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Archive for 'Zoning Board News'

SPCA plans to return to its former Telegraph Street location

  By John T. Ryan  Although no exact time-frame has been established the Elmore SPCA recently outlined plans to the Town of Peru Zoning and Planning Boards to eventually move its facility back to the former 556 Telegraph Street location. In 2007 the Board determined that the Telegraph St. location could no longer serve the […]

Agenda released for Zoning Board’s July 15th Meeting includes auto repair shop and 120 foot tower

AGENDA PERU ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS  Wednesday July 15, 2009  7:00 p.m.   Peru Town Hall

Building permits and site built/modular home numbers decline

By John T. Ryan Town of Peru Planning and Zoning Office statistics for 2009 through May 31st indicate a 27% decline in the number of building permits issued compared to the same period in 2008 and a 62% decline in the number of site built/modular home permits issued. Code Enforcement Officer Paul Blaine said, “The […]

April Zoning Board of Appeals minutes published

Walter Russell, Chairman of the Town of Peru Zoning Board of Appeals, called the meeting of  April 29, 2009 to order at 6:03 pm.

Rt 22 auto repair shop and Bear Swamp Rd. car wash on tonight’s Zoning Board agenda

AGENDA, PERU ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, Wednesday June 17, 2009  7:00 p.m. Peru Town Hall

Boiler law continues to evoke the ire of a few residents

By John T. Ryan The Peru Town Board conducted its scheduled Public Hearing on proposed amendments to the outdoor Wood Boiler Law which they passed in September 2008. The Board proposed dropping Definition 3. B. as it relates to commercial enterprises and Prohibition 5. 2) which prohibited an outdoor wood boiler within 750 feet of […]

Frosty Springs granted occupancy permit

By John T. Ryan On May 1, 2009 Linda Covel was granted an Occupancy Permit by the Town of Peru to bottle water at her bottling plant on the Mannix Road. Code Enforcement Officer Paul Blaine performed the final inspection on April 28th and Mrs. Covel picked up the permit on May 1st. Covel will […]

Zoning Board has light agenda

Meeting Wednesday May 20, 2009 7:00 p.m. Peru Town Hall  APPLICATION: KARLA DOWNS  Requesting an Area Variance for a Shed at 17 Cross St.  APPLICATION:       JARED CURTIS  Requesting an Expansion/Change of a Non-Conforming Use at 928  Peasleeville Rd.       

Charges against Covel clarified

By John T. Ryan On March 29, 2009 the Press Republican reported the arrest of Peru Town Supervisor Donald Covel on what the Press Republican reporter referred to as a “slew of official-misconduct charges.”  The Peru Gazette visited the offices of the Clinton County Court Clerk to review the March 25, 2009 Clinton County Grand […]

Listen, learn and voice your opinion about protecting Peru’s open spaces

By Rodney Brown Updated March 28, 2009. (A link to the Draft Open Space Plan appears at the end of Mr. Brown’s story) On Tuesday, March 31st at 7:00pm the Committee to Implement the Comprehensive Plan, along with consultant Nan Stolzenberg of Community Planning and Environmental Associates, will present a draft document titled “Town of […]

Routine Zoning Board March Meeting Agenda

Click for agenda of Board’s March 18th Meeting

Neighbor concerned with brush piled close to his building

By John T. Ryan Posted March 11, 2009 at 12:21 p.m. and updated 1:09 p.m.  A correction was made on March 12, 2009 at 6:55 a.m. Mr. Healy’s is concerned with brush being piled adjacent to his property and being a fire hazard, rather than limbs overhanging his building.  The Peru Town Board conducted its […]

Do residents know their burning may be prohibited

By John T. Ryan Four residents voiced asked questions or voiced opinions at the March 9, 2009 Public Hearing on the proposed Open Burning Law for the Town of Peru. John Ryan said he believed an article about the law’s provisions should have appeared in the Press Republican in addition to the required printing on […]

Public hearing scheduled on proposed open burning law

By John T. Ryan The Town of Peru may have an open burning law in place within the next few weeks. The Peru Town Board at its February 23, 2009 meeting

This committee’s work is important to town’s future

Submitted by Adele Douglas The Committee to Implement the Comprehensive Plan welcomes the public at all its meetings. The Committee usually meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of every month at 6:30 in the Town Hall.  Meeting dates for the next month will be confirmed on the calendar in the Town Hall.

Plant remains closed – violations alleged

By John T. Ryan The Frosty Springs Bottling Company’s main building was destroyed by fire on February 3, 2007.  The cause of the fire was never determined. A new building was constructed at a cost of approximately $500,000 and completed in February 2008. Today the building sits idle, while Frosty Springs has its water bottled in Massachusetts […]

Peru’s $4.2 million in residential building bucks the trend

By John T. Ryan Anyone reading the news headlines would believe that home building has almost come to a halt, but last year the Town of Peru did not follow the national trends.  Code Enforcement Officer Paul Blaine

There is an opening on the Zoning Board of Appeals

Posted January 6, 2008 The Town of Peru has an immediate volunteer opening for the Zoning Board of Appeals. Interested persons are requested to submit a letter of interest to the Town of Peru Code Enforcement Office c/o Kelly Petrie, 3036 Main St., Peru, NY 12972 by January 30, 2009. If you have any questions […]

Zoning Board approves sand mine and Pasquales pick-up building

Click here for Zoning Board minutes

Zoning Board December Agenda and October minutes


Sand mining and a restaurant to highlight Zoning Board November meeting

Posted November 2, 2008 by John T. Ryan AGENDA PERU ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Wednesday November 19, 2008 7:00 p.m. Peru Town Hall

Sand mine and auto repair highlighted Zoning Board September meeting

Posted November 2, 2008 by John T. Ryan Official approved meeting minutes Walter Russell, Chairman of the Town of Peru Zoning Board of Appeals, called the meeting of September 17, 2008 to order at 7:07 pm.

Zoning Board October 15th meeting agenda

Posted on October 6, 2008 by John T. Ryan PERU ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Wednesday October 15, 2008 7:00 p.m. Peru Town Hall

Blaine issues outdoor wood boiler guidelines

Posted September 29, 2008 by John T. Ryan Zoning Enforcement Officer Paul Blaine has issued guidelines for Peru’s recently passed Outdoor Wood Boiler (OWB) law. They were  issued in an attempt to clarify the law’s primary provisions.