Two candidates are competing to be Area 5 Legislator, Rick Hazen on the Democratic Line and Kevin J. Randall on the Republican and Five First Lines. They were kind enough to respond to four Peru Gazette questions.
Rick Hazen
1. Summarize your educational background, primary employment, a little about your family and past community involvement.
Name: Richard “Rick ” Hazen, Age: 69, Party: Democrat
Occupation: Retired Professional and Active Community Volunteer
Education: I hold a Bachelor’s Degree in Management and Forestry at Paul Smith’s College. I also attended High School at Mount Assumption Institute, and have taken multiple professional trainings including Ethics, Emergency Management and Firefighting/EMS Safety.
Civic organizations: Clinton County STOP DWI Board (Promoted to Chairman) for 30 years, Volunteer Firefighter (Promoted to Chief) for 43 years (District 3 and Morrisonville), Speaker at Victims Impact Panel since 1994, Creator of Project Prom at Area Schools teaching the dangers of drinking and driving, Plattsburgh State Hockey Off Ice Official and Event Support Staff Support Manager, Board Of Directors at Keeseville Elks, 2072, (Past) Chairman of the Clinton County Firefighters Haunted house for 20 Years, Proud recipient of Clinton County Firefighter of the Year in 2000, Presented the 2018 Ruth King Valor and Community Service Award, Town of Schuyler Falls Democratic Party Committeeman.
Military service (if any): Although I have not served in the military, I have the deepest respect and love supporting our active military and veterans and their families.
Family (spouse, children): I am a dedicated husband to my beautiful wife, Sandra of, almost 50 years, and we have a wonderful son, Matthew, and Daughter Melanie. We are also proud grandparents of a grandson Shawn Hazen.
2. How will your background and/or successes assist you as a Clinton County Legislator ?
I am confident that my experience and expertise in the business world, and as a voluntary public servant of over four decades makes me the most qualified candidate for this position.
3. What County issues concern you the most and how will you address these issues?
I am worried about the future of SUNY Plattsburgh and what will happen if it was to close. I think another MAJOR issue facing our community is I feel we need to focus on what we can do to grow our area by ways of creating good paying jobs, and lower taxes at the same time. It is a shame that the Northern Tier has lost three major employers just to mention a few such as Nova Bus,Star-X,and Wyeth Pharmaceuticals in the early 2000’s.We need to attract industries that proudly display MADE IN AMERICA labels. This would be something Clinton County residents could be proud of. At the current moment people cannot afford to live here and we need to look at ways to make our community attractive to new businesses. The North Country Chamber of Commerce as well as other such agencies can work on ways to welcome and attract environmentally friendly production lines and services. This would positively impact everyone not only in Area 5 but the entire county. As Legislator I plan on working on these issues every possible way I can.
4. New York State’s population is declining, including here in the North Country. Many of our most talented young people leave the area for college or technical school and don’t return . Do you have any ideas how we can keep our young people in the area ?
I think most of our younger generation is looking for technical jobs in computer science as well as higher paying jobs. Traditional we have not had IT type companies here as Global Foundries or GE. And with that its very hard to lure the young people to stay. I believe most of the young people are not interested in going into manufacturing type jobs that we tend to attract here. This is a major problem and something I really want to address and research if I get elected.
Kevin J. Randall
1. Summarize your educational background, primary employment, a little about your family and past community involvement.
I am 58 years old, married to my amazing wife April of 30 years and have two wonderful children. Chelsy is a Plattsburgh City police officer and Kevin is a Union Pipe fitter/welder.
I graduated from Saranac Central High School and attended Clinton Community College where I studied Criminal justice.
I was hired by New York State Department of Corrections and served for 31 plus years primarily at Clinton. I continued my education by achieving Training instructor certification through (DCJS) Department of Criminal Justice Services & (MPTC) Municipal Police Training Council. Areas: Penal Law, Corrections law, Firearms, Chemical agents, Unarmed defensive tactics, NY State and National certification as Fire instructor #1 and many General topics. I was promoted to Sergeant and then to lieutenant Watch Commander. I served in those ranks a combined 8 1/2 years where I learned management skills. I retired in 2021.
I was elected Town Supervisor of Schuyler Falls in 2020 and to a second term in 2022 where I serve presently. My residents enjoy the second lowest tax rate in Clinton County. I’ve learned budgeting, project management, grant writing, managing multiple departments and most importantly how to serve the people I represent. My door is always open and my cell is listed on the Town Website.
I’ve been a member of Morrisonville Fire Department for 36 years. I have served as firefighter, Training officer, mentor in the youth program and multiple officer positions including Fire Chief. I am still an active member.
2. How will your background and/or successes assist you as a Clinton County Legislator?
My unique background and experience set me apart from my opponent, I will use my experience as your next County Legislator. Four years as Schuyler Falls Supervisor have given me the knowledge and experience to represent you at the County, State, and Federal levels. I have made many friendships and valuable connections working with these individuals. Applying for grant funds for projects, I’ve gained the trust and respect of many. Among them Congresswomen Stefanik, Senator Stec and County administrator Mike Zurlo. Across the aisle Senator Schumer, Senator Gillibrand and Assemblyman Jones. While working with these elected officers I’ve obtained over 9 million dollars in grants in four years. My government experience will continue to help families living in Area 5 district.
3. What County issues concern you the most and how would you address these issues?
I believe Taxes, affordable housing and new business growth are my biggest concerns. While approving budgets I will always consider the cost vs benefit to the tax payer. Budgets should be fair and balanced. New Businesses help lower taxes for the residents. I look forward to working with Rob Timmons and all the county legislators addressing concerns in my district, making sure they have a voice, and they are heard.
4. New York State’s population is declining, including here in the North Country. Many of our most talented young people leave the area for colllege or technical school and don’t return. Do you have any ideas how we can keep our young people in the area?
The Opportunity of good paying jobs, available technical training/education, reasonably priced homes and lower taxes are a must to sustain a community and state. We have seen a declining population in New York. We should work hard to retain our current businesses, bring in New Businesses, encourage private investment in housing, improve education opportunities and curb any wasteful taxpayer expense. These polices will change the dynamic, entice our young people to remain here, bring people into the area and allow our longtime residents to remain in their homes!