The editor is John Ryan at email: The Peru Gazette is a free community, education and information website. It is non-commercial and does not accept paid advertising.
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Duties/Responsibilities could fluctuate during seasons and can be discussed. The main goal is to assist the Youth Director in providing attention to detail and fluidity among programs.
Spring – organization of T-ball teams and help dispersing equipment (4-6 teams) Summer – check-ins with summer activities as needed (schedule to be decided before season, the month of July) Fall – organization on mini mites (6-8 teams) helps to disperse equipment for all levels. Winter – Site coordinator for basketball games, help with skills assessment at the beginning of the season. Attendance of Youth Commission meetings
Current pay is $3,000 per year.
Contact Recreation Director Kristen Marino at 518-320-2207 for more information.
Peru – St. Augustine’s Knights of Columbus Council 7273 will serve a Michigan dinner on Saturday, February 17, at the St. Augustine’s Parish Center. It includes Michigan, baked beans, potato chips, drinks, and dessert: Two Michigans – $10, One Michigan – $7. They are served from 4 to 6 p.m. eat-in or take-out. Proceeds will enable the knights to conduct programs and donate to local charitable programs. All are welcome!
Awards honor CVPH team’s continued commitment to clinical quality, positive patient experiences.
CVPH News Release
PLATTSBURGH, NY (02/12/2024) — The University of Vermont Health Network – Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital (CVPH) announced today that it has received two 2023 Press Ganey Human Experience awards: The Pinnacle of Excellence Award and the Guardian of Excellence Award.
Using data collected in 2021-22, these awards are part of the Press Ganey’s annual ranking of the top hospitals and health systems in the country. Press Ganey works with more than 41,000 healthcare facilities in its mission to reduce patient suffering and enhance caregiver resilience to improve the over safety, quality and experience of care.
As a winner of the Pinnacle of Excellence Award®, CVPH is ranked in the top 5% of healthcare providers in delivering patient experience over a minimum of 2 consecutive years. The Guardian of Excellence Award®, recognizes health care providers like CVPH who are in the top 5% in delivering clinical quality.
After an encounter with most CVPH services, patients receive a survey, or depending on preference, links to a survey via text or email, from Press Ganey who analyzes responses and compares the results to other health care facilities of similar size. Reports based on patient responses inform patient experience and clinical initiatives at CVPH.
“These well-deserved awards reflect this team’s ongoing commitment to providing quality care and a great patient experience. Every day, employees and providers work together to meet the challenges of this new healthcare landscape with the best interest of our patients at the very core of all we do,” said CVPH President Michelle LeBeau.
“In prioritizing the well-being of both their patients and dedicated staff on a daily basis, CVPH exemplifies dedication to their workforce and the communities they impact,” said Patrick T. Ryan, CEO and chairman at Press Ganey. “We applaud CVPH’s compassion, empathetic approach, and the genuine human connections they forge within the clinical healthcare landscape. It’s a privilege for us to collaborate with them as we applaud their remarkable accomplishments.”
Peru Girl Scout Troop 4183 will kick off this year’s cookie sale on Saturday, Feb 17th, with a table at the Peru Plaza outside Kinneys and Aubochon from 10 am to 2 pm or until supplies last!
(Schenectady, N.Y.) – Price Chopper/Market 32 has issued a voluntary recall on all varieties of Coco Bakery Macarons because they may contain a variety of peanuts not listed on the label or disclosed by the supplier. The affected products were purchased in Price Chopper/Market 32 stores between January 30, 2024 and today.
Customers who purchased the macarons can return them to their local Price Chopper/Market 32 store for a full refund. Many of these customers have already been contacted through Price Chopper/Market 32’s Broadnet recall notification program, which uses purchase data and consumer phone numbers on file in connection with the company’s AdvantEdge (loyalty) card to alert those households they may have purchased the products in question.
The Peru CSD Board of Education will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, February 13, 2024, at 6:00 PM in the High School Community Room. It is anticipated that an executive session will take place immediately following the 6:00 PM start and that the Board will reconvene for public session business at approximately 7:00 PM. The meeting will be recorded and will be available on the District’s website at
The meeting is open to the public, and current District, County, State, and Federal safety procedures and protocols will be followed.
Currently, two (2) public comment opportunities are planned as follows:
First public comment: Related to items on the agenda. Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker.
Second public comment: Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker.
Individuals who cannot attend the regular meeting in person may submit public comments by emailing no later than 12:00 Noon on Tuesday, February 13th. Online comments are also subject to the conditions stated above.
Anticipated topics include:
Capital Project Planning
Workplace Violence Prevention Policy
Personnel Appointments
24-25 Budget Development Meeting #2
The complete agenda will be available on the District’s website (—
An updated development agreement, which requires City Council approval, would allow for up to 350 hotel rooms and lower the number of residential units to a minimum of 350.
Last September, when only one contractor submitted a bid to replace the deteriorating Cook Road culvert, Superintendent Michael Farrell recommended rejecting the bid, stating it was too high and he thought more contractors would bid in 2024. Farrell was correct! Three contractors submitted bids last week. Ed Garrow and Sons Inc. submitted a bid of $142,936, $77,064 lower than Fuller Excavating and $112,000 less than Luck Bros. Inc. Supervisor Brandy McDonald commented, “It’s a good deal for us.” Michael Farrell said he worked with Garrow before he became highway superintendent. He commented, “Garrow is a very good contractor. He may take a little longer, but his work will be as good as the other two. I’m glad we threw out the bid we got last year.” Heavy rain and the resulting high water damaged the culvert a few weeks ago. Farrell hired Fuller Excavating to do temporary repairs for $14,000; nevertheless, the cost to replace the culvert is $93,064 less than last year’s $250,000 bid.
The board renewed its computer and software service contract with the LayerEight Group of Plattsburgh. The board and staff praised LayerEight’s service, especially its rapid response times. Code Enforcement Officer Bob Guynup commented, “They’re wonderful to work with.” Budget Officer Pam Barber commented, “As I’ve said many times, it’s the best money the town’s ever spent.” The contract calls for LayerEight to be paid $2,749.95 monthly over the three-year contract. The town and LayerEight can cancel the contract with 30 days’ notice. Before hiring Layereight, the board employed several one-person operations, a frustrating experience.
The board tabled two items: the request to award compensatory time to on-call water-sewer department employees and the Planning Board’s request for a moratorium on self-storage unit construction. Supervisor McDonald said the planning board should formally request the board to take action. At a time when the town needs more users on its water-sewer system to finance operations and upgrades, self-storage units would not need water and sewer services. The moratorium would not affect the two in-progress applications.
Bob Guynup told the board that Planning Board member Ali Webbinaro wants Peru to participate in the NYS Pro-Housing Communities Program. Last August, Governor Kathy Hochul launched the statewide initiative to give participating entities priority consideration for up to $650 million committed to housing growth, including affordable housing. Supervisor McDonald said we need affordable housing and that existing projects have a four to – five-year waiting list. However, he cautioned that having a competent entity operate the units is the most critical issue. Citing projects in the City and Town of Plattsburgh, he said some projects can be community-positive while others can be community-negative. Bob Guynup said it would benefit the board to learn more details from Ali Webbinaro.
The board would like to fill the open recreation assistant position. Recreation Director Kristen Marino said she’s made people aware of the opening; however, there hasn’t been a positive response. Brandy McDonald asked the Peru Gazette to publicize the open job.
When asked for comments under “Other Business,” new board member Eric Duqette, a contractor by profession, addressed the staff, saying, “I’ve had the opportunity to work with a lot of municipalities. I’ve got to say I’m excited to be involved with you guys.” Giving a thumbs up, Duquette said, “Seeing you firsthand, you know what you’re doing. I’m glad to be a part of it.” (Note – On February 8, Duquette told the Peru Gazette his praise applies to all the town employees and department heads.)