January 2025

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The editor is John Ryan at email: perugazette@gmail.com. The Peru Gazette is a free community, education and information website. It is non-commercial and does not accept paid advertising.

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NYS DEC Forest Rangers rescue Peru resident

Town of Chesterfield
Essex County
Wilderness Rescue: On May 19 at 4:40 p.m., a hiker with multiple injuries suffered a 20-foot fall on Poke-O-Moonshine Mountain. Forest Rangers located the 37-year-old from Peru, New York, approximately two-thirds of a mile up the trail. New York State Police (NYSP) aviation was called in to assist Forest Rangers with the rescue. Rangers Black, Foutch, Quinn, and Sabo stabilized the subject and packaged her into a litter. Ranger Lewis and NYSP Pilot Kotronis hoisted the subject into the helicopter for transport to the hospital. Resources were clear at 7:15 p.m.
Be sure to properly prepare and plan before entering the backcountry. For more information, visit DEC’s Hike Smart NY, Adirondack Backcountry Information, and Catskill Backcountry Information webpages.
If a person needs a Forest Ranger, whether for search and rescue, to report a wildfire, or to report illegal activity on state lands and easements, they should call 833-NYS-RANGERS. If they need urgent assistance, they can call 911. To contact a Forest Ranger for information about a specific location, the DEC website has phone numbers for every Ranger listed by region.

Peru VFW Memorial Day Service at 11 a.m.

American Legion Post 1619 honors deceased members

Sunday, May 26, 2024, Peru, NY 11 AM. This morning, Legion Riders from American Legion Post 1619 in West Plattsburgh conducted a memorial service for deceased members at St. Augustime’s Cemetery. The Riders conduct services at seven area cemeteries.
Thank you, Legionnaires, for honoring deceased veterans.

Longtime Peru teacher Fred Wachtmeister passes away

Click here for the Hamilton Funeral Home obituary 

State Senate confirms Daniel Martuscello III as Commissioner of DOCCS

NYSCOPBA and multiple state and private agencies applaud the confirmation

Click here for the Sun Community News story 

Peru Golf Team Wins Section 7 Sectionals

L-R Assistant Coach Ethan Depo, Cooper Sweeney, Nick Palmer, Liam Clark, Patrick Clark, Nolan Miner, Brady O’Connell, Coach Ryon O’Connell

Congratulations to The Peru Nighthawks on winning Section 7 Sectionals on Thursday, May 23. 4 out of 6 players. Good luck to the golfers and Congrats to the team on their section win.

Peru 2024 street and road paving schedule announced

Peru Gazette 2023 file photo

By John T Ryan 

Peru—Highway Superintendent Michael announced his plan for highway paving at the town board’s May 13, 2024 meeting. Paving should begin in about three weeks. Until then, Peru will assist the Town of Ausable with its paving projects. Then, Ausable will assist Peru.  

Farrell’s initial project will involve paving the remaining half of John Boswell Road. Subsequently, he will lay a binder on Davern Road and pave Rock Road and Locust Drive.  

Farrell will use $404,000 in NYS Consolidated Local Street and Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS) monies to pay for the projects. He commented, “When I run out of money, I’ll stop.”  Farrell relies on CHIPS money for virtually all the town’s paving projects. 

Agenda – Peru Town Board Meeting of May 29, 2024 @ 6 PM

  1. Call Meeting to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  1. Roll Call 
  1. MOTION:  Acceptance of Minutes for the Regular Meeting of May 13, 2024. 
  1. Community Input.


  1. DISCUSSION:  4-H Free Food Kiosk Project. 
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION: NYSEG LED Light Conversion Agreement.
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION:  Hiring of C & S Engineers for the Replacement of Telegraph Rd. Bridge/Culvert.
  2. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION:  Resolution to Purchase (2) Hwy. Message Boards.
  1. MOTION/DISCUSSION:  Acceptance of Use of Community Application for Heyworth Mason Park.
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION:  Accept SEQR FOR Water Treatment Plant Project.
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION:   202-B Proceedings Resolution.
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION:   Approve Bond Resolution for Water Plant Improvements.
  1. DISCUSSION:  Other Business.
  1. DISCUSSION:  Public Comments on Agenda Items Only.
  1. MOTION:  Adjourn to Executive Session.
  1. MOTION:  Return from Executive Session. 
  1. MOTION: Adjourn Meeting.

Water treatment plant $9.4 million upgrades on May 29 public hearing agenda

2015 Peru Gazette photo

By John T Ryan

The Town of Peru’s May 29 public hearing notice simply states that the hearing’s subject is a 202b matter. The 202b matter concerns upgrades to the water treatment plant on Reservoir Rd. This project is in addition to the $11 million to $25 million upgrades planned for the wastewater treatment plant.

The water treatment upgrades include expansion, new filtration equipment, a second water storage tank, and a supplemental well. In 2015, the town conducted a $3 million plant upgrade. Click here for the Peru Gazette’s 2016 story.  Residents can ask questions at the May 29, 5:45 p.m. public hearing.



202-b PROCEEDINGS, MAY 29, 2024, 5:45 PM
Call Meeting To Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
MOTION: To Open the Public Hearing.
DISCUSSION: Community Input and Questions
MOTION: To Close the Public Hearing.
MOTION: Adjourn

$4 billion transmission line to drop into Lake Champlain

Click here for the Adirondack Explorer story 

Clinton County schools spending per pupil in the 2024-25 school year

The Peru Gazette used syracuse.com’s calculator to determine Clinton County schools’ 2024-25 spending per pupil. Syracuse.com calculated per pupil spending by dividing each district’s total budget by its total enrollment. Per pupil spending at smaller schools is generally higher. for example, Lake Placid, with a 546 pupil enrollment, budgeted $41,025 per pupil.

They ranked 668 schools. The lower the rank, the higher the spending per pupil.

Northern Adirondack – $33,232 – Enrollment 835 – Rank 336
Ausable Valley – $33,196 – Enrollment 1,142 – Rank 340
Peru – $31,526 – Enrollment 1,716 – Rank 415
Plattsburgh – $30,117 – Enrollment 1,749 – Rank 492
Chazy – $29,989 – Enrollment 465 – Rank 496
Northeastern Clinton – $29,746 – Enrollment 1,225 – Rank 503
Saranac – $29,353 – Enrollment 1,470 – Rank 524
Beekmantown – $28, 005 – Enrollment 1,975 – Rank 567

Planned per pupil spending in NY school districts ranked 1 to 668

Click here for the Syracuse.com story 

Syracuse.com calculated per pupil spending by dividing each district’s total budget by its total enrollment.


August 24 – The 2024 Run For Jon

Burlington adds nonstop flight to Raleigh-Durham starting at $79

Breeze Airways is launching a new direct flight from Burlington to Raleigh-Durham

Click here for the MYNBC5 story 

Monday, June 10, CVPH Blood Donor Drive in Peru

Peru – CVPH Donor Center Blood Brive, Monday, June 10, 3 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., at St. Augustine’s Parish Center, 3030 Main St. in Peru. 

All blood collected is utilized in our local trl-county region.  Your neighbors appreciate and need your support. 

The blood drive is coordinated by St. Augustine’s Knights of Columbus Council 7273. 

New Osprey Nesting Boxes at Ausable Point Campground

Region 5 DEC Operations staff, in collaboration with the Wildlife division, recently installed two osprey nesting boxes at Ausable Point Campground.
Ospreys have been trying to construct nests in this area, but due to winds have had many failed attempts. The nesting boxes will provide a good, stable base for nesting.
In New York, there are two main breeding populations of ospreys, one on Long Island and the other in the Adirondack Mountains. Within its range, the osprey prefers to make its home along the coastline and on lakes and rivers. Keep an eye and an ear out for Osprey by listening to these telling sounds!:
Slow whistled guard call – kyew kyew kyew
Alarm call – short clear whistle to faster, higher squeal

Clinton County Assistant DA Dan Lennon placed on administrative leave amid criminal investigation

Click here for the MYNBC5 story 

Knelly Named Administrator in Charge at Clinton Community College, Site Determined for New Location at SUNY Plattsburgh

The Clinton Community College Board of Trustees has named Ken Knelly as administrator in charge, succeeding John Kowal as president. Knelly, currently chief of staff at SUNY Plattsburgh and Special Adviser to SUNY for the Clinton Community College Transition, has been leading the work of planning for a new location by the college’s fall 2025 semester. His appointment is effective Thursday, May 23.

The board on Wednesday accepted the resignation of Kowal, who was named president in March 2022. Kowal joined the college in 2018 as vice president for academic affairs. He served as administrator in charge from late 2021 to his appointment after the departure of former President Ray DiPasquale.

Clinton Community College Board Chair David Favro said, “Ken is the right person at the right time for this role. He has led us to the point of an identified location and through other key steps. The job of getting Clinton Community College healthy and completing the work of locating on the SUNY Plattsburgh campus is emerging as a single leadership task, and he is up for the role. We also thank John for his efforts on behalf of the college and wish him the best in the next stage of his career.” 

Site Determined for New Location

After thoroughly evaluating potential sites, including Algonquin, Banks and Adirondack Halls, SUNY has approved plans to move forward for a new Clinton Community College location at Redcay Hall on Beekman Street and an adjacent house at 133 Court Street. This choice allows Clinton to maintain its distinct identity while providing SUNY Plattsburgh opportunities to reallocate significant resources and repurpose existing facilities.

The decision enables SUNY Plattsburgh to retain and strategically reallocate substantial funds and priorities in a timely manner. Algonquin could be repurposed into an admissions-focused area adjacent to housing, residence halls, dining centers, and parking. Additionally, the removal of Adirondack and Banks Halls, unoccupied former residence halls, will create new greenspace areas and reimagine the west end of campus in a generational change.

The consolidation of all of Clinton into a single, edge-campus location will streamline activities while requiring only limited lab use and minimal upgrades. The adjacent 133 Court Street house is also included in the planned transition, which would involve Clinton moving in by the summer of 2025.

About Ken Knelly

Knelly began his career at SUNY Plattsburgh in 2014, leading an integrated university marketing and communications team. He moved to the Office of the President in 2017, adding administrative responsibilities and later as chief of staff under President Alexander Enyed. He has served as Special Advisor to SUNY for the Clinton Community College Transition since February 2024. He earned an A.A. in Business from Essex Community College in Rossville, Md., a B.B.A. in Finance from the University of Minnesota-Duluth, and an M.A. in Public Policy from West Virginia University.

At SUNY Plattsburgh, he led the university’s external relations, served as a member of the president’s leadership team and co-chaired the university’s self-study committee for its reaffirmation of accreditation by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education in 2020-2022.

Knelly’s past experience includes more than a dozen years as a print journalist, including as a reporter, editor, and newsroom leader. Locally, he is the immediate past president of the Rotary Club of Plattsburgh and led a grassroots effort to bring high school girls’ lacrosse to Clinton County. He is a native of Baltimore, Md.

Peru needs residents to say, “YES!

Editorial – John T Ryan 

Peru has a situation that could cost the Peru taxpayers millions of dollars. It’s hard to believe, but not having Alternate Zoning of Appeals members can result in approval delays and major and minor project cancellations, meaning the government’s cost is shared by fewer taxpayers.

The Zoning Board of Appeal has five members. One or more members sometimes ask to be excused for valid reasons. If two members are excused, the vote to approve a project must be unanimous. One negative vote would halt a project that could benefit a family, a business, and our community. 

Peru has needed more volunteers for the Zoning Board of Appeals for several months, but the response has been disappointing. Please consider stepping up and joining the Zoning Board of Appeals. One of the best aspects is meeting new people and learning more about your community. Send an email or letter expressing interest and outlining your background to Code Enforcement Officer Bob Guynup at peruzoning@perutown.com or to Bob at 3036 Main St., Peru, NY 12972. Bob’s phone number is 518-643-2745, Extension 3. 

Fly your flag on Memorial Day, but fly it properly

Click here for the American Legion’s answers 

What is Memorial Day?

The website History.com states: 

Memorial Day is an American holiday observed on the last Monday of May. It honors the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Memorial Day 2024 will occur on Monday, May 27.

Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971. Many Americans observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries or memorials, holding family gatherings and participating in parades. Unofficially, it marks the beginning of the summer season.

Several important items discussed at May 13 Peru Town Board Meeting

May 13, 2024 Peru Town Board Meeting. Deputy Supervisor Jim Douglass chaired the meeting. Supervisor Brandy McDonald was ill and could not attend the meeting.

The Peru Gazette will write up the most important items as soon as time permits. They include Lake Champlain Transportation’s request to construct 200 slips at Snug Harbor Marina, scheduling a public hearing for $9+ million improvements to the Reservoir Rd. water treatment plant, employee sick leave policy changes, water system lead pipes and connector inventory, and this summer’s road paving plans.


Memorial Day 11 a.m. Service at the Peru VFW

May 27—Don’t forget the Memorial Day service on May 27th—Memorial Day @ 11 a.m., followed by a luncheon serviced by the Auxiliary. Everyone is welcome!!!!!!

Peru native Connor Douglass – Community and Workforce Development Specialist at Clinton Community College

Connor Douglass, a Peru native with a passion for sports and community development, is returning to his roots as he takes on the role of Center for Community and Workforce Development Specialist at Clinton Community College.
A 2016 graduate of Peru High School, Connor embarked on an impressive educational journey that led him to SUNY Oswego, where he earned his bachelor’s degree in Broadcasting and Mass Communication in 2020. Continuing his pursuit of academic excellence, he obtained his Master of Professional Studies in Sports Industry Management from Georgetown University’s School of Continuing Studies in 2021.
Throughout his career, Connor has demonstrated his dedication and effectiveness in various roles within the sports industry. At SUNY Oswego’s Athletics Department, he served as an Athletic Communication Aid, contributing to website maintenance, promotional materials, and statistical analysis for the college’s sports programs. His commitment extended to being the official play-by-play statistician for all Men’s and Women’s Basketball home games, including participation in the 2019 Division 3 Men’s National Basketball Tournament.
After completing his master’s degree in Washington, DC, Connor continued his professional journey with Volo Sports, the largest social sports company in the United States. As the Sports Coordinator for Volleyball, Basketball, and Dodgeball in the DC market, he managed over 15 leagues per season across DC and Arlington, VA, overseeing sales, customer service, league logistics, and referee training.
Now, Connor is thrilled to return to his hometown and work at Clinton Community College, where he eagerly anticipates leveraging his diverse skill set and experiences to benefit the local community. In his new role, Connor aims to introduce innovative community events and expand non-credit programs, fostering regional growth and engagement.
“I’m excited to be back in the area and to contribute to the development of the community that shaped me,” said Connor Douglass. “I look forward to utilizing my knowledge and skills to enhance the offerings at Clinton Community College and positively impact the lives of those in the North Country.”
Connor Douglass’s appointment as the Center for Community and Workforce Development Specialist marks a significant step forward for Clinton Community College as it continues its mission to empower individuals and strengthen communities through education and outreach initiatives.