March 2025

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The editor is John Ryan at email: The Peru Gazette is a free community, education and information website. It is non-commercial and does not accept paid advertising.

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North Country Mission of Hope celebrates 25 years

Click here for the Press-Republican story 

Granny’s Attic Botique and Bake Sale today and tomorrow

Saturday, Sept. 30, 2023 There a nice crowd at the Peru Community church Fellowship Hall for the annual Granny’s Attic Boutique and Bake Sale. It’s on today until 4 p.m. and tomorrow, Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. It’s busy, but there’s stlll a great choice of items! AND the cookies and brownies are delicious!!!!!!

WCAX Investigates: Burlington’s intractable homeless crisis

Click here for the WCAX story 

Peru Knights begin series of pancake breakfasts (There’s much more than pancakes)

Peru CVPH Blood Drive on Monday, Oct. 9

Peru – CVPH Donor Center Blood Brive, Monday, October 9, from 3 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., at St. Augustine’s Parish Center, 3030 Main St. in Peru. 

All blood collected is utilized in our local trl-county region.  Your neighbors appreciate and need your support. 

The blood drive is coordinated by St. Augustine’s Knights of Columbus Council 7273. 

Harkness: Bouyea family wins with Atlantic Giant pumpkin

Click here for the Sun Community News story 

No criminal charges for police officer who fatally shot Saranac Lake man on June 29

Click here for the MYNBC5 story 

Tanker truck crash in the Adirondacks leaks 3,500 gallons of hazardous liquid

Click here for the NCPR story 

CVPH reinstitutes mask policy

Click here for the MYNBC5 story 

A spark that became a flame

By John T. Ryan

Heyworth Mason Park, Peru, NY- It was about two years year ago when town councilman Melvin Irwin asked Peru Middle School art teacher Greg Badger if he’d be interested in utilizing his art talents at Heyworth/Mason Park—the town needed to replace the rotting plywood covering the window of the park’s 1836-era stone building. Irwin had an idea: why not replace the plywood with paintings depicting Peru’s rich history, especially its historic buildings? Irwin recalls, “I was raised listening to stories of Peru in its glory years, especially Masons Mill and its employees.” Badger responded “yes” to Irwin’s question, so over the past several months, using black and white photographs as a source, Badger has completed twenty-seven images that are the talk of the town. He commented, “Mel was the spark that lit the flame.”

Greg Badger wasn’t interested in local history until he got involved in this project. Last year, he told the Peru Gazette, “I’ve been doing some of the paintings at school. I’m a little shocked to see how interested middle schoolers are in community history. They had many questions, especially about all the changes along Elm Street.” To answer their questions, Badger invited longtime Peru residents Sherry Dobbs and Larry Shanley into his classroom to share memories, and he even arranged to have the sessions taped for YouTube viewing.

Badger brought his easel, paints, and brushes to the Peru Town Market this summer. He recalls, “I was working on the painting of Marsha’s Pharmacy. People would come up and want to talk about it, how they went there after school for a penny candy or a root beer float.” Comments like those combined with his students’ curiosity changed Badger’s feelings about preserving local history. He explained, “When I started, my thought was to make this building pretty. Now, I’m entrenched in history. Instead of popping out a painting quickly, I’m researching, reviewing historical documents, reading books on Peru’s history, and talking to more people.” When people look at Badger’s most recent paintings, they’ll see accurate colors and details, such as the blue gas pump in front of Bosworth’s General Store and a yellow sign ‘Old Gold’ at Marsha’s Pharmacy. Now, it takes Badger about thirty hours to draw an image and compile its history versus the previous ten hours; however, he’s convinced it’s worth the effort.

There are still about ten open spots at the Heyworth-Mason Park building. Individuals, families, and businesses interested in sponsoring a painting should email Greg at or visit

Councilman Melvin Irwin is still involved. He applies a preservative coating to the paintings and climbs high on his ladder to place them in the open windows. Purchasing plywood backing and fiberboard is the only cost to the town. Sponsorships pay Badger’s time, talent, paint, and material costs. 

Granny’s Attic Boutique Sale This Saturday Sept. 30 at Peru Community Church

The Granny’s Attic Unique Boutique sale is this Saturday, September 30, from 9a – 4p, and Sunday, October 1, from 10a-2p at the Peru Community Church Fellowship Center, 13 Elm St, at the corner of Routes 22 and 22B in the heart of Peru.   All are welcome!!

A huge number and variety of items are for sale this Fall.   Uniquely included are an Air Hockey Table, vintage children’s roll-top desk, cross-stitch kits, original artwork and more.    From kitchenware, dishes & glassware to holiday decor, books, toys, games & puzzles, bed linens and blankets, to small furniture & appliances, jewelry, and picture frames — There is something for everyone!   (No clothing or computers or TVs, though…)

Doors open promptly at 9 a.m. on Saturday, September 30 (and on Sunday at 10 a.m.).   Items are priced reasonably, with most half-price on Sunday, plus an additional sale day on Friday, October 6, from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., where most everything you can fit in a shopping bag will be $2.00.

We thank the church family and greater community for donating such wonderful treasures.  Come and bring a friend to see (and buy) all the unique and interesting items available for you and your home.  All proceeds benefit the Church missions, programs, and general fund.

The Peru Community Church is celebrating over 200 years of ministry to Peru and the surrounding areas.  The church is a federation of the United Methodist and Presbyterian USA Protestant denominations. These earliest churches in Peru began in 1802-1811 (Methodist Episcopal) and 1822 (Presbyterian & Congregational).  www,  Office 518-643-8641.

Questions or need more information on the Granny’s Attic Unique Boutique sale?  Please call or text Barb Benkwitt, sale coordinator, at 518-565-6263, or email

Video: Peru Town Board Meeting of September 25, 2023

  1. Call Meeting to Order
  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  1. Roll Call
  1. MOTION/DISCUSSION:  To Accept Reports from all Departments: (Water/Sewer/Valcour; Highway; Town Clerk; Dog Control; Youth Department; Code/Zoning; Supervisor’s Report; Court; Website; JCEO; and Banking Reports.
  1. MOTION:  Acceptance of Minutes for the Public Hearing and Regular Meeting of September 11,

2023 and the Special Meeting Minutes of September 18, 2023.

  1. Community Input.
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION: Call for A Public Hearing on the Recommendation to Change a Portion of Davey Drive to Neighborhood-Commercial.
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION:   Accept Recommendation for Justin Wilson to Join the Planning Board.
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION:  Accept the Recommendation for Jane Brelia to be Reappointed to the Board of Assessment Review.
  1. DISCUSSION/MOTION: Call for A Public Hearing on October 4 at 5:45 to Pass Local Law #1 of 2023 for Flood Damage Protection.
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION:   To Accept Clinton County Health Department’s Memorandum of Understanding for WIC Clinic Services.
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION:   To Go Out to Bid for Temporary Fix on Telegraph Rd.
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION:   To Possibly Award the Bid of the Cook Rd. Culvert Project.
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION:  To Go Out to Bid for Forestry Attachment for 312 Excavator.
  1. DISCUSSION:  Other Business.
  1. DISCUSSION:  Public Comments on Agenda Items Only.
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION:  Pay September 2023 Bills.
  1. MOTION: Adjourn Meeting.


As state faces mounting deficit, Hochul tells state agencies to hold the line on spending

Click here for the WAMC story 

Chazy and Peru CV-TEC students restore historic clock face

First Presbyterian Church – Peru Gazette File Photo

Chazy Central Student Jordan Juneau

Standing next to one of the unrestored clock faces, Building and Grounds Committee Member Bob Davis said the clock the E. Howard Clock Company of Boston made the 1873 clock.

Church members after the unveiling. Very happy!

L-R Bill Merrill, Mike Drew of CV-TEC, Rollie McGree, Herb Cottrell and Bob Davis

The beautiful restored clock face takes its place in the church’s rich history.

By John T. Ryan

Plattsburgh – September 24, 2023  Members of the First Presbyterian Church gathered Sunday morning to thank CV-TEC for restoring one of the three clock faces that adorned the church’s tall spire from 1873 to 1950. Building and Grounds Committee member Bill Merrill unveiled the impressive 54-inch diameter clock face to the delight of everyone. It stood in stark contrast to the nearby unrestored face. Merrill joked that the Church was deliberate in its decision-making, having placed the three clock faces in storage for some seventy years. He thanked the church’s Building and Grounds Committee, especially Rollie McGee, who asked his neighbor Mike Drew, a CV-TEC Construction Trades Instructor if his students would be interested in the project and later coordinated the project.

Mike Drew commented, “Thank you for bringing CV-TEC into this community partnership. It was a great school project; the kids had to devise a plan. They had a lot of fun.” Drew said two students, Chazy Central student Jordan Juneau and Peru Central student Zach Harblin Bowlby, took over the project. They used sandpaper and applied polyurethane stain to the massive clock face. Jordan Juneau commented, “It was great to work on. We sanded it over about three months and tried to fix the clock hands as much as possible. It was an honor to work on it.” Zach Harbin Bowlby graduated from Peru Central last June and wasn’t present for Sunday’s presentation.

Church Pastor Rev. Dr. Timothy Luoma expressed his thanks for the CV-TEC partnership. He commented, “The restoration shows that we value those who came before us.” The restored clock face will remain in the church’s fellowship hall, where church members and visitors can reflect on it and the First Presbyterian Church’s history as Plattsburgh’s first congregation, founded in 1797. The original church burned in 1867. The church that stands today was dedicated in July 1873.

Peru – CVPH Blood Drive on Monday Octobe r9

Peru – CVPH Donor Center Blood Brive, Monday, October 9, from 3 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., at St. Augustine’s Parish Center, 3030 Main St. in Peru. 

All blood collected is utilized in our local trl-county region.  Your neighbors appreciate and need your support. 

The blood drive is coordinated by St. Augustine’s Knights of Columbus Council 7273. 


  1. Call Meeting to Order
  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  1. Roll Call 
  1. MOTION/DISCUSSION:  To Accept Reports from all Departments: (Water/Sewer/Valcour; Highway; Town Clerk; Dog Control; Youth Department; Code/Zoning; Supervisor’s Report; Court; Website; JCEO; and Banking Reports.
  1. MOTION:  Acceptance of Minutes for the Public Hearing and Regular Meeting of September 11, 

2023 and the Special Meeting Minutes of September 18, 2023.

  1. Community Input.
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION: Call for A Public Hearing on the Recommendation to Change a Portion of Davey Drive to Neighborhood-Commercial. 
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION:   Accept Recommendation for Justin Wilson to Join the Planning Board. 
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION:  Accept the Recommendation for Jane Brelia to be Reappointed to the Board of Assessment Review.
  1. DISCUSSION/MOTION:  Call for A Public Hearing on October 4 at 5:45 to Pass Local Law #1 of 2023 for Flood Damage Protection. 
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION:   To Accept Clinton County Health Department’s Memorandum of Understanding for WIC Clinic Services.
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION:   To Go Out to Bid for Temporary Fix on Telegraph Rd.
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION:   To Possibly Award the Bid of the Cook Rd. Culvert Project. 
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION:  To Go Out to Bid for Forestry Attachment for 312 Excavator.
  1. DISCUSSION:  Other Business.
  1. DISCUSSION:  Public Comments on Agenda Items Only.
  1. RESOLUTION/DISCUSSION:  Pay September 2023 Bills.
  1. MOTION: Adjourn Meeting.

Plattsburgh rap duo goes viral after making song about Stewart’s Chocolate Milk

Click here for the MYNBC5 story 

Lake Champlain Research Institute implementing $2M in environmental grants

Funding will pay for a new research vessel and graduate and undergraduate assistants

Click here for the Sun Community News story 

Here’s how to get new COVID-19 tests for free

Click here for the MYNBC5 story 

Hochul announces Free Fishing Day this Saturday, September 23

Click here for the NCPR story 

Ross to be new anchor tenant for Plattsburgh’s Champlain Centre

It will occupy former Best Buy location

Click here for the story 

Stefanik sues Hochul over mail-in voting expansion

Click here for the Adirondack Daily Enterprise story 

Winning Powerball lotto ticket worth $50K sold in Plattsburgh

Click here for the MSN story 

Girls Night Out on Oct. 10

New legislation protects consumers from surprise energy bill price hikes

Ensures energy service companies obtain consent from consumers prior to price increases

Click here for the Sun Community News story