Northern Tier truck crash leaves one youth dead and three critically injured
Posted: November 20th, 2023 under Border News, Law Enforcement News, Northern NY News, Youth News.
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A free community news service for Peru, NY
Posted: November 20th, 2023 under Border News, Law Enforcement News, Northern NY News, Youth News.
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Posted: November 20th, 2023 under Education News, General News, Peru News, Peru School News, Peru/Regional History, Sports News.
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Posted: November 20th, 2023 under General News, Law Enforcement News, Northern NY News.
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PLATTSBURGH, NY – A Registered Nurse who helped a patient get through her struggles away from home has been honored as the latest recipient of The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses at The University of Vermont Health Network-Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital (CVPH). Elizabeth Trudeau, BSN, RN was presented the award during a surprise ceremony with her Med/Surg and Oncology team.
Trudeau is CVPH’s 20th staff nurse to receive the honor since its inception in 2018. She was nominated by former patient Caitlyn Perham, who spent more than a week at the hospital receiving care from Trudeau. Perham wrote in her nomination that it was starting to get to her that she could not be home with her dogs. She credits Trudeau for helping her during a tough time in her life.
“Elizabeth helped me get through it with her smile and respectfulness every day,” Perham recalls in her nomination. “She made me feel like I wasn’t in the hospital as much as she could. I truly appreciate and respect that.”
She also notes that Trudeau provided great care for her family and friends whenever they came to visit, adding that the second-year nurse always made sure visitors were comfortable and had everything they needed. Perham says Trudeau even helped her have an important talk with a friend’s daughter. When it came to pain management, Trudeau was said to be on top of her game as well.
“She always made sure I was comfortable and helped me find ways to help with pain other than medication. I had high blood pressure, and she always was concerned and got on the phone with the doctor to see if she could give me my blood pressure medications early,” Perham says.
Trudeau, known as “Lizzie” by her colleagues on R5, has continued to learn and grow professionally since joining the team as a graduate nurse in August 2022. And she is helping educate co-workers. Trudeau attended an Oncology Nursing Society Congress conference earlier this year, bringing back information to collaborate with Jill Kanaly-Demers, RN from Palliative Care to present a Lunch and Learn regarding health care proxies and filling out Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (MOLST) forms.
“Lizzie’s selfless support for her patients is praiseworthy, whether she is working to save a life or provide comfort at the end of life. She consistently puts her patients first. Lizzie was made to be a nurse. Her patients, their families and our community are lucky to have her,” says CVPH Nurse Manager Nicole Daniels, RN.
“You can tell she is the type of person who is here because she loves people and loves taking care of people,” Perham adds.
During the award presentation, Trudeau was presented with a certificate commending her as an extraordinary nurse. Like all honorees, she also received a DAISY Award pin and a beautiful and meaningful sculpture called “A Healer’s Touch,” hand-carved by artists of the Shona Tribe in Zimbabwe.
CVPH launched the DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses in 2018 to recognize and reward licensed nurses for making a meaningful difference in the lives of their patients. Nomination forms and boxes are located at the hospital’s main entrances and online at Patients, families, and colleagues may nominate nurses. A committee reviews nominations and awards a deserving nurse each quarter.
The award is part of the DAISY Foundation’s mission to recognize the extraordinary, compassionate nursing care they provide patients and families every day. The DAISY Foundation is a national not-for-profit organization established by J. Patrick Barnes’s family members in memory of him. Patrick died at the age of 33 in late 1999 from complications of idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), a little known but not uncommon auto-immune disease (DAISY is an acronym for Diseases Attacking the Immune System). The care Patrick and his family received from nurses while he was ill inspired this unique means of thanking nurses for making a profound difference in the lives of their patients and patient families. More information is available at
Posted: November 20th, 2023 under City News, Heathcare News, Northern NY News.
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Peru – CVPH Donor Center Blood Brive, Monday, December 4, from 3 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., at St. Augustine’s Parish Center, 3030 Main St. in Peru.
All blood collected is utilized in our local trl-county region. What a great Christmas Gift for your neighbors – life-saving blood.
The blood drive is coordinated by St. Augustine’s Knights of Columbus Council 7273.
Posted: November 20th, 2023 under Community Events, Heathcare News, Northern NY News, Peru News.
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Program protects dairy farmers when cost of feed narrows profit margin
Posted: November 19th, 2023 under Agricultural News, Business News, Congressional News, National News, Northern NY News, Political News.
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Posted: November 19th, 2023 under General News, National News, Peru/Regional History.
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Posted: November 19th, 2023 under Community Events, Northern NY News, Peru News.
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Posted: November 18th, 2023 under Education News, Faces of Peru, Peru News, Peru resident news/accomplishments, Peru School News, Statewide News.
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Peru, Ny Nov. 18, 2023 – The Nighthawk football team gathered in the Middle School cafeteria to enjoy a hearty breakfast before departing to the Class B Quarterfinals in Mechanicville. Several local restaurants and businesses provided the food. Cheerleaders, family members, friends and community members were on hand to wish the team success.
Posted: November 18th, 2023 under Adirondack Region News, Education News, Faces of Peru, General News, Northern NY News, Peru News, Peru School News, Peru/Regional History, Upstate New York.
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Town of Plattsburgh Supervisor Cashman, “With immense pride, we commemorate the completion of Phase I at the Battlefield Memorial Gateway.”
Posted: November 18th, 2023 under General News, Northern NY News, Peru/Regional History, Veterans' News.
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The Advancing Success in Associate Pathways program also raises graduation rates for first-time students
Posted: November 18th, 2023 under Education News, Northern NY News, State Government News.
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Posted: November 18th, 2023 under Business News, Northern NY News, Regional NY-VT News.
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Posted: November 17th, 2023 under Arts and Entertainment, Community Events, Northern NY News, Peru News, Religious News.
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Posted: November 17th, 2023 under Peru News, Town Board News.
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Posted: November 17th, 2023 under Border News, Congressional News, General News, Law Enforcement News, Northern NY News, Peru/Regional History.
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First time in a decade year-to-year total system-wide enrollment increased
Posted: November 17th, 2023 under Education News, State Government News, Statewide News.
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Major funding announced to support Rouses Point and Trout River crossings
Posted: November 17th, 2023 under Border News, Business News, General News, Northern NY News, Peru/Regional History.
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Proceeds will support Thera-Pets work with special-needs kids
Posted: November 16th, 2023 under Agricultural News, Arts and Entertainment, Charity Events, Northern NY News, Peru News, Youth News.
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Posted: November 16th, 2023 under Adirondack Region News, Agricultural News, Arts and Entertainment, Business News, Northern NY News, Things to do in & near Peru.
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Peru Knights of Columbus Grand Knight Michael Langlois with the jackets and boots the Knights brought to Peru Elementary School
Peru, November 14, 2023 – St. Augustine’s Knights of Columbus Council 7273 presented fifteen new children’s winter coats to Peru’s primary and intermediate schools, plus several pairs of boys’ and girls’ boots. Intermediate School Nurse Kathy Bedard thanked the Knights, stating, “We already know kids who need coats. Thank you so much for doing this each year.”
Since 2013, the Peru Knights have donated 253 new children’s winter jackets to the Peru Elementary School. The Knights of Columbus Councils in the United States and Canada have distributed over 1 million new winter coats for children since the Coats For Kids program’s inception in 2009.
Posted: November 15th, 2023 under Charity Events, Community Events, General News, Northern NY News, Peru News, Peru School News.
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By John T Ryan
Peru, NY November 14 Special Town Board Meeting – The Peru Town Board approved the town’s $5.3 million 2024 budget. After multiple workshops, the board stayed under the state-mandated 2% tax cap. Its most significant challenge was dealing with projected Blue Cross Blue Shield health insurance cost increases ranging from 26% to 29%. It reacted by changing providers. MVP will be the town’s new healthcare provider. Pay increases related to the rising cost of living and employee retention also had to be determined. The board settled on a 5% across-the-board increase. Unless a property’s assessed value increases by 15 to 20% (or more), people’s 2024 town tax burden should be relatively stable.
2024 Tax Rates per thousand dollars of taxable value
2023 Tax Rates
The General Budget totals $1,943,895. Primary revenue sources include property taxes – $1,046,475, sales taxes – $60,000, cable TV franchise fees – $77,750, fines, forfeited bail – $85,000, NYS mortgage tax – $80,950, and a 2023 fund balance totaling $490,184. Expenses include items such as the town board & town supervisor, town clerk, planning, zoning, data processing, town court, assessment, park maintenance, dog control, and highway department management salaries. Sales tax income is tough to budget. Clinton County doesn’t notify the towns if or how much sales tax money they will receive until late in the calendar year. Peru’s amount received ranged from $0 in 2020, $325,143 in 2021 to $620,650 in 2022. The amount the town will receive in 2023 is unknown.
The highway department’s $1,956,032 primary budgeted expenses are paving – $404,795, general repairs – $159,303, machinery – $583,060, and snow removal – $354,221. Its primary revenue sources are real property taxes – $1,140,197, services to other governments – $133,285, sales of gas & diesel fuel – $273,863, and NYS Consolidates Local Street and Highway Improvement Program monies (CHIPS) – $404,795. The other government income relates to payment from Clinton County for plowing 30 miles of its highways. The fuel sales revenue is related to sales to Peru Central School and other town departments.
Posted: November 15th, 2023 under General News, Northern NY News, Peru News, Town Board News.
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November 15, 2023 – Peru, NY Shoppers walking between Kinney Drugs and Aubuchon Hardware will have a better experience in a few days. Mossbrook Landscaping is installing a new sidewalk between the stores. The work should be completed sometime next week.
Posted: November 15th, 2023 under Business News, Faces of Peru, General News, Peru News.
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November 15, 2023 – Peru is preparing for the Holiday Season. Today, town parks/water/sewer personnel are busy erecting holiday banners along Main St. Luke Fessette (Santa) and Chris Martineau are on the lift and Matt Hauser is helping out on the ground.
Posted: November 15th, 2023 under Community Events, Peru News.
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Anyone with information is asked to call State Police
Posted: November 15th, 2023 under Business News, Law Enforcement News, Northern NY News.
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