Archive for 'Zoning Board News'
Bear Swamp Rd. and Route 22 Special Permitted Uses on Zoning Board’s May agenda
AGENDA, ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, Wednesday, May 18th, 2011, 7:00 p.m., Peru Town Hall 1. CALL meeting to order., 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE., 3. ROLL CALL., 4. APPROVAL of April Minutes. 5. OPEN floor to Public Hearing. 6. APPLICATION: ALAN MICHAUD, D.D.S. Special Permitted Use ~ 752 Bear Swamp Rd. 7. APPLICATION: SUSAN & KIRK POLHEMUS Special […]
Posted: May 6th, 2011 under Zoning Board News.
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March Zoning Board Meeting approves Blake Rd. application
Leon Blair, Chairman of the Town of Peru Zoning Board of Appeals, called the meeting of Wednesday, March 16th, 2011 at 7:00pm to order.
Posted: April 25th, 2011 under Zoning Board News.
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Zoning Board has a one item April agenda
AGENDA, ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, Wednesday, April 20th, 2011, 7:00 p.m. Peru Town Hall 1. CALL meeting to order. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. 3. ROLL CALL. 4. APPROVAL of March Minutes. 5. OPEN floor to Public Hearing. 6. APPLICATION: ST.AUGUSTINE’S/ST.PATRICK’S CHURCH – Expansion/Change of Nonconforming Use Patent Rd. 7. ANY FURTHER BUSINESS. 8. CODE OFFICE REPORT. 9. […]
Posted: April 13th, 2011 under Zoning Board News.
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Zoning Board had three item agenda in February. Here’s what happened!
Leon Blair, Chairman of the Town of Peru Zoning Board of Appeals, called the meeting of Wednesday, February 16th, 2011 at 7:00pm to order.
Posted: March 18th, 2011 under Zoning Board News.
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Zoning Board has light March agenda
AGENDA, ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, Wednesday, March 16th, 2011, 7:00 p.m., Peru Town Hall 1. CALL meeting to order. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. 3. ROLL CALL. 4. APPROVAL of February Minutes. 5. OPEN floor to Public Hearing. 6. APPLICATION: WAYNE REEVES: Area Variance ~ Blake Rd. 7. ANY FURTHER BUSINESS. 8. CEO REPORT. 9. ADJOURNMENT.
Posted: March 10th, 2011 under Zoning Board News.
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Town Board will be replacing the Code/Zoning Enforcement Officer
The Peru Town Board will discuss filling the Code/Zoning Officer position at its Monday, February 28th Meeting. Town Supervisor Peter Glushko has confirmed that Paul Blaine’s resignation letter is pending/anticipated. Blaine will be on paid administrative leave until the end of March. Glushko said he hopes to fill the position as soon as possible. The […]
Posted: February 25th, 2011 under General News, Planning Board News, Town Board News, Zoning Board News.
Comments: 1
Zoning Board Minutes include historic school house and future use of the former Becky’s Restaurant
Leon Blair, Chair of the Town of Peru Zoning Board of Appeals, called the meeting of Wednesday, January 19th, 2011 at 7:00pm to order.
Posted: February 18th, 2011 under Planning Board News, Zoning Board News.
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Zoning Board has three February agenda items
AGENDA, ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, Wednesday, February 16th, 2011, 7:00 p.m., Peru Town Hall 1. CALL meeting to order. 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. 3. ROLL CALL. 4. APPROVAL of January Minutes. 5. OPEN floor to Public Hearing. 6. APPLICATION: CARRIE BRASHEAR Area Variance ~ Dashnaw Rd. 7. APPLICATION: KLC DEVELOPMENT, LLC. Area Variance ~ Calkins Rd. 8. […]
Posted: January 31st, 2011 under Zoning Board News.
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Town Board holds public hearing for proposed noise ordinance
By Donald McBrayer The Town Board held a public hearing for the proposed Noise Ordinance on Monday January 24th. A half-dozen Peru residents were present, and made comments on the proposed ordinance. James Falvo suggested expanding the line that allows for snow removal equipment “to be used at any time” to include the phrase “for snow removal”. […]
Posted: January 28th, 2011 under General News, Peru/Regional History, Planning Board News, Zoning Board News.
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Zoning Board tabled two applications pending more information
Leon Blair, Chairman of the Town of Peru Zoning Board of Appeals, called the meeting of December 15th, 2010 to order at 7:00 pm.
Posted: January 26th, 2011 under Zoning Board News.
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Zoning Board has three January agenda items
AGENDA, ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, Wednesday, January 19th, 2011, 7:00 p.m., Peru Town Hall
Posted: January 6th, 2011 under Zoning Board News.
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Zoning Board had a one item November agenda
Leon Blair, Chairman of the Town of Peru Zoning Board of Appeals, called the meeting of November 17, 2010 to order at 7:00 pm.
Posted: December 23rd, 2010 under Zoning Board News.
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Zoning Board has a two item December agenda
AGENDA, ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, Wednesday, December 15, 2010, 7:00 p.m. Peru Town Hall 1. CALL meeting to order. 2. ROLL CALL. 3. APPROVAL of November minutes. 4. OPEN floor to Public Hearing. 5. APPLICATION: CARRIE BRASHEA, Area Variance ~ 269 Dashnaw Rd. 6. APPLICATION: RICK CURRY, Area Variance ~ Arnold Rd. 7. ANY FURTHER […]
Posted: November 30th, 2010 under Zoning Board News.
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Peru home construction is increasing compared to last year – People are seeking value!
By John T. Ryan Peru hasn’t been immune to the national slowdown in new home construction, but eleven site-built and modular home permits have been issued through October compared to seven during the same period last year. Code Enforcement Officer Paul Blaine said the site-built home are generally smaller than in previous years. He explained […]
Posted: November 22nd, 2010 under General News, Peru/Regional History, Planning Board News, Zoning Board News.
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Zoning Board’s October minutes appear here
Leon Blair, Chairman of the Town of Peru Zoning Board of Appeals, called the meeting of October 20, 2010 to order at 7:00 pm.
Posted: November 22nd, 2010 under Zoning Board News.
Comments: 1
Zoning Board has one item November agenda
AGENDA ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, Wednesday, November 17, 2010, 7:00 p.m., Peru Town Hall
Posted: November 2nd, 2010 under Zoning Board News.
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September Zoning Board minutes include Bedard luxury apartments off the Bear Swamp Rd.
Leon Blair, Chairman of the Town of Peru Zoning Board of Appeals, called the meeting of September 15th, 2010 to order at 7:00 pm.
Posted: October 26th, 2010 under Zoning Board News.
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Zoning Board minutes for July Meeting published
Leon Blair, Chairman of the Town of Peru Zoning Board of Appeals, called the meeting of September 15th, 2010 to order at 7:00 p.m.
Posted: October 4th, 2010 under Zoning Board News.
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Eight new apartments to be built just off Bearswamp Rd.
By John T. Ryan Construction of four duplex apartment buildings on Davey Drive (just east of McDonald’s) should begin in a few weeks. On Wednesday, September 15th, the Town of Peru Zoning Board approved a variance request from contractor Roy “Chuck” Bedard to construct the apartments on the 1.5 acre lot with the stipulation that […]
Posted: September 16th, 2010 under General News, Peru/Regional History, Planning Board News, Zoning Board News.
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Zoning Board approves Forrence and Casella requests at July meeting
Leon Blair, Chairman of the Town of Peru Zoning Board of Appeals, called the meeting of July 21, 2010 to order at 7:00 pm.
Posted: August 25th, 2010 under Zoning Board News.
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Spiegel loses battle with APA over house Home must be brought into compliance with permit
The Press Republican reports
Posted: August 14th, 2010 under Planning Board News, Zoning Board News.
Comments: 1
New webpage for reporting zoning violations online
By Donald McBrayer As part of a program to tighten enforcement on violations of the Town of Peru Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Regulations, and the NYS Building Code the town website now offers a form for reporting such violations. It can be found on the Zoning Page at: July 6th a workshop was conducted […]
Posted: July 21st, 2010 under Peru/Regional History, Zoning Board News.
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Tighter zoning enforcement among items covered at Monday’s Town Board Meeting and Bill Downs is home
File Photo By Donald McBrayer The Peru Town Board held their Regular Meeting on Monday, July 12 at 7:00 PM. An audio recording of the meeting can be found at: Everyone except Town Attorney, Don Biggs, was present. The Agenda contained 18 items and several discussions including: Reports from all Departments, except Dog Control, […]
Posted: July 13th, 2010 under Town Board News, Zoning Board News.
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May Zoning Board Minutes approved – includes discussion of Elmore SPCA plans
Leon Blair, Chairman of the Town of Peru Zoning Board of Appeals, called the meeting of May 19, 2010 to order at 7:00 pm. ROLL CALL:
Posted: July 6th, 2010 under Zoning Board News.
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Forrence River Rd. and Casella Cook Rd. on Zoning Board Agenda
AGENDA ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Wednesday, July 21, 2010, 7:00 p.m., Peru Town Hall 1. CALL meeting to order. 2. ROLL CALL. 3. APPROVAL of June minutes. 4. OPEN floor to Public Hearing. 5. APPLICATION: FORRENCE ORCHARDS II Area Variance ~ River Rd. 6. APPLICATION: CASELLA CONSTRUCTION Amendment of Approval ~ 48 Cook Rd. 7. ANY FURTHER BUSINESS. 8. CEO […]
Posted: July 6th, 2010 under Zoning Board News.
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