March 2025

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Valcour Island Lighthouse Tours offered on July 9

IT’S LIGHTHOUSE SEASON – You are invited to join us on Sunday, July 9, at the Peru Dock to visit the historic Bluff Point Lighthouse on Valcour Island. Captain Mick Maynard will provide round-trip transportation. The $30 per person fee will include a Valcour Island Heritage Trail Guide and George Clifford’s book on Lake Champlain Lighthouses. Special Lighthouse T-Shirts will also be on sale that day. The boat, which holds 4-5 people per trip, will begin shuttling at 9:30 am with trips to the island every 20 minutes. The Lighthouse will close at 2:30 pm and all visitors to the Island must return by 3 pm. In the event of wind or thunderstorms, the tour will be canceled and a rain date registration for August 6th will be offered. Refunds due to the cancellation will be made if requested.
Pre-Registration, payment and scheduling departure times must be done by July 7th to guarantee a spot on the boat. Once on the island, a Docent will be available for tours of the Lighthouse. Participants must know that the trip requires the physical ability to debark and board from the Island’s natural landing, walking on uneven surfaces over rough terrain and climbing stairs. The Island is also famous for poison ivy plants. An adult must accompany anyone under the age of 12 and those under the age of 16 must bring and wear their own life jackets. Individuals may bring a picnic lunch to enjoy while on the island and must carry out what they carry in.
Visitors to the Lighthouse will view displays depicting the history of Lake Champlain Lighthouses, Lake Champlain’s Military History, the 20th Century Camps on Valcour Island and the Life of a Lighthouse Keeper. You may climb to the Lantern Room to see the functioning light and enjoy the outstanding views from the outside platform.
For more information and to register your spot, please call the Clinton County Historical Association at (518) 561-0340. Information about the Lighthouse can be found on Facebook or the Museum’s website.
The lighthouse is also open each Sunday in July and August for those who wish to provide their own transportation. Guided tours will be provided, and visitors will receive the Valcour Island Heritage Trail Guide. The Lighthouse will be open from 1 pm to 3 pm each Sunday. Tours are free, and donations are appreciated. Stamps are available for your United States Lighthouse Society Passport.

June 26 Town Board Meeting Agenda

Peru Town Board’s June 26, 2023 Meeting Agenda 

Girl Scout Troop 4183 presents book lending box to town

Peru Girl Scout Troop 4183 presented a Book Lending Box to the town at the Town Board’s June 12, 2023 meeting. Troop Leader Melissa Hart said the girls designed, built, and painted the box. They even filled it with some of their favorite books.
Town Supervisor Brandy McDonald said the town would work with the troop to install the box near the Little Ausable River Park Gazebo. The accompanying photos were taken on June 19.
Click here for town board presentation 

An investigation into ORDA’s ‘billion dollar bet’ in the Adirondacks

Click here for the NCPR story 

Keeseville Giuseppe’s Pizza operating from one location.

By John T Ryan
Peru is fortunate to be the home of several excellent restaurants, but when they’re looking for a different taste, several enjoy Giuseppe’s Pizza in Keeseville. Until two weeks ago, Giuseppe’s Pizza had two Keeseville locations, 1711 Front St. downtown and 243 Rt. N. near the Pleasant Corner Restaurant.
The owner, Oscar Amaya, decided he could serve better customers by operating the one restaurant at the Route 9N location, a combined ice cream shop and a broad-menu restaurant (The building was once the home of a Tasty Freeze). There are several tables outside and inside, plus take-out and delivery service.

Restaurants tackle staffing shortages amidst summer rush

Click here for the WCAX story 

First gene therapy for deadly form of muscular dystrophy gets FDA approval for young kids

Click here for the MYNBC5 story 

New York lawmakers OK bill removing medical debt from credit reports

Click here for the MSN Story 

Peru Highway Department has been busy paving this month

Mannix Road paving

Mannix Road at the Clark Rd. intersection.

June has been a paving month Peru Highway Department. The Dashnaw Road was first, followed this week by the 10,475 feet of Mannix Road. Mannix is done except for shoulders and stripping. Highway Superintendent Michael Farrell stated, ” We will work on the end that we didn’t pave and get it ready for paving next year.” The John John Boswell Road is next, but only after some culvert work.

Saranac Middle School student arrested after allegedly stabbing a classmate

The unnamed student was stabbed one time in the back, according to New York State Police.

Click here for the Sun Community News story 

DEC 3-minute video explains how to discourage neighborhood bears


New Plates Feature Images Representing the State’s 10 Regions

Albany, NYNew York State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) Commissioner Mark J.F. Schroeder today announced the release of a newly-redesigned North Country regional license plate, part of a series of new license plates featuring the state’s 10 regions. The plate features an image of a sailboat along the St. Lawrence River in front of the Thousand Islands Bridge.

“Every region of our state has something unique and interesting about it, and we are happy to celebrate that uniqueness by making these new license plates available for New York drivers,” said Commissioner and Chair of the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee Mark J.F. Schroeder. “These also allow drivers to put their own unique touch on their vehicles and show pride for the place they live.”

The plates for the remaining nine regions will be unveiled and made available for sale throughout the month of June. In total, there are more than 200 custom license plates available from the DMV, representing branches of the military and veterans, counties and regions of New York State, professions, causes, sports teams and more. Revenues from some of our cause plates support charities, such as the World Trade Center Memorial Scholarship Fund, Cure Childhood Cancer Research Fund, the Environmental Protection Fund and the Life Pass It On Trust Fund. Links to information about and images of all of DMV’s custom license plates can be found here:

Custom plates may be ordered on the DMV website, by mail, or by calling the Custom Plates office at (518) 402-4838. They are also available with the International Symbol of Access (ISA) for any registrant who qualifies. Any qualifying applicant who wants a plate with the ISA on it must contact the Custom Plates office before submitting their application.

For more information about how to order custom license plates, fees, and to view available plates, visit,


Company announced it’s closing its Plattsburgh facility in 2025 

            “I was disheartened to hear today’s announcement that Nova Bus will be closing its Plattsburgh facility in 2025. The jobs being lost due to this closure, combined with the impact this will have on affiliated businesses in our region, will have major consequences on our economy.

            “My thoughts are with the hardworking men and women in our communities who now through no fault of their own, they face major professional uncertainty. Over the next 18 months before Nova leaves, we have time to figure out solutions that ensure this highly skilled workforce will stay here in our community. Plattsburgh has faced adversity before, and if there’s good news to be had it’s that we have a talented workforce and leaders in the North Country Chamber of Commerce that have faced these issues in the past. The time is now to roll up our sleeves and get to work.”


Road work planned throughout Clinton Co. in 2023

Drivers may experience delays while work is underway

Click here for the Sun Community News story 

Student assaulted at Saranac Middle School

Students ordered to shelter in place

Click here for the Sun Community News story 

Peru Farm Center closes its doors in Peru; reopens in Plattsburgh under a new name

June 21, 2023 – On June 14, the Peru Farm Center closed its Route 22, Peru location. The business relocated to 5 Latour Avenue in Plattsburgh, where it operates as Taylor Equipment and Powersports.

Story Updated 9:21 p.m. June 21, 2023.


Peru couple honored to participate in program that may positively impact our nation’s health and well-being

CDC staff member Melanie Preston interviewing Craig Randall

Peru resident Cheryl Breen Randall and her husband Craig were among the few Clinton County residents selected to participate in the National Health and Nutrition Survey. Cheryl was kind enough to tell us about their experience and how the survey may impact our nation’s future health care.

By Cheryl Breen Randall 

It all started in the spring of this year when I received a bulk mailing from the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention). As with most bulk mailings, I was about to throw it in the trash, but something about it caught my eye and I took a closer look. It was an invitation to participate in the National Health & Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), a national health study initiated over sixty years ago by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. It stated that as a participant, my family and I would represent our community and help improve people’s health in the United States. I mentioned the mailing to my husband and we decided we could not turn down the invitation. 

Only 15 counties throughout the U.S. are selected annually to participate in the survey. Within those counties, certain areas are pinpointed for an invitation. The CDC selected 600 people in Clinton County. Those are pretty slim odds of being chosen to participate, but chosen we were! Each participant makes an important contribution to the study, representing approximately 65,000 others in the country like them. 

Participants range in age from three months to 90-plus years. Results of the survey throughout the years have led to significant policies to improve the health of Americans, such as the effects of lead, which led to lead-free paint, the dangers of second-hand smoke, which led to educating the public that exposure to second-hand smoke was as dangerous as smoking and developing growth charts for infants and children. 

Once we accepted the invitation, we were given a time for a phone interview with general questions about our health and lifestyle. This interview lasted about 40 minutes and we were gifted a $25 VISA card for participating! After that, we had a face-to-face interview in our home to further explore our health and lifestyle. Then we were invited to take a physical that included many health tests, including blood tests, urine tests, liver scans, bodily measurements including weight, height, length of upper arm and legs, and private questions about mental health and well-being. As senior citizens, we were not included in some testing studies; everyone can opt out of uncomfortable tests. Test results are provided to participants and can be mailed to their physicians. Results that go to the CDC for study are anonymous, with just a number and no name. The physical lasted about 2 ½ hours in special mobile units set up in the Champlain Center Mall on Smithfield Blvd. in Plattsburgh and not only were we reimbursed $30 for gas money, but we were gifted with a $125 VISA card for our time spent for the physical. Once the physical is completed, participants take part in two follow-up phone calls to discuss nutrition. Again, participants are reimbursed $25 for each interview for their time. 

We feel honored to have been selected and to take part in this national CDC health survey. As in many years past, its results may positively impact the nation’s health and well-being for many years to come. 

Assemblyman Billy Jones: Nova Bus leaving Plattsburgh is shocking

“Nova Bus leaving Plattsburgh is devastating news for the North Country and my heart goes out to the 350+ employees who call Nova Bus home. Between the ancillary companies and the transportation manufacturing hub, there is truly no doubt that this will have a huge impact on our communities and our region. While this does come as a shock, Nova Bus will not close its operations in Plattsburgh for at least 18 months, allowing employees and ancillary companies to plan. This is heartbreaking news, but the North Country has tremendous heart and has persevered through similar circumstances when the Plattsburgh Air Force Base and Pfizer closed. I have had many conversations with company officials, the North Country Chamber of Commerce, economic development partners and other state leaders, as well as local leaders on how to best move forward and I will continue to work with these leaders to create a path that will support our community through this transition.”


Nova Bus to leave New York, close Plattsburgh facility

Production in North America will be focused to Canadian facilities in Quebec, according to the announcement.

Click here for the MYNBC5 story 

2023 Heyworth-Mason Park Concert Schedule

Don’t forget to come and enjoy Sunday’s Community Concert

Heyworth-Mason Park looks beautiful for this Sunday’s 6 to 8 p.m. concert by the Fulton’s Folly Band. Bring chairs or blankets to enjoy a community concert. Before and after the show, people can enjoy the park’s excellent walking trail and dog park.

Peru Town Board Meeting of June 12, 2023 – Video and Agenda

Future Peru Gazette Peru Town Board meeting coverage will include the agenda, our YouTube Video, and, if needed and time-permitting, later feature stories on the meeting’s most critical issues or news of interest.  Click here for Town Board Agenda – June 12, 2023. 


Winning waters: Upstate NY lakes rank as some of the best in the country

Lake Champlain ranked #6 in country

Click here for the story 

Section VII Scholar Athletes Feted

Click here for the Sun Community News story 

Keeseville area may have a small stage, but its history parallels that of the world at large

Anderson Falls Heritage Society summer presentations reveal fascinating local history

Click here for the Sun Community News story