Agriculture Thomas J. Vilsack today about the new federal school lunch calorie requirements.  The letter follows several conversations with parents and school officials who expressed concerns with the new rule.

Tri-Lakes Boy Scout leaders react to molestation allegations –

Local Boy Scout leaders react to molestation allegations – | 

‘Perversion files’ show locals helped cover up Boy Scout scandals

‘Perversion files’ show locals helped cover up Boy Scout scandals – 

Scout child abuse allegation files hit home including Peru

Scout files hit home – 

Equine introduction in Saranac

Equine introduction » NEW TODAY… » Press-Republican.

Autumn ArtQuest: Art in 3D focuses on sculpture

Plattsburgh, NY – The North Country Cultural Center for the Arts (NCCCA Arts Center) is pleased to announce a special Autumn ArtQuest series.  Youth ages 5-12 will have the opportunity to study the many mediums of sculpture with instructor Roxana Palmer Strong.

Peru Central receives national award

By John T. Ryan Peru Central School was recognized as a College For Every Student (CFES) “School of Distinction” at the Tuesday, September 10, 2012 Board of Education meeting. CFES Program Director Steve Boyce (left) presented a banner to High School Principal Chris Mazella and faculty members (L-R) Jeanne Caron, Lisa Crain and Rosemary Manchester.

35th Annual Applefest — Saturday & Sunday Sept. 15 &16

By Donald McBrayer In 1978 the St. Augustine’s Home and School Club hatched an idea for a church bizarre. It would feature a handful of games for  kids, a booth for hamburgers and fries, and some music by local artists. They gave it the name “Applefest” and a tradition was born.

Upcoming tournament honors Mr. “B” and provides scholarships to Peru Central seniors

Over a career that spanned several decades, the late Leo Bourgeois or Mr. “B” as he was affectionately known, impacted the lives of hundreds of Peru Central School students, encouraging them to do their best and not to give up.  

Eminent domain proceeding and Heyworth/Mason Park progress dominate Monday’s Public Hearing and Town Board Meeting

By Donald McBrayer The Town Board held a public hearing on eminent domain proceedings regarding the placement of an upgraded town sewer line across property on North Bend Street owned by Thomas Powers.

300 Peru children will play summer baseball and softball and even more are expected to compete in fall soccer program

By John T. Ryan There was a light drizzle Saturday morning,

Fire Department gives life-saving defibrillator to Peru Youth Commission

By John T. Ryan The Peru Volunteer Fire Department contributes each day to the preservation of life and property in the Town of Peru. On Saturday, June 2nd, the department added to that service commitment

Annual Dozer Day coming to Airborne Speedway this Saturday

Annual Dozer Day coming to Airborne Speedway this Saturday » NEW TODAY… » Press-Republican.

Plattsburgh organization offers area teens leadership training, aerospace education, search and rescue skills