March 2025

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CVPH Rehabilitation Services Expands Hours

Team of specialists now offers appointments to accommodate patients’ busy schedules

PLATTSBURGH, NY (4/02/2024) – To accommodate today’s busy lifestyles and provide more convenient appointment times, the University of Vermont Health Network – Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital (CVPH) Rehabilitation Services Department has expanded its hours. Patient appointments can now be scheduled as early as 6:30 am thru 5 pm, Monday thru Friday.

Offering physical, occupational and speech therapy services for people in all stages of life, the personable, professional team of professionals and support staff work with patients and their providers to develop individualized treatment plans. The CVPH Rehabilitation team is committed to helping patients achieve their goals using the latest treatment approaches and state-of-the-art equipment.

Limited handicapped parking is in front of the Rehab Center at 210 Cornelia St., Suite 101.  Please plan accordingly. Appointments can be made by calling 518-562-4616. A physician referral is required. For more information about all rehabilitation services available at CVPH, visit


Galactic Fun for a Good Cause: Join the Force at this Year’s Autism Walk

Plattsburgh – The galaxy needs your help at the upcoming Autism Walk.

Hosted by the Autism Alliance of Northeastern NY, a Star Wars-themed walk will take place on May 4 at the Clinton County Fairgrounds. Participants are encouraged to don their best Star Wars costumes and join forces for a good cause. Proceeds from the fundraiser will benefit the Autism Alliance of Northeastern NY, a nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing the lives of individuals with autism and their families.

Registration and activities begin at 9:30 am, and the walk starts at 11:00. There will be music, food trucks, raffles, bounce houses, children’s activities, and more.

Visit to register, donate, or volunteer for the event.

Postal Carriers delivering in spite of the weather

Peru, NY – April 4, 2024. U.S. Rural Postal Mail Carrier Cassandra Rabideau and hundreds of other postal service carriers aren’t letting today’s heavy, wet snow stop them from delivering mail. She even exited her truck and walked our mail to the mailbox. Thank you to Cassandra, and to all the dedicated U.S. Postal Service employees.

Trees down on and along several Peru secondary roads

The Peru Highway Department reports receiving calls about trees down on or along several secondary roads, such as Calkins Road, Connors Road, Patent Rd, Mannix Road, and Peasleeville Road.

Regular School Board Monthly Meeting for April 2024

The Peru CSD Board of Education will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, April 9, 2024, at 6:30 PM in the High School Cafeteria. It is anticipated that an executive session will take place immediately following the 6:30 PM start, and that the Board will reconvene for open public session business at approximately 7:00 PM. The meeting will be recorded and will be available on the District’s website at

The meeting is open to the public and current District, County, State and Federal safety procedures and protocols will be followed. Read more »

Snow at 1 to 2 inches per hour until mid-morning

Square profile picture

NWS Burlington
April 4, 2024- 7:30 a.m. Special Weather Statement Snowfall rates of 1 to 2 inches per hour are resulting in snow-covered roadways and poor visibilities as low as one-half of a mile at times. This will lead to a hazardous commute this morning. Snowfall rates will taper off by mid morning. #NYwx #VTwx

April 4, 2024 – Peru Free Library closed due to snow storm

Psychedelic Rock and Tammy’s Lunch Box: A Small City’s Big Eclipse Plans Let the big cities have their eclipse mega-events.

In Plattsburgh, N.Y., success looks different for everyone stopping to look up.

Click here for the New York Times story 

Vermont Lake Monsters manager Pete Wilk dies of brain cancer

Wilk led the Monsters to three FCBL championships, winning it all in the team’s inaugural 2021 season. Wilk is the winningest manager in Georgetown University baseball history

Click here for the MYNBC5 story 

Volunteers Needed for Fourth Annual Earth Day Cleanup

KEENE, NY — The Ausable River Association (AsRA) will host its annual Earth Day Ausable River cleanup on Saturday, April 20. Volunteers will assist AsRA in removing garbage and debris from roadways and riverbanks in the Lake Placid, Wilmington, Jay, Upper Jay, and Keene communities. Lunch and raffle prizes will be available after the cleanup to celebrate coming together to care for the river.

AsRA invites the community to join them in restoring and protecting the beauty of the Ausable River. “We’re grateful to see so many committed people who care for the river participate in this event each year,” said Madison Stroud, Operations Director at AsRA. “The level of engagement and the thousands of pounds of trash removed each year show the value of the Ausable River to our community.” There are many threats to the river, including climate change, invasive species, undersized culverts, and bank erosion. These cleanups ensure the river can better survive these challenges.

The Golden Arrow Lakeside Resort and IRONMAN Foundation have generously sponsored this year’s cleanup. Lunch for all pre-registered volunteers will be provided by Valley Grocery, cookies by Green Goddess Natural Market, and raffle items by NRS. Several local towns have shown their support, providing free waste disposal and other services that will make the event run smoothly.

The cleanup will take place from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on April 20, 2024, with registration opening at 9:30 a.m. Volunteers will meet at the Community Center pavilion in Keene for registration and lunch. For more information and to pre-register, visit the Ausable River Association website:


Brooklyn man charged with murder in Elizabethtown shooting

Suspect was taken into custody by Essex Co. Sheriff’s at a Stewart’s store shortly after the shooting

Click here for the Sun Community News story 

Morrisonville woman admits to $28K theft from ARC clients

Former ARC employee fined, ordered to pay restitution and serve probation and community service

Click here for the Sun Community News story 

Central NY school bus aide pulled 5-year-old out of harm’s way: ‘It was instinct’

Click here for the story 

NY inmates suing to watch solar eclipse after state orders prisons locked down

Click here for the story 

April 19 Town Board Special Meeting

The Town Of Peru Town Board has called a Special Meeting on April 10, 2024, at 10:00 AM at the Peru Town Hall to approve the Bill Pay Warrant.

Vilas Home: Progress in elder care

Vilas staff preparing move to new residence

Click here for the Sun Community News story 

One person found dead during Essex County, Lincoln Pond Rd. shooting investigation

Click here for the MYNBC5 story 

NYS Presidential Primary taking place today

The NYS Republican and Democratic Party Primary for President of the United States and Electors is today. The St. Augustine’s Parish Center is open for voting from 6 a.m. until 9 p.m.
Democratic Party – President of the United States: Joseph R. Biden Jr., Marlanne Williamson, Dean Phillips 
Electors to the National Convention: Michael Monescalchi, Jason Clark, Sara Idleman, Michael J. Zagrobelny, and Lynne Boacher. 
Republican Party – President of the United States: Vivek Ramaswamy, Chris Christie, Nikki R. Haley, Donald J. Trump 
Here are the sample ballots

Today’s Peru blood drive very successful

APRIL 1, 2024 – Peru blood donors came through again today, with 27 units collected in 28 attempts at St. Augustine’s Parish Center. CVPH and your neighbors are thankful. GREAT WORK EVERYONE!

Peru students learn about career opportunities that are not far from home

By John T Ryan

Peru, NY, Thursday, March 28- “I feel good energy in the room,” commented Peru Middle School Principal Jim Manchester as he observed 6th and 7th students in Peru High School gymnasium. “This is a great opportunity for students to learn about what’s in our community and potential careers.” Manchester was speaking about the 2nd annual PACE Career Fair. Site Supervisor Tracy Modlin said she expected at least 800 middle and high school students to have the opportunity to talk to about 30 local businesses, government agencies, and other organizations. 

Students were encouraged to ask questions such as, “Looking back to high school, what courses do you think would benefit your field of study?” What qualities would be most important in a candidate if you were hiring for your job?” “In your opinion, what is the best part of your career? What is the challenging part of your career?”

The business and organization representatives emanated a lot of the “good energy” Mr. Manchester mentioned. SrA Emily Sorrell, a 2015 Peru graduate, and Ssgt. Kasey Bellerive, a Plattsburgh High School graduate, represented the Vermont Air National Guard. Many of its 500 members, including Sorrell and Bellerive, live on this side of Lake Champlain. SSgt. Sorrell, a Security Force member specializing in law enforcement and light infantry, joined the Guard after completing three years at SUNY Plattsburgh. As a National Guard member, she was eligible for GI benefits, enabling her to earn her college degree.

Photographer Karli Castine said she came to answer questions about operating a small business. Standing near several of her cameras and impressive photographs, she explained, “It took me about ten years to get Karli C Photography where I want it. Now, I can work from home and set my work schedule. I enjoy it. I’m doing what I love?”

Clarkson graduates Jordan Marsh and Nathan LaValley represented the New York State Office of General Services (OGS). LaValley is a 2005 Northern Adirondack School graduate. Marsh, a native of Dickinson Center near Potsdam, participated in the SUNY Plattsburgh-Clarkson University 3-2 program. Working as a summer intern at the OGS office in Dannemora led him to go to work for the agency. OGS supervises the planning, bidding, and construction of significant state construction projects at correction facilities and projects like the Adirondack Rail Trail in the Tri-Lakes and the Frontier Town Campground in North Hudson.

Four CVPH-UVM Health Network staff members participated, including CT Technologist Brenda Sypek-Potthast, a Peru High School graduate. The CVPH’s presentation featured the many career fields the CVPH Health Network offers. CVPH employs more than 2,000 people in our region.

Saranac High School graduate Kaylyn Wood represented the Clinton County Soil and Conservation office. She enjoyed the sciences in high school, leading her to earn a two-year degree in environmental science at North Country Community College. Wood said she loves her job, especially after growing up on a small farm. Today, she works with farmers to help them comply with environmental regulations and apply for grant funding.

The Peru Gazette only had time to interview a small sampling of representatives. At least one 8th-grade student came home excited, saying, “I want to be a NYS Trooper,” while a 10th-grader said, “I want to work for Community Bank.” Hopefully, Peru’s 6-12 students had many career ideas to discuss Thursday evening at home.

PACE (PERU AFTER-SCHOOL CAREER EXPLORATION PROGRAM) is the result of a a five-year competitive grant awarded to Peru Central School for middle and high school use. The grant awards the school $350,000 annually and is geared to three primary goals.

  1. Increase students’ Core academic knowledge and skills.
  2. Improve key behaviors and attitudes (attendance, engagement, and aspirations).
  3. Foster career-specific knowledge and skills, including critical thinking and problem-solving, teamwork and collaboration, and effective communication. 

It runs Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 2:15 p.m. through 4:30 p.m.

Thursday’s participating businesses and organizations included: 

Community Bank

Chimera Integrations

Mountain Lake PBS

UA Local 773 – Plumber/Pipefitters Union


Karli C Photography

Vermont Air National Guard

NYS Office of General Services – Construction Engineers

Eagle Associates – Kitchen Sales

Casella Waste Systems

New York State Police

Johns Manville Roofing

Pine Harbor Living Facility

One Last Look – Hair Stylist

Clinton County Sheriff’s Department

CVPH-UVM Health Network

Clinton Community College

Plattsburgh City Fire Department t

United States Marine Corps

Clinton County Soil & Water Conservation

Century 21 Realty – Dianne Rock

Palmer’s Veterinary Clinic

The Strand Center For the Arts

Peru Fire Department

NYSEG Lineman

SUNY Plattsburgh

Customs and Border Detection

Miner Institute

April 8 Peru Town Board Meeting Cancelled

Good morning – The April 8th, 2024, Regular Board Meeting is cancelled. 

Thank you Dianne

Dianne E. Miller

Town Clerk

Town of Peru

St. Augustine’s Soup Kitchen Menu for Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Pork Stew
Snack Cup

Served 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. at St. Augustine’s Parish Center, 3030 Main St., Peru, NY 12972

All are invited and welcome!

AGENDA – Planning Board, WEDNESDAY, April 10, 2024 @ 6:00 PM TOWN OF PERU

  4. APPROVAL March 13, 2024 minutes
  5. OPEN FLOOR to public hearing 
  6. APPLICATIONS 1.P2024-004 Site Plan Approval with SEQRA
      1. Keystone Novelties 280.-1-30.11, 729 Bear Swamp Rd
        1. P2024-005 Site Plan Approval with SEQRA,                                                                
        2. Jake Menard, 258.-2-8.2, 3999 US Route 9
        1. P2024-006 Site Plan Approval with SEQRA,                                                                                                              Peru Community Church, 280.1-8-61, 13 Elm St



AGENDA – Zoning Board of Appeals, WEDNESDAY, April 17, 2024@ 7:00 PM

Tesla plans charging stations adjacent to Stewart’s

AGENDA – Zoning Board of Appeals, WEDNESDAY, April 17, 2024@ 7:00 PM


APPROVAL of March 20, 2024 minutes
OPEN FLOOR to public hearing
Z2024-009 Area Variance: 13foot 3 inches side setback for placement of car chargers
Tesla Corp
2997 Main St




April events sponsored by the Clinton County Historical Association (free and open to the public)

April 9 – 2:30 pm, Meadowbrook Healthcare, 154 Prospect Avenue, Plattsburgh. Portraits from the turn of the 19th century and the stories they might tell. The Clinton County Historical Association has 17,000 portraits in their collection taken between 1890 and 1920, and some of the most unusual and interesting will be shared along with the known or occasionally speculated background behind the photo.

April 13 – 10 am to 3 pm, CCHA, 98 Ohio Avenue, Plattsburgh. Something for everyone at the Clinton County Historical Association Museum to celebrate Slow Art Day. Two local artists, Tim Palkovic and Naomi Bradshaw will be painting at the museum. Come and watch them work.  Two children’s watercolor workshops will be held, one at 11 am and one at 1 pm.  Please call 518-561-0340 to reserve a seat. Beginning at 10 am, docents will give tours of the various paintings and artifacts on exhibit from the Museum’s collection.

April 19 – 12:30 pm, Plattsburgh Senior Center, 5139 North Catherine Street, Plattsburgh. A Photo Peek at Old Plattsburgh. Using photos from the CCHA collection, see ‘then and now’  photo comparisons of landmarks in downtown Plattsburgh.  Come and see what you might recognize and share stories of these special spots.

April 23 – 2:30 pm, Meadowbrook Healthcare, 154 Prospect Avenue, Plattsburgh. The Golden Age of the Cigar Trade in Downtown Plattsburgh.  For over 75 years thousands of cigars were produced in downtown Plattsburgh. Hear the story of our own flourishing cigar industry and the families that managed it using photos and artifacts from the CCHA Collection.

April 23, 6:45 pm, Lake Forest Retirement Community, 8 Lake Forest Drive, Plattsburgh. The Legacy of the location with the most beautiful view – photos and stories of the history of Bluff Point and the Hotel Champlain where Clinton Community College stands today.  Built by the D&H Railroad and frequented by Presidents, the hotel was one of the most prestigious vacation sites in America. See its history and beauty in photos from the Clinton County Historical Association’s own collection and ‘A Chronicle of Bluff Point’ by Richard Frost.

April 25, 6:30 pm, Plattsburgh Memorial Chapel, Old Base. History, Discovery, and Preservation of the Spitfire: A Status Report with Art Cohn, Principal Investigator of the Spitfire Discovery Team and co-founder of the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum. As the Nation approaches the 250th Anniversary of the struggle that created it, much activity has begun to recognize this significant milestone in American history. Since the gunboat Spitfire‘s discovery in 1997 by a team led by Art Cohn, the intact gunboat has rested in  the deep waters of Lake Champlain and been the subject of intense study, analysis and regular inspections. The goal from the moment of the Spitfire’s discovery has been to identify the most thoughtful and appropriate management plan for its long-term preservation and public value. In this presentation, Art will reflect on the Spitfire’s history, discovery and the effort being made to preserve and share it with this and future generations. 

Please contact Helen Nerska, for more information.