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The editor is John Ryan at email: The Peru Gazette is a free community, education and information website. It is non-commercial and does not accept paid advertising.

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The Peru Gazette welcomes comments on posted stories. The author MUST include his/her first and last name. No  foul or libelous language permitted. The Peru Gazette reserves the right to not publish a comment.

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Second teen in Saranac Lake crash dies

Whiting donated four of his organs that day after dying from non-recoverable injuries. His death came nearly two weeks after he was in a car crash, which also took the life of one of his best friends, 17-year-old Lucas “Loo” Tendler.

Click here for the Adirondack Daily Enterprise story

There’s still time to register for the Mission of Hope Golf Classic

From Venezuela through Roxham Road: “We made the decision to seek a better future”

Click here for the NCPR story 

Ogdensburg to pay firefighters more than half a million dollars in back pay

Click here for the NCPR story 

Phish to donate funds from special concerts to Vermont, New York flood recovery

Click here for the MYNBC5 story 

Are Your School-Aged Children Up-To-Date on Required Vaccinations for the Upcoming School Year?

Another school year is fast approaching and the Clinton County Health Department (CCHD) reminds residents that all children must be age-appropriately immunized to attend school in NYS. “We saw a number of children fall behind in required vaccinations and well-child visits due to the recent pandemic,” explained Nichole Louis, Supervising Public Health Nurse in the Division of Health Care Services at CCHD. “With the recent closure of one of our largest pediatric providers, it is extremely important for parents and caregivers to be proactive in scheduling these visits with their provider prior to the next school year.” If you have no insurance, no provider, or the provider cannot see your child for immunizations before the required date for school attendance,

CCHD can assist you. “CCHD offers immunization clinics for residents who are uninsured or underinsured every Tuesday from 9-11 am,” added Ms. Louis. “In addition to these clinics, we will also offer several afternoon/early evening clinics to accommodate our families.” Additional clinic dates include: – Monday, August 14, 3-5 pm – Monday, August 21, 3-5 pm – Monday, September 18, 3-5 pm – Wednesday, September 20, 3-5 pm – Thursday, September 21, 9-11 am – Monday, September 25, 3-5 pm. All clinics will be held at CCHD (133 Margaret Street in Plattsburgh). Do not wait to schedule a visit with your child’s provider. If you delay, your child will likely miss the cut-off date for return to school and subsequently be excluded from school. If your child does not have insurance, is underinsured, does not have a provider, or their provider cannot see them prior to the required deadlines, contact CCHD at 518-565-4848 to speak with a nurse who can assist you in obtaining the necessary vaccinations.

To learn more about NYS Immunization Requirements for School Entrance/Attendance visit “Working Together for a Healthier Community” – 2 – About the Clinton County Health Department: The Health Department is an accredited full service department serving the residents of Clinton County. The Health Department’s Mission is to improve and protect the health, well-being and environment of the people of Clinton County. Visit our website at or connect with us on Facebook (@clintonhealth), Twitter (@ClintonCountyHD), and Instagram (clintoncountyhealth). ###

Meeting God in Our Community – Peru Community Church’s Vacation Bible School

Video & Agenda – Peru Town Board Meeting of July 24, 2023

1. Call Meeting to Order

  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  1. Roll Call 
  1. MOTION/DISCUSSION:  To Accept Reports from all Departments: (Water/Sewer/Valcour; Highway; Town Clerk; Dog Control; Youth Department; Code/Zoning; Supervisor’s Report; Court; Website; JCEO; and Banking Reports.
  1. MOTION:  Acceptance of Minutes for the Regular Meeting Minutes of June 26, 2023.
  1. Community Input.
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION: Acceptance of Peter Stone to the Planning Board.
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION: Acceptance of Golden Apple Club Contract Renewal.
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION: Appointing New Budget Officer for the 2023-2024 Budget Season.
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION:  Approving the 2007 International Model 7400 as Surplus Equipment. 

Be Sold at Auctions Int’l Site as Parts Only Truck.

  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION:  To Reaffirm the Importance of the Comprehensive Plan for the Town of Peru.
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION: Contract Approval from Engineering Ventures for Sprinkler System RFP Preparation. 
  1. DISCUSSION:  2023 Bridge NY Rejection
  1. DISCUSSION/MOTION:  School Street Washout PCSD Response Letter.
  1. DISCUSSION:  Request to Change Chickens Zoning Code. 
  1. DISCUSSION:  Other Business.
  1. DISCUSSION:  Public Comments on Agenda Items Only.
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION:  Pay July 2023 Bills.
  1. MOTION:  Adjourn to Executive Session.
  1. MOTION:  Return from Executive Session. 
  1. MOTION: Adjourn Meeting.

“Sunday on Valcour Island” featuring tours of the Historic Bluff Point Lighthouse Sunday, August 6, 2023

Transportation leaving every 20 minutes from 9:20 am to 1:00 pm Peru Dock, 3930 State Route 9, Plattsburgh,
$30 per person
The public is invited to join the Clinton County Historical Association (CCHA) on Sunday, August 6, 2023, at the Peru Dock for the opportunity to visit the historic Bluff Point Lighthouse on Valcour Island. Round-trip transportation will be provided for $30 per person. The fee will include a trail guide and George Clifford’s book on Lake Champlain Lighthouses. Special Lighthouse T-Shirts will also be on sale that day. The boat, which holds 4-5 people per trip, will begin shuttling at 9:20 am with trips to the island every 20 minutes. The Lighthouse will close at 2:30 pm and all visitors to the Island must return by 3 pm. In the event of wind or thunderstorms, the tour will be cancelled and refunds due to the cancellation will be made.
Pre-Registration, payment and scheduling departure times must be done by August 4th to guarantee a spot on the boat. Once on the island, a docent will be available for tours of the Lighthouse. Participants must be aware that the trip requires the physical ability to debark and board from the Island’s natural landing, walking on uneven surfaces over rough terrain and climbing stairs. The Island is also famous for poison ivy plants. An adult must accompany anyone under the age of 12 and those under the age of 16 must bring and wear their own life jackets. Individuals may bring a picnic lunch to enjoy while on the island and must carry out what they carry in.
Visitors to the Lighthouse will view displays depicting the history of Lake Champlain Lighthouses, Lake Champlain’s Military History, the 20th Century Camps on Valcour Island and the Life of a Lighthouse Keeper. Visitors may climb to the Lantern Room to see its functioning light and an outstanding view.
For more information and to register your spot, please call the Clinton County Historical Association at (518) 561-0340. Information about the Lighthouse can be found on Facebook or the Museum’s website. The lighthouse is also open every Sunday in July and August from 1 to 3 pm. Transportation would be the responsibility of the visitor.


As Senator, I rely on the input of my constituents to advance policies that will improve our communities. To that end, I recently sent out a survey relating to cell service in the Adirondack Park. That survey can also be taken here, at my Senate website.  If we’re to ensure our region is up-to-date with the needs of our residents, action on the issue of cellular service is essential.

A lot has changed in 21 years.

Wars began and ended. Google went public in 2004. Facebook was founded that same year.

Scientists mapped the human genome. Rovers traversed Mars. Apple launched its first iPhone.

Amid all that change and technological upheaval, one thing has remained stagnant: the regulation of cellular technology in the Adirondack Park.

It was in 2002 when the Adirondack Park Agency adopted its telecommunications policy, mandating that towers achieve “substantial invisibility.”

Ever since, those two words have defined technological development throughout a region roughly the size of Vermont.

It’s a phrase that, too often, results in towers that lack the height to project a signal as far as they could. It’s a phrase that drives up costs for providers, who in turn pass those charges on to customers, if they choose to invest in the region at all. Ultimately, it’s a phrase that, if modernized, could make the Adirondacks a safer, more prosperous place for its inhabitants and visitors.

Add to that an APA pre-application process that, according the a report issued in 2021 by the Upstate Cellular Taskforce, averages more than six months, and it’s easy to see why dead zones are a way of life in the Adirondacks.

Just 62 percent of adults in the U.S. owned a cell phone in 2002, according to the Pew Research Center. Now, that number is greater than 97 percent.

As Americans go cellular, the number of homes with landlines has dropped. By 2017, 51 percent of U.S. households were without a landline, according to a study conducted by the U.S. Department of Health.

In Franklin County, 72 percent of 911 calls received in 2022 by the local dispatch center originated from a cellular device, local officials report. County officials throughout the park reported significant increases over the past decade in the share of calls seeking emergency service made on a cellular device.

State officials have long known the important role cellular service plays in public safety. In 2007, a 63-year-old Brooklyn man froze to death on Interstate 87 near North Hudson after his vehicle became snowbound. His wife spent hours attempting to dial 911, but failed to get a signal.

In response, the state, including the APA, focused on expanding cell service along I-87, closing many of the gaps and rendering the wired emergency phones, in place since 1986, obsolete. State Police announced earlier this year the removal of the remaining wired call boxes on I-87 after so few motorists used them.

Even so, the Cellular Taskforce found long stretches of state routes 8, 28 and 3 were without service. In January, the state Transportation Department wheeled in mobile cell towers ahead of the FISU World University Games in Lake Placid and North Creek so the international cadre of athletes and spectators would have service.

Clearly, the lack of service is no secret to anyone. Read more »

DiNapoli: Texas Woman Charged with Stealing Over $65,000 in NYS Pension Payments

July 24, 2023

State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli announced the indictment of a 53-year-old Texas woman for allegedly stealing more than $65,000 in New York state pension payments meant for a deceased acquaintance. Christy Gibson, of Smith County, Texas, was indicted by Texas prosecutors and charged with one count of theft after an investigation by DiNapoli’s office.

“Christy Gibson went to great lengths to cover up the death of an acquaintance to line her own pockets,” DiNapoli said. “Thanks to the work of my investigators and law enforcement in Texas, she will be held accountable. We will continue to partner with law enforcement from across the country to protect the New York State Retirement System.”

William H. Walsh Jr. retired from the New York State Department of Corrections and Community Supervision in November 1986. He elected to receive a reduced monthly retirement benefit so his wife, Mary L. Walsh, would continue to receive payments if he died before her. William Walsh died in October 2005. Mary Walsh died in December 2012 and at the time of death the pension payments should have stopped. Instead, her death was never reported to the New York state retirement system.

In May 2013, the retirement system received information indicating that Walsh may have died, and pension payments were halted. In June of that year, the retirement system sought verification that Mary Walsh was still alive and subsequently received notarized verification, purportedly from Mary Walsh. As a result, the pension payments were reinstated.

A later investigation by the State Comptroller’s Office found that Mary Walsh was in fact deceased, and the verification was fraudulent.

In total, 70 pension payments were paid after date of death, amounting to $65,102.28.

The pension payments went into a joint account in the name of Mary Walsh and Gibson that was opened in 2011. Gibson never informed the bank of Walsh’s death or removed Walsh’s name from the account. It appears that Gibson was an acquaintance of Mary Walsh through her sister-in-law and also worked at the nursing home where Walsh eventually lived.

DiNapoli’s investigators determined that Gibson used the joint account to pay for entertainment and food. Gibson also made electronic transfers and cash withdrawals.

Gibson was indicted in the 114th District Court of Smith County Texas on one count of theft. Gibson’s anticipated arraignment will be on August 7 before Judge Austin Reve Jackson.

Plattsburgh Farmers Market plans Aug. 12 celebration

This year’s market features new vendors, a Little Free Library and Power of Produce Program

Click here for the Sun Community News story 

St. Augustine’s Soup Kitchen Menu for Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Cheeseburger Casserole




Served take-out only, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. at St. Augustine’s Parish Center, 3030 Main St., Peru, NY 12972

All are welcome at our table!

State picks closed Cazenovia College for training center, not Moriah Shock

Click here for the Times-Union Story 

Central NY man sentenced to prison for illegal rifle after gun dealer reports large ammo sales

Click here for the story

A groundbreaking cements a clear direction for I-81 in Syracuse: ‘Finally, this day has arrived’

Billed as the biggest project ever in Upstate New York 

Click here for the story 

Phish at St. Joe’s Amp in Syracuse: See photos, setlist from the concert

Click here for the story 

Spectrum is raising internet, cable TV and phone charges

Click here for the story 

CVPH Peru Blood Drive on Monday, August 7

Peru – CVPH Donor Center Blood Drive, at St. Augustine’s Parish Center on Monday, August 7, from 3 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. All blood collected is utilized in our region.
Coordinated by the Peru Knights of Columbus Council 7273

National amputee baseball team plays in Burlington

Louisville Slugger Warriors are a team made up of amputee military veterans, wounded warriors and active duty personnel

Click here for the WCAX story 

Major Disaster Declaration approved in New York, providing federal aid to flood victims

Clinton and Essex Counties are among those approved for FEMA funding

Click here for the MyNBC5 story 


  1. Call Meeting to Order
  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  1. Roll Call 
  1. MOTION/DISCUSSION:  To Accept Reports from all Departments: (Water/Sewer/Valcour; Highway; Town Clerk; Dog Control; Youth Department; Code/Zoning; Supervisor’s Report; Court; Website; JCEO; and Banking Reports.
  1. MOTION:  Acceptance of Minutes for the Regular Meeting Minutes of June 26, 2023.
  1. Community Input.
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION: Acceptance of Peter Stone to the Planning Board.
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION: Acceptance of Golden Apple Club Contract Renewal.
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION: Appointing New Budget Officer for the 2023-2024 Budget Season.
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION:  Approving the 2007 International Model 7400 as Surplus Equipment. 

Be Sold at Auctions Int’l Site as Parts Only Truck.

  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION:  To Reaffirm the Importance of the Comprehensive Plan for the Town of Peru.
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION: Contract Approval from Engineering Ventures for Sprinkler System RFP Preparation. 
  1. DISCUSSION:  2023 Bridge NY Rejection
  1. DISCUSSION/MOTION:  School Street Washout PCSD Response Letter.
  1. DISCUSSION:  Request to Change Chickens Zoning Code. 
  1. DISCUSSION:  Other Business.
  1. DISCUSSION:  Public Comments on Agenda Items Only.
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION:  Pay July 2023 Bills.
  1. MOTION:  Adjourn to Executive Session.
  1. MOTION:  Return from Executive Session. 
  1. MOTION: Adjourn Meeting.

Elm St. closed part of Friday

Town of Peru will be closing a portion of Elm Street  @ house #51 tomorrow July 20th from 11:30 am till 3 pm for water line repair. 

 There will be NO through traffic during this time

Flood watch in effect until 2 am Wed.

Flood Watch- National Weather Service Burlington VT, 341 PM EDT Tue Jul 18
341 PM EDT Tue Jul 18 2023


* WHAT…Flash flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues to be possible.

* WHERE…Portions of northern New York, including Clinton and Essex
counties. All of central and northern Vermont.

* WHEN…Until 2 AM EDT Wednesday.

* IMPACTS…Excessive runoff may result in flooding of rivers,
creeks, streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations.
Flooding may occur in poor drainage and urban areas. Storm drains
and ditches may become clogged with debris. Area creeks and
streams are running high and could flood with more heavy rain.

– Slow-moving shower and thunderstorm activity will track
eastward across the watch area this afternoon and evening.
Rainfall amounts from this afternoon and evening`s
thunderstorm activity could reach 1 to 2 inches per hour with
the stronger storms. Recent heavy rainfall has led to soil
conditions across the region being completely saturated. The
ground has no capacity to absorb heavy rainfall which leads
to immediate runoff into creeks and streams and can cause
renewed flash flooding.

– Http://

St. Augustine’s Soup Kitchen Menu for Wednesday, July 18, 2023

Chuck Wagon BBQ Over Rice
A Peach

Served take-out- only, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. at St. Augustine’s Parish Center, 3030 Main St. Peru, NY

All are welcome at our table!❤️