Anderson Falls Heritage Society presents: Underground Railroad in the North Country: Then and Now
Wednesday, August 16, 2023
7:00 PM
Keeseville Fire Department
8 Pleasant Street, Keeseville, NY
Free Admission– Public Welcome!
Program Summary: The North Country was integral to the Underground Railroad, the secretive network that guided people to freedom, before the Civil War. This presentation starts in the late eighteenth century with freedom seekers, moves into the twentieth century with Chinese Americans and ends in the twentieth-first century with individuals seeking a better way of life. Attendees will learn about individuals who came through the Lake Champlain region, those who helped or hindered their travels, and the outcome of their Underground Railroad experience.
Guest Speaker:
JACQUELINE MADISON is the President of the North Country Underground Railroad Historical Association which oversees the North Star Underground Railroad Museum. Jackie has degrees in Chemistry and in Library and Information Management. She is the President of the Women’s Rights Alliance of NYS , is a Vietnam Veteran. a Rotarian, and a member in Delta Kappa Gamma and Phi Kappa Phi. In 2022, she received the Outstanding Librarian Award for the North Country. In 2023, she will be receiving the Woman of Distinction award. (518) 834-9219
Posted: August 12th, 2023 under Adirondack Region News, Border News, Community Events, Northern NY News, Peru/Regional History.
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