March 2025

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Jehovah’s Witness Convention Returning to Albany, New York

MVP Arena to Host the First Large Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses Since 2019 

Jehovah’s Witness News Release Edited for brevity.

Albany, New York – After a three-year pandemic pause, one of the world’s largest convention organizations has again chosen Albany to host its global three-day event, the 2023 “Exercise Patience”! Convention. In 2020, the pandemic interrupted that tradition in Albany when the Witnesses canceled their in-person events worldwide and held their convention programs as virtual events in more than 500 languages.

The two congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses that meet at the recently built Kingdom Hall in Peru, NY, with their more than 140 congregants, are happy to be back at the Albany MVP Arena. For the last several weeks, they have been eagerly anticipating the convention and extending a personal invitation to their neighbors to accompany them for this special three-day event that is both free and open to the public. 

From Friday through Sunday, six convention sessions will explore the quality of patience, highlighting its modern-day relevance through Scriptural examples. A live baptism will be performed following the Saturday morning session and a prerecorded drama will be featured in two parts during the Saturday and Sunday afternoon sessions. 

“Patience is a rare quality, yet needed now more than ever,” said Dobbs. “With so many challenges facing people on all fronts, patience can prove to be lifesaving. To have a three-day program that explores this vital quality and shows us how to better implement it in our lives is very timely.”

The convention is open to the public and no collection is taken. For more information on the program or other convention locations and dates, please go to and navigate to the “About Us” tab. 


National Weather Service Burlington VT
852 AM EDT Fri Jul 7 2023

Eastern Clinton-Southern Franklin-Western Clinton-Western Essex-
Eastern Essex-Grand Isle-Western Franklin-Orleans-Essex-Western
Chittenden-Lamoille-Caledonia-Washington-Western Addison-Orange-
Eastern Franklin-Eastern Chittenden-Eastern Addison-
Including the cities of Champlain, Plattsburgh, Saranac Lake,
Tupper Lake, Dannemora, Ellenburg, Lake Placid, Newcomb, Port
Henry, Ticonderoga, Alburgh, South Hero, St. Albans, Swanton,
Derby, Newport, Island Pond, Lunenburg, Burlington, Shelburne,
Johnson, Stowe, Hardwick, St. Johnsbury, Montpelier, Waitsfield,
Middlebury, Vergennes, Bradford, Randolph, Enosburg Falls,
Richford, Richmond, Underhill, Bristol, and Ripton


* WHAT…Flash flooding caused by excessive rainfall is possible.

* WHERE…Portions of northern New York, including the following
counties, Eastern Clinton, Eastern Essex, Southern Franklin,
Western Clinton and Western Essex. Portions of Vermont, including
the following counties, Caledonia, Eastern Addison, Eastern
Chittenden, Eastern Franklin, Essex, Grand Isle, Lamoille, Orange,
Orleans, Washington, Western Addison, Western Chittenden and
Western Franklin.

* WHEN…From Noon EDT today through 10 PM this evening.

* IMPACTS…Excessive runoff may result in flash flooding of creeks,
streams, and other low-lying and flood-prone locations. Flooding
may occur in poor drainage and urban areas. Storm drains and
ditches may become clogged with debris.

– There is the potential for localized torrential rainfall of
greater than 2 inches.


You should monitor later forecasts and be prepared to take action
should Flash Flood Warnings be issued.

State bridges, culverts receive $516M for rehab or replacement

BRIDGE NY funding makes communities more resilient to the impacts of climate change

Click here for the Sun Community News story 

Trailways of NY stepping up service in Amtrak absence

Click here for the Press-Republican story 

Greg Timmons named New York Fire Chief’s Association Instructor of the Year

Click here for the Press-Republican story 

Closure of big-box retail chains to impact Williston’s future

Click here for the MYNBC5 story 

Peru Knights announce scholarship winners

L-R Cormac O’Callaghan, Katherine Roy, Nolan Manchester, Robert Bilow

Congratulations to Peru High School graduating seniors Remi Beauharnois, Tucker MacDougal, Katherine Roy, and Nolan Manchester, the winners of the St. Augustine’s Knights of Columbus 2023 college scholarships. The Scholarship Committee reported that their applications were outstanding.
Grand Knight Cormac O’Callaghan and Committee Chairman Robert Bilow presented scholarship certificates to Katherine Roy and Nolan Manchester at Mass on Sunday, June 25. Tucker and Remi could not attend but will receive the Scholarship Certificates.

Column: Truth has no slants, spins, or sides

Thoughts from Behind the Pressline from the Sun Community News Publisher 

Click here for Dan Alexander’s opinion 

Heat alert issued for much of Upstate NY; it could feel like 99 degrees

Click here for the story 

Strand Center for the Arts – Intro to Laser Engraving and Cutting is right around the corner!

Learn how to use our Fusion Edge Epilog Laser to create engraved coasters, keychains, and beverage tumbler!
Register for this class at

North Country Diary farmers are working to be a part of the climate change solution

Shane St. Cyr points to the digester

Joe Giroux thanks Assemblyman Jones for his efforts on behalf of North Country farmers.

Trucks bring the gas to the pipeline.

Trucks transport the gas to the pipeline

Jon Rulfs handles the dried material his farm uses for cow bedding

Jon Rulfs handles the dried material used for bedding

New equipment that's producing biomethane gas for Suburban Propane

Some of the farm’s new equipment

Adirondack Farms Digester

Cornell engineer Lauren Ray

By John T Ryan

Peru – While dairy farming contributes a small percentage of overall greenhouse gas emissions, North Country farmers say they want to do their part in achieving national and state gas reduction goals.

Last Friday, the Northern New York Agricultural Development Program (NNYADP) conducted a media day at Adirondack Farms to highlight its latest research programs, especially two case studies: one a farm digester converting dairy manure into electrical energy with the capacity to add food waste for co-digestion and one being conducted at Adirondack Farms involving the installation of a new anaerobic co-digestion system to generate natural gas energy. The presenters included Beekmantown farmer and NNYADP Co-Chair Joe Giroux, Jon Rulfs and Shane St. Cyr of Adirondack Farms, Lauren Ray from Cornell University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, and Assemblyman Billy Jones.

Adirondack Farms has been utilizing an anaerobic digester system to process its manure since 2017. The digester system breaks down manure’s organic solid and gaseous material to the point where the liquid portion is used as fertilizer, the dried portion as cow bedding, and the gas portion for energy production. The liquid portion is delivered to Adirondack’s nearby fields by pipeline, eliminating truck hauling.

Up until about ten months ago, Adirondack’s gas-powered generators fed electricity into the power grid; however, as of about thirty days ago, the gas is being piped to a Suburban Propane truck for transport to a natural gas pipeline. Jon Rulfs explained, “We had been producing electricity, but we found it wasn’t financially feasible over time. We hope this will be better for us, but that has yet to be seen. We hope to be part of the solution to the climate issues we face today.”

In June 2022, Michael Stivala, President and Chief Executive Officer of Suburban Propane, stated, “Our investment in a digester system at Adirondack Farms is the latest endeavor in our ongoing commitment to bring renewable energy to local communities.” Federal and state governments are supporting the farmers’ efforts. Lauren Ray, one of Cornell University Agriculture Energy Systems Engineers involved in the case studies, noted the federal Inflation Reduction Act’s 30% investment tax credit and New York State’s recently enacted state 20% investment tax credit for future projects. New York State aims to reduce greenhouse emissions by 40% by 2030 and 85% by 2050. The national dairy industry aims to be carbon neutral by 2050.

Assemblyman Billy Jones has secured over $1,500,000 in state funding for NNYADP since 2019. He commented, “Many do not realize that innovative agricultural research is happening here in the North Country. As dairy farmers across the country face challenges, the Northern New York Agricultural Development Program’s projects provide vital data and insights to help our local agricultural industry adopt the most recent green technologies and be a leader in groundbreaking research.”

Joe Giroux described NNYADP’s long research history, such as drainage tile, water quality pest control, and phosphorus management, to enhance agriculture’s environmental stewardship. He stated, “People don’t realize how much farming has changed over the past forty years.”

Aubuchon Round Up yields $2,800+ for Babbie Museum

The Babbie Museum sending out wishes for a Happy 4th of July! 🇺🇸
The Babbie Museum is not only celebrating independence day today, but we are also celebrating the spectacular results of Aubuchon Hardware’s June Round Up program. Thank you, Jason Trombley and Deb Defayette, for being our fundraising champions!💰
Monday, David Babbie and Lee Babbie Ledesma, the two oldest children of the founder of the Babbie Museum, Leeward Babbie, accepted a check in the amount of $2,831.90. This check represents the generosity and caring of the community we live and operate in! 😍 
The Museum continues to have much to be thankful for–with all of you at the top of the list! ❤️🤍💙
Be safe out there!

Fire cancels July Fourth parade in Ticonderoga

The Ticonderoga Fire Department was lined up to walk in the parade when the emergency call came in

Click here for the MyNBC5 News story 

Seven state campgrounds open early for 2024 eclipse

Click here for the Sun Community News story

Gov lowers minimum age for lifeguards at children’s camps

Click here for the Sun Community News story 

Mannix Rd. closure moved to Wednesday

Weather Permitting: The town of Peru Highway will be closing Mannix Road on Wednesday, July 5th, from 6 am til 4 pm for paving. Only emergency vehicles allowed

St. Augustine’s Soup Kitchen Menu for Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Sausage Gravy & Biscuits
Fruit Cup

Served take-out only, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. at St. Augustine’s Parish Center, 3030 Main St., Peru, NY 12972

All are welcome at our table!

Surgical Technology Training Pathway, Others Offer Health Care Career Opportunities

PLATTSBURGH, NY – Thanks to an innovative partnership with Clinton Community College and Mohawk Valley Community College, the University of Vermont Health Network has created a Surgical Technologist Training Pathway Program (ST) designed to prepare students to become part of the surgical team. Its launch is the latest in a series of strategic initiatives by the UVM Health Network to enhance the skills of its existing workforce and increase the overall number of healthcare professionals in Northern New York and Vermont.
“This pathway, and others like it, is aimed at providing opportunities for interested individuals to begin a career in health care and supporting our teams’ desire for professional growth while reducing our reliance on costly traveling staff,” explained UVM Health Network Director of Workforce Development Jerry Baake.

Read more »

NAC grad earns Retired Educators Scholarship

The Dr. Karl R. and Ruth Kramer Northeastern Zone of the Retired Educators of New York Education Scholarship 2023 is being awarded to Matthew Boulrice. Matthew graduated from Northern Adirondack Central High School and plans to attend SUNY Plattsburgh in the fall. Matthew has been a high honor roll student throughout his high school years, participating in three sports each year. He is a member of the National Honor Society, the Math Honor Society and Key Club.
Matthew plans to become a Chemistry teacher and to coach high school sports. His goal to become an educator has evolved through his observations of his mother, who is a teacher, his desire to improve his own knowledge in the field of science, which he can then pass on to students and his own athletic skills and experiences with coaches that take a significant role in a student’s life.
As a young adolescent wanting to be outdoors, Matthew began making his own maple syrup which has now developed into a small trade. Learning about time management and business fundamentals as well as developing his social skills with customers, are benefits of this experience. Matthew plans to continue making maple syrup or do another outside endeavor in the future.

Elmore SPCA has multiple places to drop bottle and cans

Water rescues and road closures in northern New York

Story highlights Blue Haven Campsite damage 

Click here for the MYNBC5 story

Flood warning in effect for parts of Northern N.Y., damage reports along Great Chazy River

Communities along the 374 and Route 11 corridors can expect road closures

Click here for the MYNBC5 story 

Here’s why Peru Farm Center has a new name and a new home

General Manager Jordon Keleher

Steve Duel is a jack-of-all-trades at the store

Part Manager Ted Brown, a 33-year employee

The expansive service area.

Front Entrance

The familiar Husqvarna power equipment

By John T. Ryan (Please share)

Plattsburgh – On June 14, 2023, Peru Farm Center, located at 2682 Route 22 in Peru, moved and became Taylor Equipment Sales and Taylor Powersports at 5 Latour Lane, Plattsburgh. All the employees who worked in Peru are working at the new location. In Plattsburgh, it operates in a much larger, updated building with an expanded product lineup.

General Manager Jordon Keleher explained the reason for the change of locations. “We knew we had to do something very soon, given our growth pattern. We’d grown tremendously since we took over in 2016. We added staff; our technicians didn’t have enough room to work, especially in the service area. In 2016 the business had three full-time employees. Today, it has twelve plus two part-timers.” Keleher said they considered staying in Peru; however, after considering the age of the building, the lot size, today’s building costs, and the fact that their parent company owns the new building, the move made sense.

Keleher added, “Moving was certainly sad, especially being a Peru guy. I grew up in Peru, went to school there, and I live in Peru. But we have to adapt to the times. Farming has changed. There are fewer small farms. Technology has expanded communication. Manufacturers want dealers to cover a greater area. I’m super excited about the space and the ability to grow even more. I think our employees will enjoy working in this environment where they’re not working on top of one another. We’ve already had indications that the nice working environment will attract additional employees.” 

The 50,000 sq. ft. facility houses a spacious service area with triple the number of service bays. The longtime parts manager Ted Brown has triple the parts storage space. Each product line has its display area, rather than outside in the elements. The expansive product line includes New Holland agricultural and construction equipment, Husqvarna and SCAG power equipment, Ferris commercial mowers, EZGO golf carts, Arctic Cat snowmobiles and four-wheelers, Wallenstein forestry equipment, Avant mini-loaders, Mahindra tractors and Simplicity power equipment. The Mahindra, Avant and Simplicity lines moved from Taylor Rental on Route 3 to Taylor Equipment Sales. 

Taylor Equipment Sales and Taylor Powersports’ 5 Latour Lane location is just off State Route 9, north of the City of Plattsburgh. If driving north from the City, turn left just past the North Country Chamber of Commerce and McSweeney’s. It has the same phone number 518-643-2312, email, or the excellent website

Showroom entrance

Campers love the EZGO golf carts

Arctic Cat four-wheelers

Ferris commercial mowers


No hiker shuttles are running in the Adirondack High Peaks. Here’s why

Click here for the NCPR story 

Third annual Michigan Month returns to Plattsburgh

Town of Plattsburgh revealed the contest’s final T-shirt design winner June 29

Click here for the Sun Community News story