March 2025

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Archive for 'Youth News'

Mark Your Calendars for the APPLEFEST

Peru – Peru’s Applefest is going to happen in 2021. The Covid pandemic resulted in its cancellation last year, but this year the 43rd Annual St. Augustine’s Applefest will occur on Saturday, September 18th. Traditionally a two-day event, the Applefest will be packed into one day of fun. The parish center filled with dozens of […]

CNY kid wins national free-throw shooting contest, cites Joe Girard as inspiration: ‘I was just feeling it’ –

“Syracuse, N.Y. – Tommy Goodelle made 50 straight free throws. And while that feat is impressive enough for an 11-year-old boy, consider this: The E.R. Hughes Elementary School student (New Hartford) sank those shots during a national competition designed to crown the best shooter in his or her age group.” Source: CNY kid wins national […]

Saranac Lake’s Pendragon Theatre Welcomes New Managing Director, offers kids camp – The Adirondack Almanack

Source: Pendragon Theatre Welcomes New Managing Director, offers kids camp – The Adirondack Almanack

A Fascinating Garden

By John T. Ryan  Peru – Up until five years ago, retired Peru teacher Don Evans had never been a gardener; now, he has a beautiful garden that most passers-by stop to examine. His garden doesn’t have corn, beans, and other vegetables; instead, it’s a fairy garden designed to make magic happen for children. It’s […]

Youth Commission-Town Board Relationship Primary Meeting Topic

At its May 24, 2021 regular meeting the Peru Town Board:  Conducted a 20-minute discussion with four members of the Peru Youth Commission. Youth Commission Chairman Greg Mills recently submitted his resignation and Councilmen Rick Barber and Jim Douglass have both bowed out as the town board’s liaison to the commission. Councilmen Melvin Irwin and […]

First Mowing of the Year At Babbie Rural & Farm Learning Museum

Peru – We are now accepting donations from 9:30 a.m. to Noon Monday through Friday in preparation for our June opening. Thank you Bob McGee for the unexpected donation earlier this week–a page out of The Peruvian, a Peru newspaper published in the 1920s. We are looking forward to sharing our new exhibits and donations […]

DEC Announces New Opportunity for Youth Hunters – – The Adirondack Almanack

Source: DEC Announces New Opportunity for Youth Hunters – – The Adirondack Almanack

Kid’s imaginations run wild at local program | Sun Community News POINT AU ROCHE | The Point Au Roche State Park is the home of many nature-themed programs and activities. 

Source: Kid’s imaginations run wild at local program | Sun Community News POINT AU ROCHE | The Point Au Roche State Park is the home of many nature themed programs and activities. There is a family program with changing themes offered every Saturday, a guided hike

April Break Interactive Virtual Art Classes

April Break Interactive Virtual Art Classes with Mr. Badger. Sponsored by the Peru Free Library and a grant through the Lake Placid Education Foundation. Space is limited and we ask that participants sign up for one class, not both.   Art supplies for classes available for pickup at the Library week of March 30. Tuesday-Friday 11:00-4:00.

Child care desert: Shining a light on struggles across the Adirondacks

“We have about five children on average for every one spot in one of those registered programs. That leaves a whole lot of kids unable to get into high-quality, regulated child care.” — Sara Allen Taylor, project director at the Child Care Coordinating Council of the North Country   Source: Child care desert: Shining a […]

Stec, Simpson Urge Gov to Start Overnight Summer Camp Planning

Senator Dan Stec (R,C,I-Queensbury) and Assemblymember Matt Simpson (R,C,I-Horicon) are urging Governor Andrew Cuomo to initiate the planning process for the safe opening of sleepaway summer camps this year. Day camps were able to open last summer with guidance from the State Department of Health.  Sleepaway camps, however, were prohibited, which negatively impacted young campers […]

Coffee to go: Mobile coffee bar serves caffeine roadside | Local News |

Source: Coffee to go: Mobile coffee bar serves caffeine roadside | Local News |

Adirondack Communities: Workforce Training – – The Adirondack Almanack

Important story with very concerning local stats. Source: Adirondack Communities: Workforce Training – – The Adirondack Almanack

Stewart’s Holiday Match Kicks off 34th Season on Thanksgiving Day

Stewart’s Shops is teaming up with its customers once again to raise money for local children’s charities. The Stewart’s Holiday Match campaign kicks off on Thanksgiving Day and runs through Christmas Day at all shop locations. “In these times, nonprofits need our help more than ever with increased strains on staffing, resources and budgets. We […]

Town of Peru – October 2020 Department Reports


Approved Minutes of Peru Town Board’s October 15th Meeting

The regular meeting of the Peru Town Board was held on Thursday, October 15, 2020, at the Peru Town Hall.  Those present were Mr. Brandy McDonald Supervisor; Mr. James Douglass, Councilman; Mr. Melvin Irwin, Councilman; Mr. Richard Barber; Councilman; Mr. Kregg Bruno, Councilman and Mrs. Dianne Miller, Town Clerk.  Also present were Mr. Courtney Tetrault, […]

Cuomo’s trick-or-treat advice: Stay home, or close to it –

Source: Cuomo’s trick-or-treat advice: Stay home, or close to it –

Indoor Soccer Program at the Crete To Be Continued

Elevate518, LLC and the City of Plattsburgh have signed an agreement to continue the momentum of the decades-long indoor field sports program at the Crete Memorial Civic Center in Plattsburgh, NY.   Elevate518, LLC is launching Adirondack Coast Sports, which is a division of their charity race timing company, Adirondack Coast Events.  Adirondack Coast Sports […]

CDC Halloween Activities Guidelines | Lake Champlain Region

Source: CDC Halloween Activities Guidelines | Lake Champlain Region

Youth Commission Chairman Greg Mills Clarifies Youth Commission Membership to the Town Board

Peru – At the Peru Town Board’s September 28th meeting Counselor, Kregg Bruno suggested setting term limits for members of the Peru Youth Commission, saying it would be good to get “new blood and new ideas.” He mentioned two people had approached him about being on the Commission. Town Attorney Matt Favro interjected that some […]

Dick’s Sporting Goods Assists Local Athletics

Each of the past three years, Dicks Sporting Goods in Plattsburgh, has donated a $1,000 Sports Matters Grant to local sports teams in need of funding. On October 2, Store Manager Greg Mills, Presented the Northern Frontier Little League out of Chazy, NAC and NCCS with this years’ award. DICK’S Sporting Goods believes that sports […]

Gov. Cuomo says he will not ban trick-or-treating in New York despite coronavirus pandemic

Source: Gov. Cuomo says he will not ban trick-or-treating in New York despite coronavirus pandemic

A soccer message from the Peru Youth Commission

We will be shortly posting guidelines for players, coaches and spectators to follow as we progress with our soccer season. With the obvious guideline of social distancing and wearing face masks, the youth commission has decided NOT to play Mini-Mite soccer this fall. This was not an easy decision to make but the safety of […]

Paver busted, youth soccer being considered, vandalism in hamlet and more

By John T. Ryan The Peru Town Board agenda is typically routine, but the meeting almost always involves essential decisions and discussions. Oftentimes, the most important items come to light under “Other business.” At its Monday, August 24th regular meeting Highway Superintendent Michael Farrell reported that his paver is non-operational because replacement parts are not […]

A Message on Peru Youth Programs from Youth Director John Flynn

Peru Sports and Youth Program Hello Town Residents I would like to give everyone an update on our youth programs. First I would like to thank Linda and Mary Mccaulffe for teaching our tennis program for 2 weeks. We had 36 youth signed up and it was well-received by everyone. We are continuing to run […]