March 2025

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The editor is John Ryan at email: The Peru Gazette is a free community, education and information website. It is non-commercial and does not accept paid advertising.

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Video: Memorial Day Service – Peru Memorial Post 309 VFW

Police: Woman’s body found inside vehicle in Plattsburgh

An NBC5 crew saw police tape around a car rental business on Route 3 and Military Turnpike on Tuesday evening.

Click here for the MYNBC5 story 

After fleeing the Taliban in Afghanistan, Khalil Anwari advocates for immigrants in Vermont

Click here for the vtdigger story 

St. Augustine’s Soup Kitchen Menu for Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Chicken elegant casserole—chicken/stuffing/cream sauce
Served 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. at St. Augustine’s Parish Center, 3030 Main St., Peru, NY 12972
All are invited and welcome!

32 new troopers welcomed to Troop B

Click here for the Sun Community News story 

35 North Country communities have started applications to be certified as “Pro-Housing”

Peru is one of the towns on the list 

Click here for the NCPR story 

Memorial Day commemorations honor sacrifice across northern New York

Flag Raising dedicated to Arthur Dupreey who died in Vietnam at age 20 

Click here for the MYNBC5 story 

From Junior Director to Broadway: A Director’s Journey

Thanks to Tom Lavin of the Adirondack Regional Theater for a great story and photos 

Once upon a time, in the small town of Peru, NY, there lived a young boy named Mason Barber. Mason was an eighth grader with an extraordinary passion for musical theater. While most kids his age were busy playing sports or video games, Mason spent his afternoons belting out show tunes and choreographing impromptu dance routines in his bedroom.

His current favorite musical? Disney’s “The Little Mermaid.” The enchanting tale of Ariel, the curious mermaid who longed to explore the human world, captured Mason’s heart. He knew every lyric, every dance step, and every behind-the-scenes fact about the Broadway production. But there was one problem: Mason had never directed or been a part of a production team yet.

Determined to change that, Mason approached Pam and Tom Lavin of Adirondack Regional Theatre, to put on a production of “The Little Mermaid Jr.” Armed with cardboard props, borrowed costumes, and sheer enthusiasm, they transformed four stages and parks in the North Country into an underwater wonderland. Mason directed, helped choreograph, design the sets and even played the role of Scuttle at one performance.

The show was a hit! Parents wiped away tears as their children sang “Part of Your World,” and Mason beamed with pride. But he knew this was just the beginning. He dreamed of someday directing the grand Broadway version—the real deal with the best local actors, dazzling sets, and an orchestra pit.

Fast forward ten years. Mason had graduated from Plattsburgh State with a degree in Theater Arts. His résumé boasted various plays and musicals as an actor, director, set designer and even recitals with dance companies. But something tugged at his heart—the memory of that makeshift “Little Mermaid” production in Peru.

He returned to Adirondack Regional Theatre, now a seasoned director with a vision. He gathered a team of passionate artists, including his childhood friend Gabby Dion, who had always been his biggest supporter. Together, they set out to create magic.

Auditions were held, and Mason found his Ariel—a talented young actress named Bryn Walsh. The cast rehearsed tirelessly, and Mason poured his heart into every detail. The set designer, Roscoe Duquette, joined the group to build an awe-inspiring underwater kingdom. The costumes, designed by LeAnn Yelton, sparkle, and the orchestra, led by Cam Lincoln, learn their parts as the breathtaking choreography, created by Carlee Carrier and Jamie Roberts, took shape.

As opening night approaches, the Strand Center Theatre is buzzing with anticipation. Mason is waiting for the overture to begin and for the curtain to rise, revealing a breathtaking seascape. He will hear Bryn’s voice soar as Ariel sings of her dreams, and Mason will know he is witnessing something special.

Mason’s vision will be on display for all to see June 13-15 at Plattsburgh’s Strand Center Theatre. ART will present two evening shows at 7:30pm (June 14 & 15) and two matinees at 2pm (June 15 & 16). Tickets are available from the Strand Center for the Arts by calling the box office at 518-563-1604, online at  or at the door the night of the show

Audiences are sure to be praising the innovative staging, the emotional performances, and the sheer joy radiating from the stage. Mason’s dream will come true—he directed Disney’s full-scale “The Little Mermaid.” The boy who once wielded cardboard swords now commands a crew of the North Country’s best.

When the final notes of “Under the Sea” echo through the theater, Mason will take a bow alongside his cast. Undoubtably tears will well up in his eyes. The North Country will have been transformed, and so will he. The little boy who loved musical theater had become a maestro of storytelling.

And so, Mason Barber’s journey—from junior director to Broadway luminary—reminds everyone that dreams, no matter how small or improbable, could lead to something magical. As the curtain fell at a recent rehearsal, Mason whispered to Gabby, “This is just the beginning.”


May 27, 2024—Memorial Day Services at Peru Memorial Post 309 Veterans of Foreign Wars.

USAF retirees: L-R Bob Herforth, Joe Purtell and Dave Natishak. They all served at PAFB.

Curtis Banks in 1967

May 27, 2024—Memorial Day Services at Peru Memorial Post 309 Veterans of Foreign Wars. Post Commander Tom Boisseau, Chaplain David Gordon, and Auxiliary President Judy Lefevre led the Service. The Peru Girl Scouts posted Colors.
The men and women who died in combat and the deceased members of Post 309 were remembered.
Following the Service, the VFW Auxillary served a delicious lunch, and people wished Curtis Banker a Happy 100th Birthday, which he will celebrate on May 29.

Plattsburgh’s Norsk Titanium enters into long-term master supply agreement with Airbus

Click here for the Press-republican story 

Vermont Lake Monsters baseball season kicks off

Click here for the WCAX story 

NYS DEC Forest Rangers rescue Peru resident

Town of Chesterfield
Essex County
Wilderness Rescue: On May 19 at 4:40 p.m., a hiker with multiple injuries suffered a 20-foot fall on Poke-O-Moonshine Mountain. Forest Rangers located the 37-year-old from Peru, New York, approximately two-thirds of a mile up the trail. New York State Police (NYSP) aviation was called in to assist Forest Rangers with the rescue. Rangers Black, Foutch, Quinn, and Sabo stabilized the subject and packaged her into a litter. Ranger Lewis and NYSP Pilot Kotronis hoisted the subject into the helicopter for transport to the hospital. Resources were clear at 7:15 p.m.
Be sure to properly prepare and plan before entering the backcountry. For more information, visit DEC’s Hike Smart NY, Adirondack Backcountry Information, and Catskill Backcountry Information webpages.
If a person needs a Forest Ranger, whether for search and rescue, to report a wildfire, or to report illegal activity on state lands and easements, they should call 833-NYS-RANGERS. If they need urgent assistance, they can call 911. To contact a Forest Ranger for information about a specific location, the DEC website has phone numbers for every Ranger listed by region.

Peru VFW Memorial Day Service at 11 a.m.

American Legion Post 1619 honors deceased members

Sunday, May 26, 2024, Peru, NY 11 AM. This morning, Legion Riders from American Legion Post 1619 in West Plattsburgh conducted a memorial service for deceased members at St. Augustime’s Cemetery. The Riders conduct services at seven area cemeteries.
Thank you, Legionnaires, for honoring deceased veterans.

Longtime Peru teacher Fred Wachtmeister passes away

Click here for the Hamilton Funeral Home obituary 

State Senate confirms Daniel Martuscello III as Commissioner of DOCCS

NYSCOPBA and multiple state and private agencies applaud the confirmation

Click here for the Sun Community News story 

Peru Golf Team Wins Section 7 Sectionals

L-R Assistant Coach Ethan Depo, Cooper Sweeney, Nick Palmer, Liam Clark, Patrick Clark, Nolan Miner, Brady O’Connell, Coach Ryon O’Connell

Congratulations to The Peru Nighthawks on winning Section 7 Sectionals on Thursday, May 23. 4 out of 6 players. Good luck to the golfers and Congrats to the team on their section win.

Peru 2024 street and road paving schedule announced

Peru Gazette 2023 file photo

By John T Ryan 

Peru—Highway Superintendent Michael announced his plan for highway paving at the town board’s May 13, 2024 meeting. Paving should begin in about three weeks. Until then, Peru will assist the Town of Ausable with its paving projects. Then, Ausable will assist Peru.  

Farrell’s initial project will involve paving the remaining half of John Boswell Road. Subsequently, he will lay a binder on Davern Road and pave Rock Road and Locust Drive.  

Farrell will use $404,000 in NYS Consolidated Local Street and Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS) monies to pay for the projects. He commented, “When I run out of money, I’ll stop.”  Farrell relies on CHIPS money for virtually all the town’s paving projects. 

Agenda – Peru Town Board Meeting of May 29, 2024 @ 6 PM

  1. Call Meeting to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  1. Roll Call 
  1. MOTION:  Acceptance of Minutes for the Regular Meeting of May 13, 2024. 
  1. Community Input.


  1. DISCUSSION:  4-H Free Food Kiosk Project. 
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION: NYSEG LED Light Conversion Agreement.
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION:  Hiring of C & S Engineers for the Replacement of Telegraph Rd. Bridge/Culvert.
  2. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION:  Resolution to Purchase (2) Hwy. Message Boards.
  1. MOTION/DISCUSSION:  Acceptance of Use of Community Application for Heyworth Mason Park.
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION:  Accept SEQR FOR Water Treatment Plant Project.
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION:   202-B Proceedings Resolution.
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION:   Approve Bond Resolution for Water Plant Improvements.
  1. DISCUSSION:  Other Business.
  1. DISCUSSION:  Public Comments on Agenda Items Only.
  1. MOTION:  Adjourn to Executive Session.
  1. MOTION:  Return from Executive Session. 
  1. MOTION: Adjourn Meeting.

Water treatment plant $9.4 million upgrades on May 29 public hearing agenda

2015 Peru Gazette photo

By John T Ryan

The Town of Peru’s May 29 public hearing notice simply states that the hearing’s subject is a 202b matter. The 202b matter concerns upgrades to the water treatment plant on Reservoir Rd. This project is in addition to the $11 million to $25 million upgrades planned for the wastewater treatment plant.

The water treatment upgrades include expansion, new filtration equipment, a second water storage tank, and a supplemental well. In 2015, the town conducted a $3 million plant upgrade. Click here for the Peru Gazette’s 2016 story.  Residents can ask questions at the May 29, 5:45 p.m. public hearing.



202-b PROCEEDINGS, MAY 29, 2024, 5:45 PM
Call Meeting To Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
MOTION: To Open the Public Hearing.
DISCUSSION: Community Input and Questions
MOTION: To Close the Public Hearing.
MOTION: Adjourn

$4 billion transmission line to drop into Lake Champlain

Click here for the Adirondack Explorer story 

Clinton County schools spending per pupil in the 2024-25 school year

The Peru Gazette used’s calculator to determine Clinton County schools’ 2024-25 spending per pupil. calculated per pupil spending by dividing each district’s total budget by its total enrollment. Per pupil spending at smaller schools is generally higher. for example, Lake Placid, with a 546 pupil enrollment, budgeted $41,025 per pupil.

They ranked 668 schools. The lower the rank, the higher the spending per pupil.

Northern Adirondack – $33,232 – Enrollment 835 – Rank 336
Ausable Valley – $33,196 – Enrollment 1,142 – Rank 340
Peru – $31,526 – Enrollment 1,716 – Rank 415
Plattsburgh – $30,117 – Enrollment 1,749 – Rank 492
Chazy – $29,989 – Enrollment 465 – Rank 496
Northeastern Clinton – $29,746 – Enrollment 1,225 – Rank 503
Saranac – $29,353 – Enrollment 1,470 – Rank 524
Beekmantown – $28, 005 – Enrollment 1,975 – Rank 567

Planned per pupil spending in NY school districts ranked 1 to 668

Click here for the story calculated per pupil spending by dividing each district’s total budget by its total enrollment.


August 24 – The 2024 Run For Jon