March 2025

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Meadowmount student concert this evening in Saranac

Former Addison, NY Village Clerk-Treasurer to Be Sentenced to Prison and Will Forfeit State Pension After Million Dollar Public Corruption Conviction

NYS Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli

First Public Pension Forfeiture Action in New York State

August 1, 2024

New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli, Steuben County District Attorney Brooks Baker, and the New York State Police announced today that a former clerk-treasurer of the Village of Addison in Steuben County will be sentenced to serve three to nine years in state prison, pay full restitution of $1.1 million, and forfeit her public pension after being convicted of one felony count of corrupting the government.

Ursula Stone pleaded guilty on May 29, 2024, admitting that she abused her position to steal more than $1 million over her 19-year career. Stone’s state pension forfeiture as a result of her public corruption conviction will be the first pension forfeiture in New York state.

“Public service is a privilege and a duty. Those who abuse their positions and betray their communities undermine the integrity of government and risk losing their right to a public pension,” DiNapoli said. “For nearly two decades, Ursula Stone took advantage of her position and the trust of Addison residents to shamelessly steal over a million dollars. Thanks to the work of my office, District Attorney Baker, and the State Police, her crimes were uncovered, and she has been brought to justice. This case should convey that those dishonoring their public office will face serious consequences.”

“The magnitude, scope, duration and pervasiveness of this criminal activity is absolutely stunning,” Baker said. “For nearly two decades, Ursula Stone abused the trust of the people of the Village of Addison, using her position to steal from their taxes, their schools and their community. The impact of her criminal acts on this community has been and will be felt for decades. But for the dedication and expertise of the New York State Comptroller’s Office it might still be going on unnoticed. This sentence sends a clear message to this defendant about the damage she caused and to anyone else who might consider such crimes about the high price that will be paid. I want to thank the New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli and the members of his office for the incredible effort they put forth in identifying and prosecuting this crime. Their hard work and cooperation with the New York State Police and my office put us in a place to bring Ursula Stone to justice, and will bring this sad chapter for the village to a close.”

“The sentencing of Ms. Stone demonstrates the vital collaborative work of our law enforcement partners focused on the same goal; holding those who break our laws accountable,” New York State Police Superintendent Steven G. James said. “The victims in this case are the people of New York who put their trust in this former Village of Addison employee. I commend our State Police members, our partners at the State Comptroller’s Office and Steuben County District Attorney’s Office for their commitment to investigating those who prey on the unsuspecting public for their own gain.”

Under a 2011 law and a 2018 New York state Constitutional Amendment, certain public officials convicted of crimes related to their office may be subject to pension forfeiture. The prosecuting attorney with jurisdiction over the crime must commence an action for pension forfeiture and show that the defendant knowingly and intentionally committed a crime related to public office. Stone has admitted to her crimes and agreed to pension forfeiture as part of her sentence.

Stone, who retired in March 2023, will forgo her monthly pension payment of $1,920.

DiNapoli’s office began an audit of the village in 2022 and found that the 56-year-old Stone had been running the village’s financial operations without oversight. She prepared payroll, maintained manual leave records, and processed health insurance buyouts and unused leave payments without review or approval from the mayor or any other village official.

Upon subsequent investigation, DiNapoli’s office also discovered that checks from the Addison Central School District, payable to the village, were not deposited into the village’s accounts. A joint investigation by DiNapoli’s office, the New York State Police, and the Steuben County District Attorney’s Office determined that Stone stole dozens of such checks payable to the village, which she converted to certified bank checks and cashed.

Additionally, investigators found Stone gave herself unauthorized pay raises, took time off without deducting it from her leave credits and wrote herself checks for unauthorized health insurance buyouts from village funds. Stone had also been cashing out unused vacation time since 2004, an option only available to employees who resigned or retired.

Before submitting her resignation letter, she wrote herself a final check for $26,613, which the board did not authorize. The board stopped payment on the check before she could cash it. In total, investigators say she stole $1,171,362.

Stone is scheduled to be sentenced on Aug. 7 by Judge Chauncey Watches of Steuben County Court and her pension forfeiture ordered by Judge Patrick F. McAllister in Steuben County Supreme Court.

Since taking office in 2007, DiNapoli has committed to fighting public corruption and encourages the public to help fight fraud and abuse. New Yorkers can report allegations of fraud involving taxpayer money by calling the toll-free Fraud Hotline at 1-888-672-4555, by filing a complaint online at, or by mailing a complaint to: Office of the State Comptroller, Division of Investigations, 8th Floor, 110 State St., Albany, NY 12236.

Read more »

CCC Alumni Association Honors Anna Hewitt-Channell with “Off to a Great Start Award”

Plattsburgh, NY—The Clinton Community College Alumni Association is excited to share that Anna Hewitt-Channell will receive the “Off to a Great Start Award” at the Clinton Alumni Reunion on Saturday, Aug. 17.
Anna Hewitt-Channell was born and raised in Plattsburgh and has always loved her community. She married her high school best friend, Brady Channell, and they are the proud parents of one-year-old twin boys, Elliott and James. Anna is the business development and marketing manager at Dannemora Federal Credit Union, which she considers her dream job. She loves connecting with people and businesses in the community, making networking a daily joy.
In addition to her job, Anna is very active in the community. She’s a Board Member of the Plattsburgh Rotary Club and chairs several local committees, such as the Mountain Lake PBS Development Committee and the Michigan Fest Committee. She’s also an Ambassador for the North Country Chamber of Commerce. When she’s not working or spending time with her boys, Anna enjoys cooking, writing recipes, and gardening.
Anna’s connection to Clinton Community College is special. She graduated in 2019 and has fond memories of exploring the campus from a young age. This award means a lot to her, making it a personal and exciting milestone. We’re proud to recognize Anna Hewitt-Channell for her amazing contributions and dedication.
For more information on the event or to join in celebrating her achievements, please register for the reunion at

About Clinton Community College:

Clinton Community College is a member of the State University of New York system and home of the Institute for Advanced Manufacturing. Clinton offers 24 associate degree programs, eight certificates, transfer pathways, and advisement options, multiple non-credit professional credentials, and many flexible learning options, including online and evening courses. As part of the SUNY system, Clinton credits transfer seamlessly. For more information, visit us online at


Heyworth Mason Park Sunrise – August 1, 2024

Heyworth Mason Park’s final three history paintings installed

Mel and Greg high up on the lift.

Peru, NY—At 1 p.m. on Sunday, July 28th, during the Peru Town Market, artist Greg Badger and town councilman Mel Irwin installed three paintings to complete the Visual Legacy Project at Heyworth Mason Park.

The collection of works titled “Windows to the Past” consists of thirty-two paintings on the windows and doors of the historic Mason Lumber Mill. Greg Badger based the paintings on pre-1950s photos, the oldest from the mid-1800s. They depict Peru places and buildings; most are no longer standing because of two major fires and the passage of time. 

The three-story stone Mason building presented some challenges when installing large paintings. Mel Irwin employed his farming ingenuity for the first and second floors, using only a ladder, pulleys, and a bracing system to guide the panels in place. Sunday, Irwin and Greg Badger used a lift to reach and install the paintings on the third floor. Badger commented, “It was a fun spectacle and appropriate for completing the project.”

Businesses, private individuals, and families sponsored all the paintings.

For more information and images, explore

Photos by Eddie Webbinaro

How have North Country voters changed over the last decade?

Region changes from reliably blue to purple to increasingly red

Click here for the NCPR story 

Plattsburgh’s Alstrom delivers final San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit Cars

This week, Alstom, one of our top Quebec-New York companies, delivered the final cars as part of the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) Fleet of the Future project. Designed and built in Alstom’s Plattsburgh, New York facility, the rail cars made their way to San Francisco to be assembled and unveiled this month. You can find videos of the new cars and their journey from New York to California here and here.
Alstom was contracted to build 775 new cars for BART, incorporating state-of-the-art, environmentally friendly technologies and a range of improvements, including enhanced passenger information displays, an automated public address system, additional doors for improved boarding, energy-saving lighting, onboard security cameras, and bicycle racks.
Alstom has been making world-class rail cars in Plattsburgh since 1996. Alstom’s local manufacturing capabilities help bring high-tech jobs and economic benefits to the region. The Plattsburgh facility employs around 250 people to work on projects for New Jersey Transit, New York City Transit, and more.
“Alstom, starting in Plattsburgh as Bombardier, was at the foundation of our evolving cluster of transportation equipment producers, with the completion of the BART project symbolizing the North Country’s role in making North America move,” says Garry Douglas, President of the North Country Chamber of Commerce. “Thanks to Alstom and our many other manufacturers, many of which operate in New York and Quebec, we have never stopped being a place that makes things. And our people make all that they make with pride and diligence, creating the excellence that brings further business. Congratulations to our partners at Alstom and all of their team, including their suppliers, for making us proud. Onward, upward and on track!”

NJ Transit Continues Modernizing Rail Fleet with the Purchase of 36 Additional Altrom Multilevel Cars

Manufactured in Plattsburgh, NY

New Jersey Transit News Release – Last week, the NJ TRANSIT’s Board of Directors approved the purchase of 36 additional Multilevel III rail cars that offer increased seating capacity, mechanical reliability, and improved customer amenities. The purchase continues to advance NJ TRANSIT’s plan to phase out the oldest single-level rail cars from the fleet.

“This significant investment brings the total of new multilevel rail cars we’ve purchased since 2018 to 174,” said NJ TRANSIT President & CEO Kevin S. Corbett. “These new cars will substantially reduce the overall age of the rail fleet, improving reliability, capacity and customer comfort.”

Multilevel III cars will offer a range of benefits over the older single-level cars they will replace. The vehicle’s maximum speed will increase to 110 miles per hour. The cars will comply with the latest federal regulations, including Positive Train Control. Other customer amenities will include USB charging ports for customers and new onboard information displays.

Free rabies clinic in Beekmantown on Thursday, August 8

Beekmantown, NY, August 1, 2024, the Clinton County Health Department (CCHD) is hosting a free Rabies Vaccination Clinic for dogs, cats, and ferrets. New York State law requires pets to have their first rabies vaccination by four months of age. Pets may be vaccinated as early as three months of age. 

The event will be held on August 8, 2024 from 6 pm to 8:30 pm at the Beekmantown Highway Garage building at 599 Spellman Rd, West Chazy, NY. Interested residents should bring their pets on a leash or in a secure carrier. Pets that have received a previous rabies vaccination are eligible to receive a three-year certificate. Please bring your pet’s most recent rabies vaccination records (previous certificate); otherwise, a one-year certificate will be provided. 

CCHD asks those planning to attend the clinic to: 

 Pre-register for the event at Residents can call CCHD at 518-565-4870 for assistance with the registration process. 

 There is a limit of 3 animals per household. 

 Remain in your car until your appointment time. 

Rabies is a fatal viral disease that can affect all mammals, including humans and pets. Rabies is most often transmitted through the bite of a rabid animal. Rabies can be prevented by vaccinating your pets. As a precaution, never pick up wildlife, including stray animals, and wear thick protective gloves when handling these animals. If you are bitten (teeth breaking the skin) by an animal, including domestic animals, seek medical attention and notify the CCHD. 

“This is a great opportunity to save your pet’s life and prevent the spread of rabies”, states Amanda Masten, Senior Sanitarian for CCHD’s Division of Environmental Health & Safety. “This is an opportunity you don’t want to miss.” Donations are accepted and appreciated. CCHD has scheduled four (3) additional Rabies Vaccination Clinics at the following locations: 

 9/24/24 – Rouses Point Volunteer Fire Department 

 10/8/24 – Ellenburg Depot Fire Department 

 12/3/24 – City of Plattsburgh Public Works 

For more information, including future clinic dates, visit or follow our social media pages. For more information on the rabies virus, visit 


Peru, August 1, 2024—Reacting to resident concerns, the Peru Highway Department, assisted by Clinton County, installed stop and “Stop Ahead” signs on Sullivan Road at the Fuller Road intersection yesterday. Clinton County personnel painted “STOP” warnings on the pavement this morning.
After installing the signs yesterday, County personnel witnessed several Sullivan Road vehicles “blow through” the intersection. They said it would take time for drivers to get used to the change: “If you’ve been driving a road for thirty years, it’s hard to change your habits.” Fuller Road traffic increased after the highway department shut down Telegraph Road south of Sullivan Road because of a badly deteriorating bridge/culvert. Many heavy-duty 18-wheelers utilize Fuller Road.

Welding Academy registration opens – NO experience required

The welding training program at Clinton Community College’s Institute for Advanced Manufacturing is open to anyone looking to improve, develop, or learn welding skills. No experience is required!

– Dates: Monday – Friday, 7:30 am – 3:30 pm; September 30th – October 18th
– Location: Clinton Community College’s Institute for Advanced Manufacturing
– Cost: FREE
*Assistance is also available for transportation, childcare, and lost wages during the training!*
Interested? Learn more and complete the interest form here: or contact Joel Wood at (518) 563-1000 –

North Country Chamber of Commerce Announces Digital Literacy Training Series for Business Owners and Professionals

Plattsburgh, NY – July 31, 2024 – The North Country Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce the launch of the North Country Business Digital Literacy Training Series, a comprehensive program designed to equip business owners, entrepreneurs, and professionals with the essential skills and strategies needed to thrive in today’s digital landscape.

This eight-week training series is set to begin on September 5th, 2024, and will feature a lineup of expert-led classes aimed at enhancing participants’ digital literacy and business acumen. Each session is tailored to address key areas of digital marketing, cybersecurity, and technology utilization, ensuring attendees gain practical knowledge to elevate their businesses.

  • WHAT: One 2.5-hour class, once per week, from September 5th to October 24th (8 classes in total)
  • WHERE: All classes will be held in-person at the North Country Chamber of Commerce located at 7061 US-9, Plattsburgh, NY 12901
  • COST: $125 per person for the full training series, which includes breakfast each morning and a framed certificate of completion at the end.
  • TO REGISTER: Contact Aaron Fregeau at (518) 563-1000 or via email at

Class Schedule:

  • Fundamentals of Digital Marketing: Master the basics of digital marketing to boost your online presence. (September 5th, 2024)
  • Building a Website That Converts: Learn how to create a website that attracts and retains customers. (September 12th, 2024)
  • Digital Marketing Channels/Campaigns: Discover how to effectively use various digital marketing channels and craft compelling campaigns. (September 19th, 2024)
  • Email Marketing/Email Best Practices: Unlock the potential of email marketing with proven strategies and best practices. (September 24th, 2024)
  • Search Engine Optimization: Enhance your website’s visibility on search engines to drive more traffic. (October 3rd, 2024)
  • Introduction to Cyber Security for Business: Protect your business from digital threats with essential cybersecurity knowledge. (October 10th, 2024)
  • Other Digital Platforms and Ways to Keep Customers Engaged: Explore additional digital platforms and techniques to maintain customer engagement. (October 17th, 2024)
  • AI & ChatGPT for Your Business: Leverage the power of AI and ChatGPT to innovate and streamline your business operations. (October 24th, 2024)

Classes will be held in-person at the North Country Chamber of Commerce in Plattsburgh, NY, with each session running for 2.5 hours. This series offers a unique opportunity for participants to gain hands-on experience and personalized insights from industry experts.

To register for the North Country Business Digital Literacy Training Series, or for more information, please contact Aaron at (518) 563-1000 or

Sponsored by: Twinstate Technologies

Watercross in Plattsburgh this weekend

Plattsburgh, NY- Prepare to make a splash! East Coast Watercross is back and it’s bringing high-octane excitement to Plattsburgh City Beach on August 3-4!

Gather your crew, pack your sunscreen, and head to Plattsburgh City Beach to witness the wildest rides and the fiercest competition on the water. Watch in awe as jet skiers soar across Lake Champlain, defying gravity and pushing their limits.

The City of Plattsburgh and the Adirondack Coast Visitors Bureau are thrilled to host this world-class, action-packed event.

What to Expect

From jaw-dropping aerial maneuvers to intense head-to-head races, this event is packed with thrills for everyone. Whether you’re a seasoned water warrior or someone who loves an adrenaline rush, East Coast Watercross is your ticket to an unforgettable experience.

Event Details

  • Dates: August 3-4, 2024
  • Location: Plattsburgh City Beach, 4 Beach Road, Plattsburgh
  • Time: 9:30 am-6 pm each day

Delicious Eats

While you soak in all the action, enjoy a delicious lunch from The Dog Father Food Cart, serving up tasty bites each day of the event.

Plan Your Visit

Regular beach parking rates and rules apply – FIND THEM HERE.

Don’t miss out on the excitement—join East Coast Watercross for a weekend of sun, surf, sensational stunts, and delicious food! Learn more at

women’s rugby sevens team wins bronze, Vermont native medals for first time since 2016

Click here for the MYNBC5 story 

Flood Watch – National Weather Service Burlington VT 315 AM EDT Wed Jul 31 2024

Eastern Clinton-Eastern Essex-Grand Isle-Western Franklin-Orleans-Essex-Western Chittenden-Lamoille-Caledonia-Washington-Western Addison-Orange-Western Rutland-Eastern Franklin-Eastern Chittenden-Eastern Addison-Eastern Rutland-Western Windsor- Eastern Windsor-
Including the cities of Richmond, Bethel, Shelburne, Middlebury,
Fair Haven, Port Henry, Bristol, Montpelier, Champlain,
Killington, Ludlow, Ripton, Rutland, St. Johnsbury, Alburgh,
Johnson, Bradford, Richford, White River Junction, Burlington,
Lunenburg, Underhill, Stowe, Randolph, Swanton, East Wallingford, St. Albans, South Hero, Island Pond, Vergennes, Derby, Springfield, Enosburg Falls, Waitsfield, Plattsburgh, Hardwick, Ticonderoga, and Newport


* WHAT…Flash flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues to be possible.

* WHERE…Eastern Clinton and Eastern Essex in northern New York, and all of northern and central Vermont.

* WHEN…From noon today through this evening.

* IMPACTS…Excessive runoff may result in flooding of rivers,
creeks, streams, as well as other low-lying and flood-prone
locations. Creeks and streams may rise out of their banks and
result in flooding with more heavy rain, especially across
portions of northeastern Vermont. Isolated landslides are also
possible in areas of hilly terrain that have seen recent heavy

– Widespread showers with embedded thunderstorms are expected
to develop this afternoon and continue into the evening.
Localized areas that see multiple rounds of thunderstorms and
heavy downpours will be at greater risk of flash flooding. In
isolated locations that have seen recent heavy rainfall,
little rainfall is needed to produce flooding.


You should monitor later forecasts and be prepared to take action
should Flash Flood Warnings be issued.

NY families to receive tax credits: Who’s eligible? How much will they receive?

Click here for the story 

Bimbo Bakeries USA to close 2 facilities in Upstate New York, 1 in Texas

Click here for the story 

Peru thanks Supervisor McDonald for solid leadership

Town department heads appreciate McDonald’s 17.5 year tenure

Click here for the Sun Community News story 

Bassmaster Elite Series from August 8-11!

PLATTSBURGH, N.Y. — Get ready to reel in the excitement as the Tackle Warehouse Bassmaster Elite Series splashes down on Lake Champlain from August 8-11! This premier event marks the eighth stop of the Elite Series season and promises four days of high-stakes fishing action.
Picture this: 100 of the world’s top bass anglers, including Angler of the Year leader and 2024 Bassmaster Classic champion Justin Hamner and New York’s own pro, Kyle Patrick, going head-to-head with Lake Champlain’s biggest bass. They’re all vying for the prestigious championship trophy, a jaw-dropping $100,000 first-place prize, and a share of the $771,000 total purse. This showdown is set to be one for the books!
The action starts bright and early at 7:00 AM each day from the Plattsburgh City Marina at 2 Dock Street in Plattsburgh, with weigh-ins slated for 3:00PM each day. The full roster of anglers will compete for the first two days, with the field narrowing to the Top 50 on Day 3 and the final 10 duking it out on the last day.
But that’s not all! The Elite Series Outdoors Expo at the Plattsburgh City Marina opens at noon on Saturday and Sunday. It’s a fishing fan’s paradise, featuring the biggest names in the industry like Bass University, the Toyota Experience, Power-Pole, Garmin, and Yamaha. Plus, Nitro/Ranger/Mercury and Skeeter/Yamaha will be offering free demo boat rides!
Saturday honors our heroes with Military/First Responder Appreciation Day, while Sunday is all about showing love to B.A.S.S. members. The first 100 attendees each day snagging a free gift.
Can’t make it in person? No worries! Tune in to FS1 on Saturday and Sunday from 8:00 AM-1:00 PM for live coverage, or catch every thrilling moment on Bassmaster LIVE streaming on all four days.
So please mark your calendars and come join us for an unforgettable fishing extravaganza! Learn more at!

Lake Champlain Basin Program to Host Presentation on 2024 State of the Lake Report for Love the Lake Speaker Series

Grand Isle, VT—The Patrick Leahy Lake Champlain Basin Program (LCBP) will host a talk by LCBP Chief Scientist Dr. Matthew Vaughan on Tuesday, August 6th, as part of the summer edition of the Love the Lake speaker series. Please join us for a public presentation on the 2024 State of the Lake and Ecosystem Indicators Report.
Produced every three years using the most current scientific data, the report documents ongoing challenges and recent successes in managing Lake Champlain’s water quality and ecosystem. Dr. Vaughan will review the report’s findings and share key insights and takeaways for community members of the Lake Champlain Basin.
This FREE public program begins at 6:30 p.m. in the Lake Champlain Basin Program office at 54 West Shore Road, Grand Isle, Vermont, just north of the Grand Isle ferry entrance. Coffee, tea, and homemade desserts will be served. For further information, contact the Lake Champlain Basin Program at (802) 372-3213 or email Madeline Reilly at
Those who wish to join virtually can join with this Zoom link:…

AGENDA – Zoning Board of Appeals WEDNESDAY, August 21, 2024@ 7:00 PM

4. APPROVAL of July 2024 minutes
5. OPEN FLOOR to public hearing
1. Z2024-093 Seeking approval of an extension of a nonconforming use of an Internally lit sign Vermont Industrial Parks LLC, 280.1-5-6, 2 Gorman Way

AGENDA – Planning Board, WEDNESDAY August 14, 2024 @ 6:00 PM




3.       ROLL CALL

4.       APPROVAL June 2024 minutes

5.       OPEN FLOOR to public hearing



1.       P2024-0017  2-Lot Minor Subdivision

Norrisville Real Estate LLC


933 Norrisville Rd

2.       P2024-0018 – Site Plan Review-Sign

 Hamilton Funeral Home Inc

268.-1-46.1, 294 Mannix Rd

3.       P2024-0019 Site Plan Review-Sign

Lake Champlain Transportation

DBA Valcour Island Marina


4013 US Route 9


8.       CEO REPORT



Run For Jon is Saturday, August 24

National Weather Service – Flash Food Warning and Flash Flood Emergency Explained

[7/30 5 AM] With considerable flash flooding occurring across portions of eastern Vermont, here’s a refresher of the difference between a Flash Flood Warning and a Flash Flood Emergency #vtwx

McDonald chairs his last meeting as Peru Town Supervisor

By John T Ryan
July 29, 2024—Supervisor Brandy McDonald chaired his last Peru Town Meeting. The meeting was filled with heartfelt thanks and best wishes. McDonald served Peru for seventeen years, first as a councilman and then as Supervisor for the last 6 1/2 years. His resignation is effective August 11. He is moving to the City of Plattsburgh.  
The board selected Craig Randall, former Lake Placid Mayor and now Peru resident, as interim supervisor through December 2025. He will chair the board’s August 12 meeting.
Approved minutes added 1/19/25 Minutes 2024-07-29-RM