March 2025

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“Create Camp” at the Strand

Registration for the North Country Business Skills Training Series is Open

Plattsburgh, NY (2/27/2024) –The North Country Chamber of Commerce is pleased to invite you to participate in our exclusive North Country Business Skills Training Series tailored for small business owners. Designed to empower entrepreneurs of all levels, this comprehensive series covers vital topics essential for success in today’s competitive landscape. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, our in-depth seminars provide the crucial tools and insights necessary to thrive in the ever-evolving business world.

  • What: North Country Chamber of Commerce Business Skills Training Series
  • When: April 4th – May 24th, 2024 (One 2.5-hour class per week)
  • Where: North Country Chamber of Commerce, 7061 US-9, Plattsburgh NY 12901
  • Cost: $175 per person for full training series (includes breakfast and certificate of completion)
  • Registration: Contact Aaron Fregeau at (518) 563-1000 or

Classes include Intro to Entrepreneurship, SalesCraft 101, Fundamentals of Marketing, Profit First Fundamentals, Business Networking, Primer on Key Employment Laws, Basic Overview of QuickBooks Online, and Stress Management At Home and At Work.


Peru K-5 PTO – Mark your calendars for our 2024 Town Green Up Day!

When: Saturday, 4/20 at 8am
Where: Peru Fire Department and then the town road of your choice
Who: You & your crew!
This is a fun family event that gives back to our community and to our environment! Please mark “interested” or “going” on the event to stay up to date on all the details!

Police seize 49 animals from A Canine Gem in Beekmantown

Click here for the MYNBC5 story 

Retired Peru science teacher Andy Sajar recalls 1970 road trip to see total solar eclipse

Click here for the NCPR story 

49 dogs seized from Beekmantown dog rescue

Donations to Elmore SPCA now sought to assist with the dogs’ care as the legal case unfolds

Click here for the Sun Community News story 

Syracuse celebrates career of Jim Boeheim: ‘For a lot of us, that was our lif

Click here for the story 

One person and one cat dead after a Saranac Lake multi-family apartment building fire

Click here for the MYNBC5 story 

Assistant District Attorney Dan Lennon announces mayoral campaign in Plattsburgh

Peru High School graduate Dan Lennon is highlighting housing, public safety, and youth recreation as the biggest issues facing the city.

Click here for the MYNBC5 story 

Learn about the Peru Fire Department’s planned renovations and updates

The Peru Fire Department will hold an informational meeting at 6 PM on March 5, 2024, at the Peru Fire Station at 753 Bear Swamp Rd. in Peru. The subject of the meeting is as follows: renovations and updates to the Peru Fire Department building and grounds. As always, the public is invited to attend.

Former Chief Chad Frechette resigns as an active firefighter

Five days ago Chad posted on Facebook: “Last night, after 30+ years in the Peru Fire Dept, I resigned as an active member. During my career, I held many different positions and had the honor to serve as fire chief. I will always cherish these memories.”

We’re on the verge of having the warmest minimum temps on record

Square profile picture
NWS Burlington
We are running out of time to see a below-zero temperature in Burlington. If the temperature does not fall below 1 tonight, this winter will have the warmest minimum on record. Here are some data highlighting seasonal minimum temperatures in the Burlington area. #vtwx

Lakes in the Adirondacks are getting browner. Here’s why that’s bad.

Click here for the Sun Community News story 

New Lease on Life: Airborne releases 2024 schedule

Click here for the Sun Community News story 

February 24, 2024, Peru & Black Brook, NY, clear skies, 16 degrees at 9:45 a.m.

EPA invests $420M in NYS water infrastructure

Schumer and Gillibrand applaud “monumental” boon to Drinking Water and Clean Water State Revolving Funds

Click here for the Sun Community News story 

Lake Champlain Pools, Spas & Stoves hits 50-year mark

The Hubbell family thanks customers and staff for their longevity

Click here for the Sun Community News story 

Michael Ramos-Perez sentenced after admitting to raping Beekmantown woman

Click here for the MYNBC5 story 

Special BOE Meeting 2/27/24

The Peru CSD Board of Education will hold a special meeting in the High School Community Room on Tuesday, February 27, 2024, at 7:15 AM.  The main purpose of this meeting is to approve a bid award and a health/welfare service contract.  At this time, no other district business is anticipated.

The agenda will be available on the District’s website (

The meeting is open to the public and current District, County, State and Federal safety procedures and protocols will be followed.

Historical Association announces its March Events

March 12, 2:30 pm, Meadowbrook Healthcare, 154 Prospect Avenue, Plattsburgh. A Photo Peek at Old Plattsburgh. Using photos from the CCHA collection, historian David Patrick created ‘then and now’ photo comparisons of landmarks in downtown Plattsburgh. Come and see what you might recognize and share stories of these special spots.

March 15, 2:30 pm Plattsburgh Senior Center, 5139 North Catherine Street, Plattsburgh. The location’s legacy with the most beautiful view – photos and stories of the history of Bluff Point and the Hotel Champlain, where Clinton Community College stands today.  Built by the D&H Railroad and frequented by Presidents, the hotel was one of America’s most prestigious vacation sites. See its history and beauty in photos from the Clinton County Historical Association’s collection.
March 16, 11 am to 3 pm, Champlain Mall, Plattsburgh. World Water Day at the Champlain Mall. Join CCHA and fellow Lake Champlain Basin Program associates for various land and water informational displays. Get your passport stamped and win a prize.

March 26, 2:30 pm, Meadowbrook Healthcare, 154 Prospect Avenue, Plattsburgh. March 15 – 12:30 pm Plattsburgh Senior Center, 5139 North Catherine Street, Plattsburgh. The location’s legacy with the most beautiful view – photos and stories of the history of Bluff Point and the Hotel Champlain, where  Clinton Community College stands today.  Built by the D&H Railroad and frequented by Presidents, the hotel was one of America’s most prestigious vacation sites. See its history and beauty in photos from the Clinton County Historical Association’s collection.

March 28, 6:30 pm, CCHA, 98 Ohio Avenue, Plattsburgh. The History of Manufacturing in Clinton County Since 1831 with Steve Frederick, VP for Institutional Advancement at Clinton Community College. Clinton County had been manufacturing important goods 30 years before the Civil War, employing hundreds of people (many of whom were our relatives).  The North Country’s relationship with manufacturers from Montreal goes back over a century, so the idea of Plattsburgh being Montreal’s US suburb is not new.  Come learn how these early manufacturing pioneers influenced today’s industries.
All events are free and open to the public. Contact Helen Nerska or call 518-561-0340 for more information.

PHS snaps Moriah’s Section VII basketball winning streak at 39 games

Click here for the Sun Community News story 

Indian Lake man badly injured in snowmobile accident

Rescue became complicated when a first responder’s ATV broke through the ice

Click here for the Sun Community News Story 

University of Vermont Health Network reaches agreement with UnitedHealthcare

Click here for the MYNBC5 story 

Girl Scouts of Northeastern New York Open 2024 Summer Camp Registration

ALBANY, N.Y. – Girl Scouts of Northeastern New York (GSNENY) has opened its 2024 summer camp registration for all three of its American Camp Association Accredited camps – Camp Is-Sho-Da in East Greenbush, Hidden Lake Camp in Lake George and Lake Clear Camp in Lake Clear near Saranac Lake.

GSNENY camps are a community shaped by the physical and outdoor spaces in which they take place, the team-building nature of their activities, and the welcoming environment GSNENY strives to create. While at camp, campers will be immersed in an environment that encourages personal responsibility, takes place in nature, is “unplugged” and focuses on being present, provides opportunities for self-exploration, relies on teamwork, and is respectful and inclusive.

“Girl Scout camp is one of the most positive and impactful programs for girls that we – or anyone — offer. Girls have an opportunity to try new things, to be outdoors and away from their electronic devices, to build long-lasting relationships, and to learn to take risks,” said GSNENY CEO Brenda Episcopo.

Campers can expect to go hiking, swimming, boating, trying their hand at high and low-ropes courses, participating in archery, making arts and crafts, nature study, and more. Campers will also be able to participate in themed weeks like camp chefs, where campers will explore a range of camp cooking techniques using pie irons, Dutch ovens, box ovens, and more to prepare camp snacks and take part in a “Chopped” style cooking challenge or a week like Midnight Mischief where campers can participate in nocturnal adventures as they explore the wilderness under the moonlit sky, engage in a variety of moonlit games and challenges, stargaze and hear campfire stories.

GSNENY will also offer two leadership training programs during camp, Counselor-In-Training (CIT) and Waterfront-In-Training. CIT is tailored for Senior and Ambassador Girl Scouts who are ready to embrace leadership while enjoying the camp experience. Broken down into two parts, CIT I offers Seniors the perfect blend of growth and fun, empowering them to become confident and capable leaders. At the same time, CIT II provides Ambassadors with advanced leadership skills to master the art of camp program planning and prepares them for a role as a camp counselor. Waterfront-In-Training is a weeklong program for Girl Scouts who want to become skilled lifeguards or camp waterfront staff. This course covers essential water rescue skills, First Aid and CPR certifications, water safety, and lifeguard ethics in accordance with the American Red Cross standards. All participants who wish to participate in the Waterfront-In-Training program must be at least 15 years old by the end of the camp week.

Some new opportunities at camp this year include Troop Camping at Hidden Lake Camp, where Girl Scout troops come to camp when it is staffed so that leaders who may be new to camping don’t need to worry about food and outdoor activities; and Family Camping at Lake Clear where whole families, providing they include at least one Girl Scout member, can camp together at Lake Clear with staff also providing meals and activities.

Camp Is-Sho-Da (day camp) will run for six weeks, from July 8 through August 16. Hidden Lake Camp runs weekly sessions (both overnight and day camps) from July 7 through July 30. Lake Clear Camp will run weekly sessions (both overnight and day camps) from August 4 through August 20. Day Camp transportation is available for Camp Is-Sho-Da.

Children who turned five years old by December 1, 2023, are eligible for Day Camp this summer, and GSNENY has camps that serve all ages through high school graduation. Camps include a variety of Day Camp and Overnight options, including mini camps that are only a few days for kids who are trying camp for the first time. To register for camp, visit—properties/summer-camp.html. A $50 non-refundable deposit is required to secure camp registration, which closes two weeks before the start of each session. GSNENY offers financial aid to registered Girl Scouts in the Council who have a financial need. Those who need can apply for funding to cover the cost of camp fees, busing, overnights, and early/late care. To learn more about financial aid, email or apply here.


No more climbing fences, slipping on icy surfaces or encountering barking dogs for Peru’s Water Department personnel

L-R Equipment installed inside some homes and an outside meter

Courtney Tetreault with an iPad water personnel use.

Meter reading devices used over the past several decades.

By John T Ryan

The days of Peru Water Department personnel walking to a backyard or sideyard to read a water meter will soon be history. A few weeks ago, Water/Sewer/Parks Superintendent Courtney Tetrault told the town board that installing new meter-reading technology is 90% complete. Town Water personnel have installed radio/Bluetooth technology in hundreds of meters, enabling them to read the meters on an iPad as they slowly pass by a home or business. The iPad transmits the information to the cloud storage system, which is instantly accessible for analysis and billing.

The technology captures much more usage information than the old system, enabling Tetreault’s personnel to detect unusually high water usage down to the date and hour. This information will be very helpful to residents questioning an exceptionally high water bill. Tetrault said, “In a few cases, our personnel noticed a water spike on the iPads; they stopped and immediately notified the homeowners.” The new technology is highly efficient. Tetrault said, “It used to take two men three days to read our 765 meters. Now, one man does it in one day.”

Installing the new technology began in 2013. Tetrault recalled, “Covid slowed us up. We started outside the hamlet, where most meters are newer and outside side homes. Sometimes inside the hamlet, we’ve had new equipment in a home’s basement or crawl space.”