March 2025

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The editor is John Ryan at email: The Peru Gazette is a free community, education and information website. It is non-commercial and does not accept paid advertising.

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Price Chopper/Market 32 Announces Salvation Army Holiday Kettle Donation Program Results

Schenectady, N.Y. – Salvation Army bellringers at Price Chopper/Market 32 stores in New York, Vermont, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire raised nearly $580,000 through its six-week “Red Kettle” holiday campaign. The money raised – $81,000 more than last year- will benefit those in need throughout the communities where the funds were collected.

“The annual Red Kettle campaign has become an integral part of the holiday season – both in our stores and our communities,” said Pam Cerrone, Price Chopper/Market 32 director of community relations. “Being able to extend ourselves and welcome our community partners in support of friends and neighbors in need is a blessing.”

“The Salvation Army is incredibly thankful for its continuing partnership with Price Chopper/Market 32 stores,” said Major Kevin Stoops, Divisional Commander for The Salvation Army, Empire State Division. “Each Christmas season, Salvation Army Red Kettles in front of these stores raise money, which helps The Salvation Army provide food, clothing, and many other services to local families and individuals in need throughout the year. Thank you to our generous partners and donors for helping to make real change happen in the lives of others.”

The Salvation Army and Price Chopper/Market 32 have been collaborative partners in the communities they serve for more than 35 years.

Ray Brook federal prison in the Adirondacks on lockdown for the second time in weeks

Click here for the NCPR story 

AuSable Valley CSD $24M Capital Project goes to vote Feb. 14

Building repairs, Energy Performance Contract are on the ballot

Click here for the important Sun Community News story 

Leap Year in Clinton County

Clinton County Historical Association
To be a leap year, the year number must be divisible by four – except for end-of-century years, which must be divisible by 400. This means that the year 2000 was a leap year, although 1900 was not. 2024, 2028, 2032 and 2036 are all leap years.
March 1876 – Ellenburg Depot – Ethan Allen took Fort Ticonderoga by surprise and so did a few of Mrs. Stephen S. Batchelder’s friends take him and his household on the night of the 13th. It was in honor of his 64th birthday, and it was resolved by some of the good ladies to invite their husbands (it being a leap year), and the principal of the village school, to march to the gates of the Batchelder home supplied with all the necessaries for a festive occasion.
December 1883 – Clinton County – Be patient a little longer, girls; next year will be a leap year.
January 1884 – Mooers – The leap year ride was enjoyed by a few of the ladies and gentlemen of this place last week. The party pulled up at the residence of J. S. Blackman, where they were cordially received by the inmates. Like all well-organized bodies, the ladies, with due forethought, provided well-filled lunch baskets and in a very gentlemanly way, proved themselves equal to the occasion. The evening was enlivened with music, games, and social conversation.

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15-to-life in prison for double fatal motorcycle crash

‘Persistent felon’ sentenced for Bikeway crash that claimed two lives and left another seriously injured

Click here for the Sun Community News story 

Gov. signs new consumer protection law – Credit card surcharges must now be displayed prior to sale

Click here for the Sun Community News story 

St. Augustine’s Soup Kitchen Menu for Wednesday, February 7, 2024


Served take-out only, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. at St. Augustine’s Parish Center, 3030 Main St., Peru, NY 12972

All are welcome!!!!!!!

Local educator Jim Howard reflects on his youthful misbehavior, struggles with his father, and the good people who helped him find a better path

By John T Ryan (Please share)

Many North Country residents know James “Jim” Howard Jr. in many roles, as a longtime Peru Central School educator, Education Director at Mountain Lake PBS, and SUNY Plattsburgh professor. Soon, Jim Howard may be known as a successful, entertaining author. His book Reflections on a Father and His Son has been released and is on sale on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Champlain Centre’s Bookburgh.  

Howard’s book traces his personal and family history from Scottville, a small Hudson Valley community, to another small town, Rouses Point, NY, where his family settled after his father accepted a position at Ayerst Laboratories. Howard was ten years old when he arrived in Rouses Point. A rebellious kid in the Hudson Valley, he continued his adventures and misadventures in Rouses Point. His teens were characterized by poor school grades and resisting authority, especially his father’s authority. Fortunately, good people surrounded him, including his patient, loving parents and family, other Rouses Point residents, and Champlain Central School teachers. One of those teachers changed his life direction. 

Most boys growing up in the 1950s and 1960s undoubtedly share Howard’s memories, whether it be their first bike, a summer job, cap gun and cherry bomb escapades, fort-building, starting a fire that got out of control, wanting to wear engineer boots, and building a toboggan or raft. Police Chief Robert Maskell, Bud Moore, Mr. Niles, Fort Blunder, the D&H Railroad, Mrs. Papin, and The North Countryman are names engraved in Northern tier history and included in Howard’s life story. 

When asked who would enjoy reading his book, Jim Howard responded, “I think people who struggled with their parents.” 

Reading Reflections on a Father and His Son, your Peru Gazette editor laughed a lot and got tearful a few times when recalling my childhood experiences and friends. I realized how lucky I was to have grown up, like Jim Howard, with loving parents and a caring community. I’m grateful to Jim for having evoked those memories. Howard’s book offers something to almost everyone. 

Peru Commnty Church serving Super Bowl Sunday Subs

K of C to host another Pancakes Plus breakfast on Sunday, Feb. 11

Peru  – Pancakes Plus Breakfast on Sunday, February 11, served by the St. Augustine’s Knights of Columbus, St. Augustine’s Parish Center, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. $10 for adults, $5 children 5 to 11, Children under 5 are Free. Take-outs are $10. Everyone is invited!

North Country 2024 Flight Schedule Published

Peru, NY February 5, 2024, approximately 8 a.m.

Schuyler Falls, NY, February 4, 2024, 3 p.m., Macomb Reservation State Park.

February is Elmore SPCA Have-A-Heart Medical Month

If anyone wants to sell hearts, contact Carol at shelterathome@ or 518-534-3484.  

Next Move NY aims to turn Fort Drum into a workforce pipeline for the North Country

Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Hamilton, Jefferson, Lewis, and St. Lawrence counties are estimated to have a workforce gap of 48,000 people over the next decade.

Click here for the NCPR story

February 16, 12:30 pm, Plattsburgh Senior Center, 5139 North Catherine Street, Plattsburgh. Portraits and Painters of the Early Champlain Valley (1800-1865), slides from a 1975 SUNY Plattsburgh exhibit with reflections on the history of the painters and the sitters. Attendees are encouraged to bring photos of old paintings they might have and share the history of their paintings.

February 17, 10 am to 3 pm.  CCHA, 98 Ohio Avenue, Plattsburgh. Winter Fun at the Museum with guided tours for children and adults. Discover the museum with scavenger hunts and prizes for all.

February 22, 6:30 pm, CCHA, 98 Ohio Avenue, Plattsburgh. Clement S. Miner and His World with Ellen Adams, Curator of the Alice T Miner Museum. This talk explores life in the early settlements of northern New York through the experiences of Clement S. Miner (1793-1871), grandfather of William H. Miner. Using documents from the archives of the Alice T. Miner Museum, we’ll follow Clement Miner from his time in the U.S. Army during the War of 1812, to his arrival in Chazy in the 1820s, to his later life as an established member of the town’s religious, educational, and economic institutions. Through a close look at the life of a single individual, we can better understand the patterns of work, family, and community that shaped rural life in the early 19th century.

February 27, 2:30 pm, Meadowbrook Healthcare, 154 Prospect Avenue, Plattsburgh. Portraits and Painters of the Early Champlain Valley (1800-1865), slides from a 1975 SUNY Plattsburgh exhibit with reflections on the history of the painters and the sitters. Attendees are encouraged to bring photos of old paintings they might have and share the history of their paintings.

Free and open to the public. Contact for more information.

Snowfall totals for the past 13 years

NWS Burlington
Did you know we keep records of daily snow depth and snowfall? This may provide a better proxy for how we perceive the winter season than total snowfall. Here’s a summary of Burlington snow depth days, comparing each year going back to the 2010-2011 season. #vtwx

$1M federal award to Paul Smith’s College

Funding to be used for infrastructure enhancements and long-term stability

Click here for the Sun Community News story 

Clinton Correctional inmate found guilty of C.O. assaults

PLEASE READ THIS STORY: Joseph McCrimmon found guilty of two violent attacks on correctional officers

Click here for the Sun Community News Story

Peru, NY, Route 9, Lakeshore Rd, 9:45 a.m. February 3, 2024

Plattsburgh Mayor Chris Rosenquest will not seek reelection

2021 July 4th Parade. Mayor Rosenquest appeared to enjoy it. Peru Gazette photo

Click here for the MYNBC5 story 


  1. Call Meeting to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  1. Roll Call 
  1. MOTION/DISCUSSION:  To Accept Reports from all Departments: (Water/Sewer/Valcour; Highway; Town Clerk; Dog Control; Youth Department; Code/Zoning; Supervisor’s Report; Court; Website; and Banking Reports);
  1. MOTION:  Acceptance of Minutes for the Regular Meeting of January 25, 2024.
  1. Community Input. 
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION:  Approval to Award the Cook Rd. Culvert Bid.
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION:  Renewal of LayerEight Group’s MSP Contract.
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION:  Close Capital Project H-31 Bank Southside EPG Account.
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION:  Close Capital Project H-32 Lagoon Bank Account
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION:  Approval of 2 Hour Compensation Time for W/S On-call Employees.
  1. DISCUSSION/MOTION: Request for Moratorium on Self-Storage Units.
  1. DISCUSSION/MOTION: Request for Town to Apply to NYS Pro-Housing Communities Program.
  1. DISCUSSION/MOTION: Heyworth Mason Murals.
  1. DISCUSSION:  Other Business.
  1. DISCUSSION:  Public Comments on Agenda Items Only.
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION:  Pay January 2024 Bills.
  1. MOTION:  Adjourn to Executive Session.
  1. MOTION:  Return from Executive Session. 
  1. MOTION: Adjourn Meeting.

New York residents feel tremors from magnitude 3.2 earthquake near Huntingdon, Quebec

Shakes felt across the St. Lawrence River Valley, according to the United States Geological Survey.

Click here for the MYNBC5 story 

Staffing shortage could result in up to five prison closures in NY this year 

Click here for the NCPR story 

SUNY Plattsburgh senior helps update Underground Railroad exhibit

Teagan Benjamin is an anthropology major at SUNY Plattsburgh

Click here for the Sun Community News story