Locked out of local government: Residents decry increased secrecy among towns, counties, schools
Posted: December 20th, 2023 under General News, National News.
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A free community news service for Peru, NY
Posted: December 20th, 2023 under General News, National News.
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Anticipates $3.1M increase in sales tax revenue.
“Charts in the Budget Book indicate real property tax provides 16 percent of county revenue, while sales tax contributes 34 percent. State Aid contributes 17 percent and Federal Aid 11 percent.”
Posted: December 19th, 2023 under County Government News, Northern NY News, Peru/Regional History.
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Self-schedule bloodwork on MyChart or by calling the Scheduling Office (518) 562-7340
PLATTSBURGH, NY (12/20/2023) –The University of Vermont Health Network – Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital (CVPH) Diagnostic Center’s lab service is extending its hours. Beginning Tuesday, January 2, the service located at 89 Plaza Blvd, will be open an additional 3 hours each day, Monday through Friday, from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. and closed on weekends.
Lab appointments can be scheduled by calling the CVPH Scheduling Office at (518) 562-7340 or using self-scheduling on MyChart.
In addition to laboratory services, the CVPH Diagnostic Center offers EKGs and X-rays. It is one of three convenient CVPH locations providing diagnostic services. The CVPH Main Campus and the Diagnostic Center – Champlain also offer professional, customer-friendly Lab and x-ray services. The main campus lab draw area is open Monday through Friday, six a.m. to 5 p.m., and Saturday from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. In Champlain, services are provided Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. (closed 11:30 a.m. to noon).
Learn more at UVMHealth.org/CVPH.
Posted: December 19th, 2023 under Heathcare News, Northern NY News.
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Posted: December 19th, 2023 under County Government News, Environmental News, Heathcare News, Northern NY News.
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The holiday season can be stressful for a multitude of reasons, from travel and busy schedules to social gatherings and, for some, just being around family. For those attempting to quit smoking — and even those who’ve successfully quit — these stressors can add up and make steering clear of tobacco more of a challenge than it already is. Luckily, there are many simple steps we can take to manage stress during the holidays and avoid smoking.
One of the easiest ways to manage stress is to take care of your body and mind. Getting enough rest, eating well, reducing caffeine intake and mixing in exercise can all help you feel better physically and mentally — and when you feel good, it’s exponentially easier to manage nicotine cravings.
It’s also important to know when to step away. If holiday shopping, parties or family time feels overwhelming, find some time for yourself — watch TV, read a book or take a nap. Quiet moments can also provide space to be mindful of any tobacco cessation skills you’ve learned over time.
Another tip is to remember that nobody is perfect. People who are attempting to quit smoking know that there’s bumps along the road. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself — striving for perfection can sometimes do more harm than good, especially if you’re already feeling stressed.
Finally, don’t forget that you don’t have to go it alone — there are so many resources out there to provide support. Here in New York State, the Smokers Quitline offers coaching, tools and free cessation products. Visit nysmokefree.com to learn more or call 1-866-NY-QUITS. The Heart Network, based in Saranac Lake, facilitates North Country Nicotine Consultants and works with tobacco treatment specialists in our communities to help people quit successfully. If you have questions, get in touch: bcarnright@heartnetwork.org. Good luck and happy holidays!
Brielle Carnight is Tobacco Project Coordinator at The Heart Network in Saranac Lake. She can be reached at bcarnright@heartnetwork.org.
Posted: December 19th, 2023 under Environmental News, Heathcare News.
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Posted: December 19th, 2023 under Education News, General News, Northern NY News, Peru School News, Peru/Regional History, State Government News.
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Posted: December 19th, 2023 under Charity Events, Northern NY News, Veterans' News.
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Posted: December 19th, 2023 under Environmental News, Highway Dept. News, Law Enforcement News, Upstate New York, Weather News/History.
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Posted: December 18th, 2023 under Adirondack Region News, Environmental News, Highway Dept. News, Northern NY News, Weather News/History.
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Posted: December 18th, 2023 under Adirondack Region News, Environmental News, General News, Northern NY News, Peru News, Weather News/History.
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Peru Gazette 2015 File Photo – Courtney hasn’t changes a bit!
To All Residents of Peru:
Due to the excessive rain and stormwater runoff, our water filtration capacity is reduced. The Town of Peru Water Department requests that the residents try to conserve water usage as much as possible until further notice. Thank you so much for your help with this.
Courtney Tetrault
Town of Peru Water Sewer Superintendent
Posted: December 18th, 2023 under Environmental News, Peru News, Weather News/History.
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Posted: December 18th, 2023 under Adirondack Region News, Environmental News, Fire Department News, General News, Highway Dept. News, Northern NY News.
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The Ecumenical Choir had an excellent concert at St. Augustine’s Church last evening. Many people turned out in Keeseville Saturday evening and Peru Sunday evening. The Choir practices every Sunday evening beginning in September. The hard work yielded great results. These were the Choir’s 56th Anniversary Concerts.
Posted: December 18th, 2023 under Adirondack Region News, Arts and Entertainment, Community Events, General News, Northern NY News.
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Posted: December 18th, 2023 under Community Events, Northern NY News, Peru News.
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Contract preserves healthcare benefit fund, provides wage increases
Posted: December 16th, 2023 under Adirondack Region News, Heathcare News, Northern NY News.
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Posted: December 16th, 2023 under Arts and Entertainment, Community Events, General News, Peru News.
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International Olympic Committee seeks bobsled venue
Posted: December 16th, 2023 under Adirondack Region News, Northern NY News, Sports News, State Government News.
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Posted: December 15th, 2023 under Arts and Entertainment, Community Events, General News, Northern NY News, Peru News, Religious News.
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Corey Howe commended for his quick action during Sept. 25 tanker crash in Keene
Posted: December 15th, 2023 under Adirondack Region News, Business News, Law Enforcement News, Northern NY News, Peru News, Peru resident news/accomplishments, Peru School News, Peru/Regional History.
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Border Patrol and local police and rescue crews searched for more than 24 hours for a person believed to have crossed the US-Canadian border illegally
Posted: December 15th, 2023 under Border News, Law Enforcement News, Northern NY News.
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Posted: December 13th, 2023 under Peru News, Peru resident news/accomplishments, Peru/Regional History.
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Three-part program offers information, practical tips to those living with Type 2 Diabetes
PLATTSBURGH, NY (12/12/2023) – A three-part Diabetes Self-Management Education Program sponsored by the University of Vermont Health Network – Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital (CVPH) begins Tuesday, January 9 at the main hospital. The program, led by certified diabetes educators Ann Watts and Catherine LaPier, takes place in the Miner Arts Building, 214 Cornelia St. (on the CVPH campus) in Room 302B from 1 to 4 p.m.
This program is designed to foster a better understanding of Type 2 Diabetes, its management and treatment. Classes will include practical information focused on successfully managing the disease. Lifestyle choices and medication options will be explored. Discussed will be the impact of food and activity on blood sugar, the importance of glucose level monitoring and steps to adopting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Preventing, recognizing and treating complications of Type 2 Diabetes will also be discussed.
Each participant can bring a support person to the program.
A physician referral is required for the CVPH Diabetes Self-Management Education Program. Insurances will be billed however all government and private insurances will cover the cost. Some may require a copay which will be billed by the hospital.
The CVPH Diabetes Self-Management Education Program is offered periodically throughout the year and at different times of the day to provide ample opportunity for those interested to attend.
For more information, call Watts at (518) 314-3921 or speak with your health care provider.
Posted: December 13th, 2023 under Adirondack Region News, City News, Community Events, Education News, Heathcare News, Northern NY News.
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Posted: December 13th, 2023 under Business News, State Government News, Upstate New York.
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CEO John Casella says local Y ‘provides a critical role’ in the wider community
Posted: December 12th, 2023 under Business News, Charity Events, Northern NY News.
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PLATTSBURGH, NY (12/12/2023) – A Medical Assistant renowned for her unwavering support of colleagues while ensuring patients with diabetes get the care they need has been honored as the latest recipient of the BEE Award at The University of Vermont Health Network-Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital (CVPH). Laura Crossman was presented the award during a surprise ceremony with her team at CVPH Endocrinology.
Crossman is the second staff member to receive the BEE award, which is short for Beyond Exceptional Everyday. It was established earlier this year at CVPH to recognize members of the hospital’s support staff who go above and beyond in their roles to help provide excellent patient care.
Crossman was nominated by Catherine LaPier, BSN, RN, CDCES, a Certified Diabetes Educator focusing on inpatients at CVPH. She has worked with Crossman in multiple roles and departments, most recently at CVPH Endocrinology.
“Laura shows up every day and goes above and beyond to take care of all patients and providers,” LaPier writes in her nomination. “She makes her workload look effortless at times. She rooms, downloads, pre-visit plans, manages referrals, handles all the DME labs, and does countless reminders to patients to get their labs done.”
However, it is Crossman’s dedication to our patients that stands out the most for LaPier. In her nomination, she references a situation where Crossman spent hours on the phone fighting to ensure a patient was able to get what he needed to manage his diabetes.
“Laura continued to fight for him, because it was the right thing to do,” LaPier says, also noting the difference Crossman makes with her colleagues on a daily basis.
“Her dedication helped make my role much more manageable. She took care of tasks that allowed me to focus on other patient needs. Laura is an extremely valuable member of the Endocrinology team. The office runs more smoothly because of her, but more importantly, patients get what they need to take care of themselves thanks to Laura.”
During the award presentation, Crossman was presented with a certificate commending her for her extraordinary work. She, like all honorees, also received a BEE Award pin, a beautiful and meaningful sculpture and a basket filled with bee-themed gifts.
All CVPH employees who support patient care by working together with physicians and registered nurses to improve the physical, emotional and spiritual health of patients and their loved ones are eligible for the BEE Award. Nomination forms and boxes are located at each of the hospital’s main entrances and on the CVPH website. Support staff may be nominated by patients, families and colleagues. A committee reviews nominations and awards a deserving employee each quarter.
Posted: December 12th, 2023 under Adirondack Region News, City News, Community Events, General News, Heathcare News, Northern NY News.
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