March 2025

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The editor is John Ryan at email: The Peru Gazette is a free community, education and information website. It is non-commercial and does not accept paid advertising.

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Adirondack Farms and Suburban Propane Make $1,000 Donation to JCEO of Clinton and Franklin Counties

Photo caption/names (left-right). Back: Suburban Propane Assistant VP of Product Supply Craig Palleschi, Adirondack Farms Co-Owner Shane St. Cyr, JCEO of Clinton and Franklin Counties Development Director Ellie Jent, and JCEO Community Outreach Program Director Lisa Gardner-Goodrow. Front: Craig’s wife, Jill Palleschi, and their three sons, Anthony, Luca, and James.

PLATTSBURGH | Adirondack Farms and Suburban Propane recently presented a $1,000 check donation to the Joint Council for Economic Opportunity of Clinton and Franklin Counties, Inc. (JCEO) to support their local food pantry programs, which works to improve community health by distributing donated, recovered, and farmed food to those in need.

Adirondack Farms Co-Owner Shane St. Cyr and Suburban Propane’s Assistant Vice President of Product Supply Craig Palleschi presented the check last week on December 28 to Development Director Ellie Jent and Community Outreach Program Director Lisa Gardner-Goodrow at the JCEO location in Plattsburgh. Also joining the check presentation were Craig’s wife, Jill, and their three sons.

On Giving Tuesday, Adirondack Farms hosted a fundraiser on its Facebook page (Adirondack Farms), encouraging community members to help raise funds for the JCEO food pantry. For each share of their Giving Tuesday Facebook post, Adirondack Farms committed to donating $5, up to a $500 donation. Suburban Propane committed to matching the funds raised. In total, $1,000 was donated to the JCEO.

Peru Town Board schedules 2024 meeting dates and times


Monday, January 8, 2024, 6:00 PM

Thursday, January 25, 2024, 6:00 PM

Monday, February 5, 2024 6:00 PM

Tuesday, February 20, 2024, 6:00 PM

Monday, March 11, 2024, 6:00 PM

Monday, March 25, 2024, 6:00 PM

Monday, April 8, 2024, 6:00 PM

Monday, April 22, 2024, 6:00 PM

Monday, May 13, 2024, 6:00 PM

Wednesday, May 29, 2024, 6:00 PM

Monday, June 10, 2024, 6:00 PM

Monday, June 24, 2024, 6:00 PM

Thursday, July 11, 2024, 6:00 PM

Monday, July 29, 2024, 6:00 PM

Monday, August 12, 2024, 6:00 PM

Monday, August 26, 2024, 6:00 PM

Monday, September 9, 2024, 6:00 PM

Monday, September 23, 2024, 6:00 PM

Thursday, October 10, 2024, 6:00 PM

Monday, October 28, 2024, 6:00 PM

Tuesday, November 12, 2024, 6:00 PM

Monday, November 25, 2024, 6:00 PM

Monday, December 9, 2024, 6:00 PM

Monday, December 30, 2024, 10:00 AM

Dianne Miller

Town Clerk

Plattsburgh native Ella Fesette will compete for SUNY Plattsburgh women’s hockey this winter

Click here for a very interesting MYNBC5 story 

Here’s your weekend snow forecast from the National Weather Service

NWS Burlington
Don’t look now, but a winter storm tracking up the New England coastline is expected to bring widespread snowfall to the region on Sunday. The highest amounts are expected across southern Vermont with a relatively sharp gradient in snow totals from south to north. #vtwx #nywx

Regular School Board Monthly Meeting January 2024

The Peru CSD Board of Education will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, January 9, 2024, at 6:30 PM in the High School Community Room. It is anticipated that an executive session will take place immediately following the 6:30 PM start, and that the Board will reconvene for public session business at approximately 7:00 PM. The meeting will be recorded and will be available on the District’s website at

The meeting is open to the public, and current District, County, State, and Federal safety procedures and protocols will be followed.

Currently, two (2) public comment opportunities are planned as follows:

First public comment:  Related to items on the agenda.  Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker.

Second public comment:  Comments are limited to three (3) minutes per speaker.

Individuals who are unable to attend the regular meeting in person may submit public comments by emailing no later than 12:00 Noon on Tuesday, January 9th.  Online comments are also subject to the conditions stated above.

Anticipated topics include:

  • Mileage Rate
  • Academic Calendar
  • Personnel Appointments
  • Donations
  • Multi-Year Financial Plan
  • 24-25 Budget Development Meeting #1

The complete agenda will be available on the District’s website (

Final JetBlue flight departs from Burlington airport

Click here for the WCAX story 

Poverty Rates in Northern NY School Districts

Published by based on 2022 U.S. Census data

The numbers come from the Census Bureau’s Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates Program. The estimates, released in December, are for 2022.

District Population Population ages 5-17 5 to 17 in poverty % 5-17 in poverty
Peru Central School District 12,198 1,926 273 14.2%
AuSable Valley Central School


8,931 1,169 146 12.5%
Saranac Central School District 12,093 1,529 134 8.8%
Saranac Lake Central School District 11,335 1,268 129 10.2%
Plattsburgh City School District 19,572 1,971 319 16.2%
Chazy Union Free School District 2,870 462 45 9.7%
Northeastern Clinton Central

School District

8,759 1,301 172 13.2%
Northern Adirondack

Central School District

6,094 856 136 15.9%
Willsboro Central School District 2,382 247 48 19.4%
Boquet Valley Central School

District at Elizabethtown-Lewis-


3,913 466 53 11.4%
Lake Placid Central School District 6,013 694 66 9.5%
Malone Central School District 17,195 2,317 405 17.5%

Woman survives dangerous fall on South Dix

Rangers rescued hiker after hours in frigid, wet conditions

Click here for the Adirondack Daily Enterprise story 

New York State’s 2024 legislative session begins with a focus on crucial North Country issues

Click here for the MYNBC5 story 

Town of Plattsburgh Supervisor Michael Cashman reports damage to Veterans Park

It is with a heavy heart that we inform you about an unfortunate incident that occurred at the Battlefield Memorial Gateway (Veterans Park). Our team has been alerted to significant damage caused by a reckless driver, and we are currently assessing the full extent of the situation. We want to express our gratitude to caring individuals who were walking on the Purple Heart Trail and promptly reported the damage afterwards. Your vigilance helps us uphold the integrity of the space dedicated to honoring our Veterans. Just last November, the Town f Plattsburgh and Clinton County American Legion celebrated the completion of Phase I of the Gateway with the dedication of the Purple Heart Trail. The intentional destruction of this meaningful space is disheartening and unacceptable. We are deeply disturbed by the actions of the individual responsible. Not only did they harm the physical grounds, but their recklessness also dishonors the brave men and women who have selflessly served our country. We are committed to restoring the Battlefield Memorial Gateway to its rightful state as be begin Phase II. Let us ensure that such acts of disrespect do not go unanswered. Let us stand united in condemning such behavior and continue to cherish and protect the sacred spaces that honor our Veterans. If anyone has information regarding this incident, please contact the Town of Plattsburgh Supervisors Office 518-562-6813. Together, we can uphold the values of respect and gratitude that our Veterans deserve. We will not be deterred from building a space that honors our Veterans, and tells the American Story right in our backyard. To learn more about the BMG Project:

Pet stores in NY state banned from selling dogs, cats, rabbits

Click here for the story 

Please welcome to the stage the FIRST Strand Center performance of 2024 HOLLYWOOD NIGHTS – The Bob Seger Experience!

This 9-piece band is the ultimate tribute to Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band. They pride themselves on carrying on the legacy of Bob Seger’s unforgettable high-energy shows, roaring, raspy vocals, and the groundwork Bob has laid over the past 30 years. Get your tickets NOW at

Morrisonville man arrested in Peru for illegal firearm possession

State Police also detained and later arrested a Plattsburgh man on an active arrest warrant thanks to the investigation

Click here for the MYNBC5 story 

Why Lake George is pivoting to ‘weather-resilient’ winter attractions

Click here for the NCPR story 

Concerts coming to Vermont and New York in 2024

Editor’s Note – More names will undoubtedly be added to this list.

Click here for the MYNBC5 story 

Willsboro, NY family and Richmond, VT couple welcome New Year’s Day babies

Click here for the MYNBC5 story 

JCEO to staff Peru office, replacing Cook Rd. bridge to be advertised. board leaders reappointed and more

As of Wednesday, January 3, 2024, the JCEO will be staffing its office in the Peru Town Hall. Personnel shortages resulted in the office being closed for the past few weeks. Rihanna Warren will be the new Peru JCEO Coordinator.

The board will advertise bids to replace a small bridge on Cook Rd. Only one contractor bid last year with a bid higher than the town had budgeted. This year the board is hopeful that more bidders will come forward this year. The recent heavy rains washed out the bridge, forcing the Highway Superintendent to hire Fuller Contracting to perform temporary repairs. The bridge serves only one homeowner.  The bid opening is scheduled for January 29 at 10 a.m.

Longtime planning and zoning board members were reappointed to the following positions:
Richard Williams, as Planning Board Chairman
Ryan Davies, as Planning Board Vice-Chairman
James Falvo, as Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals
Sean Lukas, as Vice-Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals

Thursday’s meeting was Councilman Rick Barber’s last board meeting. He did not seek reelection. Barber plans to continue serving as a County’s America 250 Committee member. Barber said NY state plans to construct a pathway and install benches at the Peru Dock, which overlooks the site of the Battle of Valcour, the Revolutionary War’s first battle. The state asked Barber if Peru would do the excavation work needed for the path. Peru will also install an aluminum flagpole. The state’s plan includes moving the two existing monuments a short distance. Barber thinks it might not be necessary to move the monuments. See discussion on the video beginning at the 23:10 mark and ending at the 31:00 mark.

The board appointed three staff members to the position of Deputy Town Clerk
Judy Akey #1 Deputy Town Clerk
Pam Barber – #2 Deputy Town Clerk
Christine Crawford #3 Deputy Town Clerk

Supervisor Brandy McDonald thanked everyone who contributed and assisted with his Christmas toy drive. He said the program served over 200 children this year.

In other actions, the board:

  • Scheduled the 2024 Organizational Meeting for Monday, January 8, 2023, followed by the regular meeting at 7 p.m.
  • Approved its 2024 meeting schedule.
  • Approved end-of-fiscal-year fund transfers from budget line items with a surplus to budget line items with a deficit. The transfers totaled about $83,000.




Union: SUNY deficit will lead to cuts without higher state aid

Click here for the Spectrum News story 

3 dead in fiery crash at Rochester concert; Syracuse man suspected of possible terror attack

Click here for the story 

Peru Gazette 2023 Photo Memories

It was very difficult to limit to 65 photos. 

Click here for the photos 

12/30/23 – Dull, grey day, but the sun breaks through ever so often

Photos taken near the River Rd. in west Peru.

National Weather Service Burlington warns of freezing drzzle and changing road conditions

We’ve received reports of patchy freezing drizzle across the region this afternoon. As road temperatures cool below freezing this evening, additional freezing drizzle or light snow may coat area roadways. Please keep in mind the changing road conditions.

Ausable Point State Campground Area closed to vehicular traffic.

Peru, NY 12/30/23 The Ausable River’s high water flooded the southwest portion of the Ausable Point State Campground. Drivers were disappointed today when they encountered the gate blocking the campground area to vehicular traffic. Walkers had the campground area to themselves, not having to be concerned with approaching vehicles.

Free Stewart’s Hot Coffee on New Year’s Eve!

Stay awake to ring in the new year with a FREE hot cup of Stewart’s coffee.
Stop by any location on Sunday, December 31st and receive a free hot coffee from 6pm to close. Enjoy any size of hot coffee, tea, or hot chocolate at Stewart’s Shops to celebrate 2024.
Choose from their long list of hot coffee flavors: House Blend, Decaf, Richer Roast, French Vanilla, Hazelnut, Maple French Toast, Blueberry Crumble, or limited-edition Peppermint Mocha. Make it the way you like it from various creamers and sweeteners. Try it with International Delight® flavored creamers, including limited-edition Peppermint Mocha.

Vermont’s rates of homelessness are still among the worst in the nation

New York is #1

Click here for the VTDigger story