March 2025

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The editor is John Ryan at email: The Peru Gazette is a free community, education and information website. It is non-commercial and does not accept paid advertising.

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Larry Hicks Jr. indicted for murder of Plattsburgh woman

Police are still looking to arrest him

Click here for the MYNBC 5 story 

Mother and daughter pursue nursing degrees at SUNY Plattsburgh

Both will graduate in 2025

Click here for the Sun Community News story 

Burlington homeless pod community looks back on its first year

Click here for the WCAX story 

January 26, 2024 – 7:33 a.m. Peru CSD will now be closed for the day. Thank you.

Good Morning. Due to inclement weather, Peru CSD is on a 2-hr delay today.

Good Morning.
Due to inclement weather, Peru CSD is on a 2-hr delay today.
Thank you.

National Weather Service: Black ice possible this evening

Square profile picture
NWS Burlington
With temperatures near freezing, areas of black ice will be possible this evening, especially on untreated or elevated road surfaces. Tomorrow, another round of freezing rain and wintry precipitation is expected. Check out for the details. #vtwx #nywx

There’s a new convenience store in town

Peru, NY January 25, 2024 Apple Valley Express is open for business at Glenwood Shopping Plaza, 3384 Route 22 in Peru. It’s selling traditional convenience store food and beverages, and according to the clerk on duty, there’s much more to come, hopefully in time for Super Bowl Sunday. New items will include NYS lottery tickets, beer, and a fully stocked deli with pizza and chicken wings. The store is open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.. The clerk said operating hours will expand once the additional products are in place. Right now, there’s free coffee for anyone stopping by.

CVPH Board of Trustees Welcomes Three New Members


Joseph Donnery

Graham Niles

Molly Ryan


PLATTSBURGH, NY (01/25/2024) — With a wealth of experience and a commitment to the health and wellbeing of the North Country, three new members of the University of Vermont Health Network – Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital (CVPH) Board of Trustee begin their three-year terms this month.

Joining the 12-member board are Executive Director of Clinton County Industrial Development Agency Molly Ryan, Graham Niles of Niles Wealth Management and Joseph Donnery, DPM of Plattsburgh Podiatry.

“The energy, enthusiasm and expertise of our three newest members will truly benefit our mission to ensure high quality health care for our community,” said CVPH Board President Elizabeth Vicencio.

Ryan, Niles and Donnery replace outgoing Trustees JoAnn Gleeson-Kreig, PhD, Paola Fedi, MD, and Lee Ann Pray. Both Gleeson-Kreig and Fedi served for nine years, the maximum allowed by the Board’s bylaws and Pray served a full three-year term.

“It has been a privilege to work with JoAnn Gleeson-Kreig, PhD, Paola Fedi, MD, and Lee Ann Pray.  On behalf of the entire board, I thank them for sharing their time, energy and expertise,” Vicencio said.

Molly Ryan

Ryan assumed the role of executive director at the Clinton County Industrial Development Agency in January 2022. Prior to that, she was New York State Assemblyman Billy Jones’s Chief of Staff and a constituent liaison for Congressman Bill Owens. In addition to also being a licensed realtor, Ryan was CVPH’s Manager of Volunteer Services and Community Outreach Manager.  With a lifelong connection to Clinton County, Ryan is deeply committed to contributing to the region’s growth and prosperity.

Graham Niles

Niles oversees the Plattsburgh office of Niles Wealth Management overseeing the investment and risk analysis for bank and credit union clients. Additionally, he conducts research for the wealth management division.

Joseph Donnery, DPM

Donnery has practiced as a podiatrist for more than 35 years and previously served on the CVPH Board from 2013 to 2021 where he was an active member on a number of committees including Quality, Physician Recruitment, Building and Planning and the CVPH Executive Committee.  He currently maintains a part-time practice at the Plattsburgh Podiatry Center.  His experience in healthcare governance and policy decision-making will be valuable assets in his role as the new Board Vice Chair, a seat left vacant by the departure of Fedi.

Ryan, Niles and Donnery will join Trustees Linda Bourgeois (Secretary), Elizabeth Goerlitz-Coryer, Kelly Donaghue, Neil Fesette, Richelle Gregory, John McAuliffe, MD, Thom Recny (Treasurer) and Richard Webber.


AGENDA – Peru Planning Board WEDNESDAY February 14, 2024 @ 6:00 PM

APPROVAL of January 10, 2024 minutes
OPEN FLOOR to public hearing

P2023-012;Final Site Plan Approval with SEQRA
Leon Blair, 280.1-8-67; 817 Union Rd

P2024-001 Merge, Megan Liechty, Michael Durso
279.-3-100 & 279.-3-101, 22 Morgan Dr



Tom Messner joins Vermont Lake Monsters as Minority Partner

Messner has been a fixture at Centennial Field since retiring from NBC5

Click here for the MYNBC5 story 

Safety measures urged for total solar eclipse watchers in the Adirondacks

Click here for the Sun Community News story 

How NY school districts did on 2023 Algebra I Regents Scores are for the 2022-2023 school year.

% proficient indicates the percentage of students tested who scored at level three or above.

Click here to review data county by county 

Schuyler Falls welcomes first woman supervisor in 175 year history

New town website, water projects move forward

Click here for the Sun Community News story 


  1. Call Meeting to Order
  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  1. Roll Call 
  1. MOTION:  Acceptance of Minutes for the Regular Meeting of January 8, 2024.
  1. Community Input. 
  1. DISCUSSION/MOTION:  Approval of Contracts for Peru Free Library, JCEO, Adir. Park Local Gov’t Review Board and
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION:  Approval to Advertise for Request for Qualifications for Engineering Firms.
  1. DISCUSSION:  Other Business.
  1. DISCUSSION:  Public Comments on Agenda Items Only.
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION:  Pay December 2023 and January 2024 Bills.
  1. MOTION:  Adjourn to Executive Session.
  1. MOTION:  Return from Executive Session. 
  1. MOTION: Adjourn Meeting.

Lion Amy Davies Peru Lions Club Named Lion of the Year (2022-23).

Amy Davies (Photo Provided)

At its monthly meeting in January, Lion David Dalton, President, presented a plaque to Lion Amy Davies in recognition as the Peru Lions Club Lion of the Year (2022-23). As a member of the Peru Lions Club, Amy serves as communications director and was instrumental in rebuilding its website and redesigning its promotional pamphlet. Amy is very active in the Peru community and brought the Club into greater contact with community groups such as the Peru Central School PTO and Casella, involving the Club in the community’s Green-Up Day on Earth Day in April and the Trunk or Treat program at the Peru Elementary School in October. Congratulations Amy!

Pictured is Amy Davies, Peru Lions Club’s Lion of the Year.

Malone man arrested for stealing, crashing multiple vehicles; high speed chases through Malone and Plattsburgh

Charged with stealing a second vehicle after being released following first vehicle theft 

Click here for the MYNBC5 story 

Assemblyman Billy Jones calls for HELP Program to include local governments

From the office of Assemblyman Jones

Assemblyman Billy Jones (D-Chateaugay Lake) recently sent a letter to the Commissioner of Civil Service, Timothy Hogues, regarding expanding the Hiring for Emergency Limited Placement (HELP) Program to include local governments. This program temporarily removes the civil service exam requirement for critical openings at state agencies. Currently, the program only includes state jobs that need to be filled, which is exacerbating the workforce shortage in local and county governments.

“As the former Mayor of Chateaugay and Chair of the Franklin County Legislature, I know firsthand how important it is to make sure that these local and county government jobs are filled,” said Jones. “Between highway maintenance to social workers, we depend on these workers every day and we cannot afford to leave these positions open. The changes to the HELP Program to include state jobs was a move in the right direction, but by not expanding it for local and county jobs, it will lead to more local and county employees to leave their positions for a state job. We cannot allow this unlevel playing field to continue and we must expand the program to include job openings in local and county governments.”

“Clinton County continues to experience significant recruitment difficulty for many of the positions that are critical in meeting the needs of our county,” said Mark Henry, Chair of the Clinton County Legislature. “Clinton County has also seen a drastic reduction in participation for County Civil Service Examinations, which in turn creates many certified eligible lists that are non-mandatory.  We applaud the State for the HELP Program initiative as that has assisted us in filling many vacant positions and I would request and support the expansion of the proposed NY HELP Program to also include local governments.”

“On behalf of Franklin County, we appreciate Assemblyman Jones’ advocacy to ask the Governor to extend NY HELP to local/county municipalities,” said Donna Kissane, Franklin County Manager. “This program has been extremely beneficial in bridging the gap in the Franklin County workforce.”

“Local Government is the point of where public and service meet,” said Shaun Gilliland, Chair of the Essex County Board of Supervisors. “Our employees do the delivery of all governmental services to the citizens. We continue to experience staffing shortages that put essential service delivery at risk.  In a time when the need of service is high, we continue to operate at levels that places more stress on our workforce which leads to further turnover. Expanding the NYHELP program and allowing for inclusion of local government would eliminate a barrier to employment and help to stabilize our workforce

Gov. Hochul announces major funding for ORDA, other North Country initiatives at Mount Van Hoevenberg

Click here for the MYNBC5 story 

Fort Edward man convicted of murdering woman who wound up in his backcountry driveway after wrong turn

Click here for the MYNBC5 story 

Moriah native surpasses 1,000 points with Plattsburgh State

Click here for the Sun Community News story 

Outdoor adventure at Point au Roche

Click here for the Sun Community News story 

Businesses bet on the Adirondack Rail Trail

Click here for the Adirondack Daily Enterprise story 

National Weather Service Burlington – Today’s Forecast

The first part of a multifaceted storm arrives late this evening as a period of widespread snowfall. Snow will continue for much of the night, but rates will be light, so there will only be minor accumulations

Doobie Brothers Schedule SPAC Concert

Click here for the MSN story 

Plattsburgh State mourns loss of former coach Phoebe Strurm

Click here for the Sun Community News story