Stefanik Announces 2024 NY-21 Congressional Art Competition
Posted: March 14th, 2024 under General News.
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A free community news service for Peru, NY
Posted: March 14th, 2024 under General News.
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“From its quarter-trillion-dollar price tag to its misplaced priorities and failure to address major outstanding issues like the broken Tier Six pension system and our ongoing public safety crisis, the Senate one-house budget would put New York State in even more dire financial straits than it is currently in.
“A recent comptroller report noted that the high tax-and-spend climate in our state is a major contributor to our outmigration crisis. This plan, would increase taxes by an additional $7 billion and spends a mind-boggling $246.2 billion, $13 billion more than Governor Hochul’s already costly Executive Budget proposal. Not only does this proposal fail to address the root causes of outmigration, it exacerbates the problem and contains many misplaced priorities.
“The Senate plan includes $2.4 billion for illegal immigrant support services, as well as an additional $175 million in health insurance coverage for them. This is funding that belongs to legal, law-abiding taxpayers and would be better off being returned as needed tax relief or towards reforming Tier Six.
“At a time when retail theft is on the rise and public safety remains an urgent concern, the Senate budget would cut nearly $100 million in funding for the state police. It would also advance the governor’s proposal to close up-to five correctional facilities. These measures are just yet another sign of how Senate leadership is failing to take the safety of our communities seriously.
“While the Senate one-house budget proposal addresses some major concerns of mine – namely, raising the Medicaid reimbursement rate for nursing homes and hospitals and restoring Foundation Aid for our schools – this is ultimately a plan that contains far more bad than good. That’s why I voted against the Senate’s one-house budget proposal. The Legislature and governor must do a better job of serving the priorities of our hardworking families and small business owners. As we work towards an enacted budget, I urge all parties to exercise fiscal responsibility and do what’s right for all New Yorkers.”
Posted: March 14th, 2024 under Political News, State Government News, State Legislator News.
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Posted: March 14th, 2024 under County Government News, Law Enforcement News, Northern NY News, Peru/Regional History.
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Peru – CVPH Donor Center Blood Brive, Monday, April 1, from 3 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., at St. Augustine’s Parish Center, 3030 Main St. in Peru.
On February 29, CVPH collected 28 pints in Peru, which is a wonderful total. Thank you to all the donors!
All blood collected is utilized in our trl-county region.
The drive is being coordinated by St. Augustine’s Knights of Columbus Council 7273.
Posted: March 14th, 2024 under General News, Heathcare News, Northern NY News, Peru News.
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Good Morning,
On Monday, March 18, 2024, Rifenburg Construction and their subcontractors will return to Margaret Street to wrap up items that could not be completed in the fall. They will begin with installing new signal poles and pedestrian crossing facilities at the intersections of Margaret/Cornelia Streets, Margaret/Broad Streets, and Brinkerhoff/Oak Streets. Following this, they will install the new concrete crosswalks, restrip all existing lines, and finish with punch list items. Please take care when traveling in these areas and watch for construction personnel and flaggers.
Please go to for weekly project updates and to keep up to date on other City of Plattsburgh Projects.
Posted: March 14th, 2024 under Business News, City News, Northern NY News, Peru/Regional History.
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![]() Peru Gazette file photo Elise Stefanik News Release |
Posted: March 14th, 2024 under Adirondack Region News, Congressional News, Environmental News, General News, Northern NY News, Political News, Regional NY-VT News.
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More than 900 Kias and Hyundais were stolen in the Syracuse area last year and the theft rate is even more this year.
Posted: March 14th, 2024 under Business News, Law Enforcement News, National News, Upstate New York.
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Reprinted with Press-Republican permission. Appeared in the March 13, 2024 edition.
EDITOR’S NOTE: This is a guest editorial by Jim Zachary. Zachary is CNHI Director of Newsroom Standards & Practices can be reached at
All government business is your business.
Government can only be of, by and for the people when it is out in front of the people.
State Sunshine Laws should not only codify the public’s right to know but should facilitate access to both records and meetings while providing real penalties when elected and appointed officials block or stall access.
Unfortunately, as a combined CNHI and Associated Press nationwide report published this week shows, in the vast majority of states public access laws have little to no teeth, and in the states that do have stiff penalties for violations, enforcement is sparse at best.
That needs to change. Every last penny government spends is your money.
It is your right to know every transaction, every decision, every expenditure and every deliberation of your government.
Whether at the White House, the statehouse or the county courthouse, all the documents held in government halls belong to the people, and all the business conducted by our governors is public business.
The understanding that we are the government and the government is us is primary to our Republic.
The only powers held by federal, state or local government are the powers we give.
So, whether it is Congress, the state’s General Assembly, county commission, city council or the board of education, it is your right to know all the people’s business.
When you attend local city, county or schoolboard meetings, and ask questions and hold elected representatives accountable, you are not minding their business, you are minding your own business.
When you make a public records request, you are not asking local records custodians to give you something that just belongs to them or the office where they work. You are simply asking for your own documents. Those custodians need to understand that.
The Bill of Rights guarantees the freedom of the press for very important reasons. The founders built a hedge of protection around the media because the press, as the Fourth Estate, guards and fights for the public’s right to know, holding government accountable.
Journalists help keep an eye on government, shine the light on its actions, fight the good fight for access to documents and meetings, champion transparency and defend the First Amendment because of a core belief in your basic, fundamental rights — principally, your right to know.
Access to public information, though, is not just for the press. It is for each and every one of you too.
Posted: March 14th, 2024 under Education News, General News, Opinion.
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Jacob Pratt, of Rensselaer, has been identified as the sole survivor of the helicopter crash on Friday
Posted: March 14th, 2024 under Border News, Peru/Regional History, State Government News, Statewide News, Upstate New York, Veterans' News.
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Auditions for its Academy program will take place March 30
Posted: March 14th, 2024 under Adirondack Region News, Arts and Entertainment, Northern NY News, Youth News.
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On March 14, at 10:45 a.m., the Town of Plattsburg issued this statement.
“We honor the memory of a man whose unwavering devotion stretched across more than thirty years of service to the Town of Plattsburg as an esteemed member of the Town Board, Deputy Supervisor, and Town Justice. In every role, Marty’s dedication to serving his community and striving for its improvement remains a timeless testament to his profound influence and love for the community. We offer his family and friends our deepest condolences.”
Posted: March 14th, 2024 under Northern NY News, Peru/Regional History.
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Posted: March 14th, 2024 under Religious News, State Government News.
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New York State Police are investigating after a driver was killed on Route 3 in Harrietstown
Posted: March 14th, 2024 under Adirondack Region News, Law Enforcement News, Northern NY News.
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Posted: March 14th, 2024 under Education News, Sports News, Upstate New York.
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Posted: March 14th, 2024 under Agricultural News, Business News, Northern NY News.
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Mooers Town Supervisor Jeff Menard, along with the County Legislature, say they are currently considering passing a tethering law
Posted: March 13th, 2024 under Business News, County Government News, Law Enforcement News, Northern NY News.
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News includes affordable housing, the Recreation Director Assistant position still not filled, a grant application to be submitted, town property sale faces obstacles, a new hire in the Highway Department, and Employee Handbook revisions
March 12, 2024—The Peru Town Board held a regular meeting Monday evening chaired by Deputy Supervisor Jim Douglass. The board excused Supervisor Brandy McDonald and Councilman Melvin Irwin.
Our nation, NYS, and this region have a housing shortage, especially affordable housing. Last year, Governor Kathy Hochul initiated and signed Executive Order 30, creating the Pro-Housing Community designed to reward local governments working hard to address New York’s housing crisis. Planning Board member Allison Webbinaro addressed the board to advocate for Peru to take advantage of the program and to be named a New York State Pro-Housing Designated Community. Webbinaro said the state had already named five North Country communities “Pro-Housing,” and she wants Peru to join them. A Pro-Housing designated community will receive funding priority for several state discretionary programs, including the Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI), the N.Y. Forward program, and more. The three board members present, Jim Douglass, Eric Duquette, and Kregg Bruno, supported the application and asked Code Enforcement Officer Bob Guynup to prepare it. Peru needs additional housing, especially in the water-sewer district, where relatively few property owners will bear the cost of the state-mandated water and sewer improvements.
Recreation Director Kristen Marino said she hasn’t received any applications for the recreation director assistant position. Marino may recommend subdividing the job by season, i.e., a baseball assistant, a soccer assistant, a basketball assistant, etc. She thinks people may be willing to commit to a specific sport over a shorter period.
Water/Sewer Parks Superintendent Courtney Tetrault reported that he’s applying for a federal grant through Congresswoman Stefanik to help pay for the upgrades to the wastewater treatment plant. The application is due this Friday.
The town wants to sell 45 acres of no-longer-used property adjacent to Brand Hollow Rd. At one time, the property was the town’s wastewater lagoon site. Unfortunately, decommissioning the property is going to be expensive. The NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) indicated that an engineering study and asbestos assessment of the property’s 20′ x 20′ building would be required. The estimated cost is $33,000. The board tabled the issue pending receipt of more information.
In other actions, the board accepted Adam Archer’s resignation as a Highway Department Machine & Equipment Operator and approved hiring T. J. Welch of Peru as his replacement. Highway Superintendent Michael Farrell praised Adam Archer’s work, saying he’d gladly take him back if he ever wants to return. Deputy Highway Superintendent Tyler Jarvis said T.J. Welch has a great, can-do attitude and will, hopefully, be a town employee for many years.
The board approved changes to the Employee Handbook regarding maximum compensation time for Highway and Water/Sewer/Parks employees and Highway Department Commercial Driver Licensing.
Posted: March 13th, 2024 under General News, Highway Dept. News, Northern NY News, Peru News, Recreation opportunities, Town Board News, Water & Sewer Dept. News.
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Bill gives owner ByteDance 165 days to divest from TikTok, and if it does not app stores would be legally barred from hosting it
Posted: March 13th, 2024 under Business News, Congressional News, Peru/Regional History, Political News.
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Posted: March 13th, 2024 under Community Events, Northern NY News, Peru News.
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Posted: March 13th, 2024 under County Government News, Heathcare News, Northern NY News, Peru/Regional History.
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All first-time hunters planning to go afield this upcoming spring turkey season must first complete a mandatory hunter education course before they can purchase a hunting license. In-person, instructor-led hunter education courses are being offered throughout NYS during March and April. Classes fill quickly, so do not delay in registering for a course. All classes are free of charge.
Posted: March 13th, 2024 under Adirondack Region News, Law Enforcement News, Northern NY News, Recreation opportunities, State Government News.
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Beekmantown, New York 3/12/2024
The Town of Beekmantown invites you to experience the solar eclipse at the Beekmantown Town Hall and Recreation facilities located at 571 Spellman Road, West Chazy, NY, 12992, on Monday, April 8, 2024. View this once-in-a-lifetime event from our spacious fields with lots of parking. Starting at approximately 2:00 PM, a partial eclipse will begin with total darkness happening around 3:00 PM and then back through another partial eclipse ending around 4:00 PM. We are located directly in the path of this celestial phenomenon. In preparation for this cycle, viewing glasses will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis starting at 1:30 PM. Quantities are limited. Please be reminded to view the eclipse safely using only ISO-certified glasses to protect your eyes. Ultimately all those viewing the eclipse do so at their own risk. For more information and to purchase your own viewing glasses, check <;ilters>
This event is sponsored by the Town of Beekmantown and is free to the public. For more information, please contact the Town Hall at (518) 563-4650.
Posted: March 13th, 2024 under Community Events, General News, Northern NY News, Peru/Regional History.
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Posted: March 13th, 2024 under Adirondack Region News, Arts and Entertainment, City News, General News, Northern NY News.
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Posted: March 13th, 2024 under Adirondack Region News, Business News, Community Events, Northern NY News, Peru/Regional History, Political News, State Government News.
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