Price Chopper/Market 32 Announces Salvation Army Holiday Kettle Donation Program Results
Schenectady, N.Y. – Salvation Army bellringers at Price Chopper/Market 32 stores in New York, Vermont, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire raised nearly $580,000 through its six-week “Red Kettle” holiday campaign. The money raised – $81,000 more than last year- will benefit those in need throughout the communities where the funds were collected.
“The annual Red Kettle campaign has become an integral part of the holiday season – both in our stores and our communities,” said Pam Cerrone, Price Chopper/Market 32 director of community relations. “Being able to extend ourselves and welcome our community partners in support of friends and neighbors in need is a blessing.”
“The Salvation Army is incredibly thankful for its continuing partnership with Price Chopper/Market 32 stores,” said Major Kevin Stoops, Divisional Commander for The Salvation Army, Empire State Division. “Each Christmas season, Salvation Army Red Kettles in front of these stores raise money, which helps The Salvation Army provide food, clothing, and many other services to local families and individuals in need throughout the year. Thank you to our generous partners and donors for helping to make real change happen in the lives of others.”
The Salvation Army and Price Chopper/Market 32 have been collaborative partners in the communities they serve for more than 35 years.
Posted: February 7th, 2024 under Business News, Charity Events, Northern NY News, Regional NY-VT News, Upstate New York.
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